Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pent Up Demand

Mistress and Slave missed their Monday morning wake-up sex because we had to drive our cute Co-Ed to the airport early yesterday morning.

That can put us into a cranky mood. On the drive back to our hideaway, Mistress pointed out how much she was hoping our other house guests would be off the premises when we got home, so there would be no need to stifle her expressions of passion.

"I'm looking forward to some walking around the house naked, ride your cock action, Slave".

But what were the chances?

When we got home my other daughter and the son-in-law were all curled up on the couch, fire blazing, working on their computers. Despite the blazing sunshine, and my offer of the car keys in case they wanted to visit a local museum or gallery, they were settled in and inclined to go no where fast. They were camped out only about 8 feet from our bedroom wall.

What to do?

Mistress took her laptop out onto the patio, and I joined her for a while, catching up to some work emails.

But the sexual tension could no be denied much longer.

By about 4 pm we announced we were "taking a nap". And to dampen any ambient noise, we turned a CD on in our bedroom. Hopefully the mellow folkie notes covered up the sounds of our fucking.

After I worshiped away for a few Mistress cums, she gave me the long awaited permission to fuck her.

"Wow. Slave. That's a very hard cock!"

"What did you expect, Mistress.... it's been almost 36 hours!"


  1. One of the negatives of having Family Home for the Holiday's.
    Happy New Year.

  2. WC here

    36 hours!!!

    Is that a record???


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