Friday, April 19, 2013

Gee, Thanks, Suzanne.

Mistress and Slave had one of those priceless empty nest evenings last night. We both snuck  out of work a little earlier, found our ways home and then took a nice bike ride on our hills and valleys before thunderstorms moved into the neighborhood.

Mistress had to leave the house early this AM, so there was a little pent-up sexual demand here in the executive suite to discharge before we settled into a little pre-dinner nap.

But when we woke, and before Slave grilled some chicken for dinner, Slave brought up the subject of the morning's blog and Suzanne's comment, bringing up her frequent theme in recent weeks.

"She's right, Slave.... maybe you do need more cage time. And since I'm staying home tomorrow, it seems like a good time to start."

So Slave's up this AM, with that tight metal ring already seated at the base of my cock and balls. At least there will be time for some wake-up six here before Slave goes into "lock-down" for the day.

Who says we don't pay attention to reader feedback?

Speaking of "lockdown", it's a little scary watching the news coverage from Boston this AM. We wish all of you well there, and hope you can hunker down and wait until the bad guys are off the streets. 

The word is "shelter in place". So Stay home. Sleep in. Have sex. Peruse the sex blogs. Let the professionals do their jobs.


  1. Mick,

    You're very welcome. Like you, I'm always happy to provide good advice :)

    Enjoy your day. It would also be nice if you provided Mistress with some of that outstanding oral attention when you get home tonight (still locked of course), thanking her for a nice day in the cage.

    We're doing OK here. A terrible reason to get a day off though.


  2. It's for the best, Mick, being locked up, that is. At least, that's what CH tells me.

  3. You finally did it Suzanne!!!!!


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