Saturday, August 11, 2012

Football Widow?

Last night I took our sullen teen and cute Co-Ed to the first pre-season football game of the year here in River City.  Our pussycats looked like predatory jungle cats for a change, feasting on the Big Apple's second best team, and adding fuel to their budding QB controversy.

In the meanwhile, Mistress was spending the evening with her Lover, J. Plans for a bike ride gave way to an evening at a local bar, where apparently a woman who proclaimed she was "straight" was fawning over Mistress.

"Was she pining for a three way, Mistress?"

"That's what J said, Slave .... but we didn't take her up on it...."

No, instead it seemed they headed home for enough sexual action that Mistress came home with a sore back.

Poor Mistress.

In any event, it seemed that J was a little regretful he didn't join us at the football game. 

"He sort of asked if he could join you for some games later this season, Slave.... "

But what will Mistress do on Sundays this season if both of her "penii" are at the Stadium rather than in bed with her?

I had an idea.

"I suppose you could go back to Ashley Madison with a new posting....something like "Domme available Sunday afternoons during NFL season".... I suspect you might draw some attention...."

"I think for now the two of you will keep me satisfied Slave....but don't press your luck."


  1. lol. Poor Molly. Maybe we can have a girl afternoon and get pedicures and think up evil stuff to do to our men after the game.

  2. Sin:
    agree...unlike Suzanne (whom I adore) I can't take on any more lovers (male or female.) these two keep me plenty busy. I plan to spend my football sundays tending to my beauty needs and watching bad chic tv!

  3. I'm back down to two lovers Molly, and you're right, they do keep me plenty busy. The football thing might work out. We all need time alone. You'll get a break and know that your two guys are somewhere with only a small chance of getting into trouble. You could even lock them up for the afternoon ;)


  4. Why do people go to the stadiums when you can see better on the television or computer screen in your own living room, and you can make love with however many people you want to during the replays and half-time show. Look at that photo; looks like an ant colony down there.

    The not so into stadiums-


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