Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Two-fer Tuesday

With kids at home and Mistress's job getting a little out of whack, I think we've let down those of you who see Mick and Molly as role models for profligate sex. No, we may not have the "marathon" sessions here at the UCTMW World HQ that occur over at J's "Love Shack". But in the past we have been none for our training camp two a day regime. Not so much these last few weeks though.

But for those of you concerned that old Mick may be sliding down hill, yesterday was a lovely example that I'm not quite on the far side yet.

Of course, there was the 6:30 am wake up booty call, before we climbed on our bikes for a cool morning ride on our neighborhood hills.

But then we had a little surprise last evening.

We arrived home planning on some quick worship, and then making dinner for our girls.

But SURPRISE: they had actually organized themselves into a trip to the movies with another friend.

Can you see our sad look of disappointment when we learned the little "divas in training" had decided to forsake their parents' company for an evening out?

We tried to hide our glee until they left, then settled into a perfect evening at home in our temporarily evacuated nest:  I worked Mistress's clean shaven folds with my lips and tongue until she came with a moan and shudder of delight. Then she turned her attention to my cock, teasing and taunting it with her skilled mouth until she had me begging for the privilege to fuck her.

Fortunately, she was indulgent.

After that, a short nap, and the dinner we had planned, but just for the two of us, watching some escapist TV: Political Animals . Hardly Pulitizer material. More low brow Aaron Spelling material for political junkies. But plenty of guitly pleasure fun to watch in a post sexual buzz.

It was a nice, "night off" for Mistress and Slave, showing the potential for getting back into a more robust sexual groove once we have the UCTMW World HQ back to ourselves in a few short weeks.

It's also good Slave got his quota in yesterday because tonight Mistress will be spending the evening with her Lover over at his "love shack" while I take on the grim but obligatory task of taking my mother to dinner so she can see her two granddaughters.

"Is it bad that I'm abandoning you guys with only a two weeks to go before they leave Slave."

"No Mistress .... it makes good sense.  You've paid your dues big time. Do you think J would mind if I tagged along...."


  1. Dear Molly and Mick, it sounds like you are both ready to be empty nesters again. Way to go on the Two-fer Tuesday.

  2. Mick... You may be getting to be an old fart like me, but it's plain to see that you haven't started the downhill slide... yet.

  3. So, when was the last time you didn't have a "two-fer"?????



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