Monday, August 6, 2012

Cross Examination

We've been way too busy today. Which explains the lack of a blog post this AM. When the alarm goes off at 6:15 am, you can bet old Slave will be sidled up against Mistress in bed, rather than working on a morning entry.

The sad part is that I did have some "action" to report on.

I used my switch privileges to full advantage to "cross examine" Mistress about her adventures with her lover on Saturday over at the "love nest".

First she was tied to the bed, tummy down. arms spread wide in her red leather cuffs.

I applied some firm spanks to her ass, between some clever questioning techniques to get to the bottom of all the sucking, fucking and fondling that went on over there after their bike ride.

There was a shared shower -- Mistress no doubt having various body parts fondled by her lover.

Then a hour of cock riding, cunt licking, cock sucking and other activities that Mistress describes as "very athletic". J seems to enjoy the stand at the side of the bed and thrust aggressively stance, which no doubt sends Mistress into a frenzy.

It's nice that she has lovers with different styles of love making, don;t you think.

And once I got the full tawdry story, I figured she deserved a reward for her candor.

The trusty power tool - our Hitachi Magic Wand -  was within reach, under our bed.  So it was easy enough to thumb it on and slide it under her luscious ass.

It's always amusing to watch Mistress squirm and writhe against that churning buld, building herself up to a frenzy where there is no turning back.

"Remember, Mistress... you need to ask permission...."

I think I surprised her, because she was oh so close.

"Can I come, Slave?"

"Not yet, Mistess...."

This was, obviously, a surprise.

"What do you mean....."

The oozing frustration in her tone was .... amusing.

"Just hold on a little longer, Mistress..... I bet you can."

There was a little moan of frustration. Her hips slowed a bit in their dance with the power tool. But not for long.

"Now can I come Slave.....?"

"Not yet, love...."

Another frustrated moan.  So Slave got indulgent.

"Ok, Mistress.... gor for it...."

And she did.... cycling through one cum, backing off a bit, and then going off big time with another one. It was only after the "after shocks" rattled through her that she was begging me to turn the tool off.

Poor Mistress.... sexual overload.

Rest assured, before we were done, Slave made sure he took his own pleasure from his Mistress too.


  1. Nice to see you made up for the lack of "morning news" with a very nice "evening edition."

    Also, glad you didn't have to get into any of those Guantanamo interrogation techniques. That would be a bit over the top.


  2. The Hitachi is a powerful influencer...

  3. Ahh... that was an excellent ride. thanks!

  4. Ha! I remember a scene in a book (not an erotica book, exactly, but close) where the woman being interrogated eventually moans 'But I've told you everything'. And the interrogator points out there is always more to say, because every answer invites another question. And if she doesn't know the answer, she should make one up - preferably one that will excite the interrogator...

  5. :)

    Great turn-about Mick...and there is something so incredibly intense about ones "master" (for the day, the hour, or lifetime) delaying one's makes the cum so much more fun....the release so much more explosive!

    BTW...that is a *lovely* shot of your mistress...i love the soft-focus of it...



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