Friday, November 18, 2011

Headed North...

Yesterday Mistress was able to make her way over to my office to meet me for lunch, as well as a little pre-meal appetizer. While we can still drive to work together as our schedule allows, her new office is on the periphery of River City's downtown, so it's a little too far to walk for some impromptu sexual indulgence, particularly when the weather gets cold, as it has here this week.

As a result, it's more of an occasional "event", for her to stop by the office and allow me to fall to my knees and soak my face with her juices.  She had a form fitting black dress on yesterday, some conventional black tights, and black boots on for her visit. So after I pulled her "throne" into place, and placed it against the door, I got to watch her hitch her dress up, shimmy out of one leg of those tights, and remove a single boot to give her Slave access.

Slave does get into a bit of a zone when I'm there on my knees, crushed between her thighs, savoring her addictive sauce. So I lost track of time a bit, in a daze, until her hips jerked several times, as she stifled her moan of delight. I kept at it though, until she pushed my head back, satisfied, at least for the moment.

Standing now before her, I savored that cheshire cat grin that reflects her satisfaction with the moment. 

Truly delicious.

After work we headed to our gym, then came home to pack for our weekend excursion.  We are headed north, to my alma mater, for the final home game of the season.  Their opponent is a team that hales from the region of the country where Suzanne, Jay and Tammy at All Mine call home. And earlier this fall we had extended an invitation for them to join us. We even had potential wagers in mind. But, alas.... they are pretty busy this fall, but we will be thinking of them as our respective teams take the field.  Maybe next year, particularly if our sullen teen #2 ends up heading in their direction for college.

We will be staying at a local B & B, about a block from the beach on a Great Lake, and about a 40 minute drive from the stadium. Muy Romantico. And I've already packed an assortment of toys to keep us amused.

As we looked at the weather map we had some planning to consider. Should we take our bikes for exercise.... to me the prospects are pretty grim. Highs below 50, blustery, maybe some rain. Sounds like we'd be better advised to leave the bikes at home, and just bundle up for a walk on the beach.

Mistress seems inclined to follow my advice on this. But if it turns out we have biking weather, Slave could be due a punishment.

Do you think I should also pack her riding crop?


  1. Beautiful post. It looks like you're all set for a great weekend. A ball game and the potential to keep personal balls in play, both sound good to me.

    About the riding crop, Bill's motto is "Don't Leave Home Without It". But maybe I misbehave a little bit more than you do?


  2. O, I would say yes on the riding crop - wouldn't want to not have it at hand if she asks for it!

    And, um, you know, I actually gave you a VBA award, but don't feel like you have to do anything with it, right? Just wanted you to know that you're way, way high on my favorite blog list, always and forever.



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