Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inside UCTMW.... the HR Function

One of the roles that this humble Slave plays here at UCTMW is attempting to manage our burgeoning "staff". As you cans see from the masthead, we recently added Francois as our occasional  Chef and IT Director. But there are others who have been around a little longer.

The WC.... well as you can tell if you've been following us for long.... his lack of productivity is rather shocking, but not in comparison to his ritualistic abuse of the company credit card. I mean how many drums of high end lubricant can a man go through in 6 months? I understand there may be more surface to cover, what with that special occasion cock. But still....

And both Molly and Mick have done their best to stimulate more editorial contributions. Alas, we think there is some type of writer's block at work that may require us to negotiate some sort of  early retirement package. Either that, or M may never have learned to type with one hand, since his other hand usually has other things on it's mind.

But to his credit, the WC did author what remains the 2nd most viewed posting here at UCTMW... his tutorial on ass fucking that has a link to the right. So we will let him cruise on his past glories, something we should all be entitled to do as those glory years fade. (At least until some young stud Mitt Romney wannabee and his venture capitol firm takes over UCTMW and cleans house, outsourcing our work to some deviants hunkered down in some nondescript apartment block in Indonesia or Serbia).

On the other hand, our Senior Correspondent is a model employee. Creative. Curious. Always pitching new story ideas. I wouldn't exactly say she's a suck up. (I'll leave that to her Husband, Bill). As it turns out she has caught the eye of other sex blog media empires, and recently received an offer to "take over" a blog with a substantial following. I may have to dust off the non-compete I had her sign when she started here about a year ago.... but then there is that pesky thing about "no consideration". Let's hope that she will at least consider all the fringe benefits we provide before she is tempted to move onto to greener pastures.

Bill, our Director of  Security, International is efficient, if a little over zealous.  When we had that recent security breach (not his fault, bu the way, we should have paid closer attention to his warnings about screening all visitors to the World HQ), I had to dissuade Bill from engaging some of his old pals from Mossad who had planned a little rendition op that would have resulted in the potential "leak" spending the rest of her days in some sort of squalid POW camp in an undisclosed location.

Francois has been a nice new addition. But I may need to have him make a house call soon. His IT expertise is in demand.

A little concerned about Monday night's incident with the cock caged Mick popping up among Mistress's photos of Polish sausages and public squares, I decided to spend some time on the computer to make sure that a similar embarrassment would not occur should Mistress elect to show her photos to out of town relatives on Thanksgiving.

As a certain swaggering Texas Governor might say, "Oops."

What did I find? plenty of photos of my reddened ass, cocks of various shames, dimensions and states of attention, plenty of clean shaven folds from many angles. It seems that the photos Mistress has on her I-phone have remigrated back to our large screen home computer, even though I ahd taken great pains in the past to delete them.

I had to spend 40 minutes of so going back, deleting them multiple times.  All those porn shots seem to take a life of their own once they enter the "Cloud".  And while there might be worse ways to go, I can imagine the reaction my old cranky Mom would have when while watching a slide show of Eastern European sights, she sees her 61 year old son's cock in a steel cage.

Francois.... HELP!


  1. All
    Happy Thanksgiving friends and fans! So I worked about 12 hours yesterday and then took beautiful surly teen one to Costco. She and I returned home and I then learned of slaves adventures with our main computer. He actually kind of scolded me re: the proliferation of cocks an cunts. It may not be such a happy thanksgiving for him.

  2. Bonjour Mick

    Yes I will drop by to disable the cloud......I do enjoy putting molly into the clouds, but not the music!

    I had a rough night with my side kick! Been at it the whole night, every darn hour! I am exhausted! This is worse than instructing fresh meat!

    A bientôt

    Francois aka EuroTrash

  3. Bill, Dir. of Security and Special Sales, UCTMWNovember 23, 2011 at 10:03 AM

    Mick, We did not have plans for an out of the way POW camp! We had plans to set up a private sale to a certain desert ruler who thinks American girls are nice. Would you please read the memo's!

  4. Suck Up? Me? Why, you handsome, intelligent and awesome man, what in the world would make you think I'm a suck-up? Not little-ol' me!

    Bill says I am a marvelous suck-up in the carnal sense of the word, and that I also have a special gift for disguising myself as a mild mannered, non-carnal suck-up to get what I want from others. Hmm, a moment of self-reflection brings me to admit that is probably true.

    And, btw, did you happen to notice that Bill took it upon himself to change his title a bit. I don't want you to think he is selling slaves, just offering them as gifts, so to speak, There's a world of difference. Just ask Cheney.

    The UCTMW Suck-Up,

  5. Very, very, funny post Mick,

    And Bill,

    Very funny and clever post too!

    I like your idea better,


    Its way hotter!

    I'm sure Donna agrees,

    Now Donna

    I would never say my beloved coworker is a suck up


    Maybe a little:)

    Now I see Mick is going all lawyer on us and bringing up no consiteration

    Trust me there are all diferent types of consiteration

    Doesn't take much

    We will find something

    Stingy as Mick is,

    I know that doesn't make any sense but thought it was funny

    And yes Molly that was scolding and a serious infraction, calling for harsh measures

    I recomend consulting with Suzanne and/or Ms Marie re: suitable punishment

    I will send Suzanne a note right now telling her that her services are needed over her at UCTMW asap,

    My two cents worth

    Perhaps the rock and shoe horn:)

    Well Mick,

    Looks like I better produce some copy,

    I will endevor to produce another tutorial re: proper slave positions,

    And finally Fransois,

    My dear friend,

    To bad you have to go to all that hard work to train the fresh meat


    It will be worth all the hard work ing the end,

    The prefers aged meat himself,


  6. Well Mick, you guys have assembled quite the staff. I'm one of those who thoroughly enjoyed the WC's tutorial posting but I have to agree that he's pretty much exhausted the mileage on that one. There has to be plenty of kinky material on that guy's mind that he'd be willing to share.

    I didn't know Donna's editorial services were on the market? Hmmmmm! You should know that any non-compete clause can be negotiated right?

    A Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your readers!




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