Friday, January 3, 2014

Free at Last (For a While).

Slave finally dumped his lovely older daughter and son-in-law at the airport yesterday. It was nice to spend time with both of them, but it seemed like a very long visit, that denied Mistress her normal freedom to roam the house au natural, and for both of us to engage in the freedom we typically enjoy to take liberties with one another.

When I arrived home, Mistress was sitting in the blazing sun on our front "portal", doing some work, then greeted me in the driveway.

As you can imagine it did not take us long to shed our clothes, fall into one another's arms and take all those misplaced liberties. Use 'em or lose 'em!

Unfortunately our liberty will not last long. With bad weather hurtling our way, and about 1300 miles to cover back to River City, we may have to get our asses in gear a little more quickly than we had originally  planned. And there we will find one of out cute Co-Eds, who has one of those ridiculously long winter breaks that will extend until just about the end of the month.

What's with these colleges..... they seem to have more breaks and recesses than actual school days during the year. What are aging depraved parents supposed to do?

1 comment:

  1. Very funny Mick.

    If I really thought that the American system of higher education was contributing to a lack of sex in the Collins household I'd lobby vigorously for a longer school year.

    But I don't, so I won't.

    The thinks Mick and Molly can survive sexually as things stand now,



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