Monday, December 9, 2013

Mistress and Slave Diverted

It seems that whenever Slave foolishly books our flights through Colorado there is a foul up.

I deserve to be punished, don't I.

On the way out there was a 6 hour delay due to a snow storm in Donkey land.

Then today, we were doing fine, heading to Colorado Springs. We even saw some beautiful wild horses, grazing at the side of the road. Maybe that was an omen that we should slow down and admire the beautiful views, the way those horses  were.

But as we approached Colorado Springs, the little automated voice for United kept calling that our flight from COS was delayed. By the time I turned on the rental car, it was so delayed that there was no way we were making our connection in Houston to River City.

Not to be deterred, I talked the United rep to book us on a direct flight out of Denver later this evening. But how to make that 92 mile trip to DIA?

I remembered that UCTMW Enterprises has a leased Hummer used by our western correspondent to suss out fast breaking stories of prurient interest to our world wide readership.

Mistress was immediately onto it via text with the WC/

Could he bring the UCTMW Hummer down I-25 to rescue us?  There was plenty of time.

But the news was not good.

As the WC tells the story, the UCTMW Hummer is in the shop being "detailed". Apparently a drum of his high end lubricant burst in the back seat during the recent cold snap.

"He says it's quite a mess, Slave."

No doubt. But that got me wondering ..... Why is UCTMW also paying for that heated garage for the Hummer if the sucker's parked out in sub-zero weather with a drum of overpriced lubricant? Late night at the ranch?

So we were forced to rent a car, and make our own way up I-25. Now we're waiting for another delayed flight, but at least no connection to make. If only all the shops weren't filled with all that PFM stuff!


  1. WC here

    Funny Mick

    Those wild horses are really something arent they?

    I see from the headlines on our local rag that the pot shops are racing to open on January 1

    I am very interested to see how that goes

    I believe this will be the first place in the good old USA that you can just walk in and buy pot products if you are 21

    They sell not only pot but pot brownies, candy, drops, food basically anything they can put it in

    The feds came in a couple of weeks ago and busted some of the budding businessmen

    Jack booted thugs!

    Even, or especially, our right wing gun nuts are pissed off along with the pots smoking crowd

    Its a strange world

    Oh and as for the heated garage.......

    Had to park the hummer outside.....

    Thus causing the lube to burst

    It really ws quite a mess....

    Cause well

    Had to put the UCTMW snow machines in the Garage

    Had a big trip planned to rock the snow machines on Vail pass the next day

    And Ms WC balks at sitting on a cold seat......

    But funny thing happened on the way to Vail pass

    We piled the clothes in the back of the hummer

    Then the lubes thawed out and

    Well we have very slippery clothes

    Ms WC kept sliding off her machine

    She was very anoyed to say the least


    Enclosed please find a dry cleaning bill as well....

    Oh BTW we heard there was a nudist collony up on Vail pass and were going to check it out for UCTMW

    But we found it was only open in the Summer

    Who would have thought?

    The forgot his notebook anyway


  2. So did you and Molly ever get home, Mick? What's the rest of the story?

    As far as WC's lube explosion, are you certain he didn't park the Hummer in The Ranch parking lot, open one of the vats of lube himself, then sell tickets for people to use the back of the Hummer like the adult version of a Slip and Slide?

    Bill and I would like to know the relocation policy of UCTMW. With a Hummer, The Ranch, pot available legally, a nudist colony, and unlimited lube, it sounds like our kind of place!

    Your Southern Correspondent and Director of Security,
    Donna and Bill

  3. WC here

    It is the land of milk and honey Donna!

    And Mick before you blow a gasket abut the dry cleaning bill

    Remember first class journalism desn't come cheap

    The will be sure to hire a helecopter next summer to bring a full roport of the nudist camp to the pages of UCTMW


  4. Hummers, helicopters, heated garages, ski chalets in Vail, etc. UCTMW Enterprises has put good old American Corporate Greed on full display on these pages. Shameful.


  5. WC here

    You forgot the snow machines Suzanne....


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