Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Answers Some Fan Mail

 Mistress is off to the Big Apple at a very early hour in the morning, and her Slave will be taxiing her to the airport. I really don't like the thought of her driving in the dark and rain and finding her way to the local airport so early. Nor do I like the idea of ehr having to drive home after a very long day.  (The only thing lacking is appropriate livery garb). 

Luckily, Donna passed on the following post for me to share with you, passing on some advice garnered from her visit to La Domaine:

The La Domaine series I was writing for UCTMW came to a rather abrupt halt with the side trip of Mick and Molly into the Sex Blogger Protection Program, so it never really came to a logical conclusion. Today I received an email with a question from someone who had read the series, looked around at FetLife, looked at the website and is planning a visit to La Domaine. I think the answer I gave to Mr. Texas' question sums up my feelings about La Domaine quite well and brings the series full circle.

Re: Mistress Collette

From: Mr Texas
To: Donna
I love your writings of your visit to La Domaine. My wife and I are planning a trip there for a couples training long weekend. Any insight or thoughts you may have would be appreciated.

To: Mr Texas

I am so pleased for you both! If your experience is anything like mine, it will be an adventure that enriches the vanilla segments of your life as well as the BDSM segments.

From the outside, La Domaine is an attractive, medium sized home located off the beaten path in a beautiful wooded area of Upstate New York. It is the people, the experience and the dungeon facilities that are all far from ordinary and, to my mind, completely over the top.

The people, Master R, Mistress Collette, the Masters and Mistresses in Training, along with the slaves, are serious about BDSM. These are not Johnny Come Lately, game playing people. These are people who know the history of S&M and who have been part of the lifestyle for most of their lives. They easily recognize the psychological situations and inclinations of their guests, and will do everything they possibly can to meet the wants and needs of you and your wife, probably including a few you don't yet know that you have.

The food, the wine, the conversation are beyond compare. Do not be concerned about the large round table in the living area when you first enter La Domaine, you will find that some of the most interesting, open, intense, frank, and informative discussions you would ever hope to have will take place around that table. And when it comes time to dine, Master will prepare the most extraordinary food and serve amazing wines at that same table. Usually the slaves sit on the floor at their Masters' feet, but not having attended a  Couples Retreat, I cannot say with any certainty what the slaves' situation will be on your upcoming trip. If you are insanely fortunate, Master R may provide a bit of music as the evening progresses.

While you can see much of the dungeon on their website, nothing prepares you for the care and attention that has gone into the dungeon. I think that probably anything you might be able to dream up and fantasize about can be beautifully handled in the dungeon. I continue to dream, literally dream, about all the additional things I would like to do there. From roping and suspension, to different postures and equipment of flogging; from the massage area to the slave's cage, there are rooms and alcoves of scene after scene along with the tools and costumes necessary for those scenes or learning experiences. You will find every possible heft and weight of paddle, whip or flogger and then there are dildos, sounds, butt plugs, assorted nipple clamps, the electrical stimulators, and more. And the really cool thing is that there are experienced people right there ready, willing and anxious to help you with your experiences, ready to teach you how to handle any situation that might possibly arise in the most safe and effective manner, according to what you desire.

My advice is to be as honest, direct and open in your questionnaire and phone interviews as you possibly can, to keep an open mind, and then allow Mistress Collette and Master R to lead you to an experience you will cherish.

If I have not answered your question completely, please let me know and I will try again.

Best wishes for an outstanding adventure,


  1. Beautiful, Donna. Makes me want to go too. And actually, i'm still hoping to hear more about your personal experiences there.

    Mick, hope your Mistress has a good trip!


  2. aisha, You are so cute, always on the lookout for more detains. Considering all that I have shared here at UCTMW, we will leave to your very active imagination what I might have felt prudent to withhold.

    Have a safe trip, Molly!


  3. absolutely a delightful summation, finished the tale with your customary blend of information and darned fine writing!

    i think about your experiences there. i'm not totally sure i'd have had the same experience, since, (don't laugh)...i'm pretty shy..at least inside i am.

    i'm thinking of adding it to my bucket list.


  4. Thank you, nilla! A compliment on my writing from someone who writes with the your pizazz and style goes right to my heart!

    When we met face to face, I could tell you are a bit shy, but there is a wild-child all set to let loose there, girl! I suspect that just as you weren't really shy with Bill and me, you would be comfortable enough with the people at La Domaine to not have a problem at all.

    And just imagine how much fun your Master would have using all the toys and equipment on you! Woo-hoo!

    Love you,

  5. Very nice and hot post Donna,

  6. Very nice post Donna. I think tammy might benefit at some point from a visit to LD, perhaps as a party slave :)



  7. Oh Suzanne, I think tammy would be great at that!



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