Friday, March 23, 2012


Mistress plans were hijacked a bit last night. We had scheduled a bike ride at the end of the day - at around 7 pm - after Mistress met briefly for drinks with a client.

You may remember some references to him a few weeks ago -- the guy who bit on a contract with Mistress's agency after she deployed her considerable domme-ish charms.  So he had suggested they meet for a drink after work last night to discuss how things were going.

I had a sense that this might be more than a casual business drink, based on the stories I had heard about their past encounter, but wished Mistress well.

At a little before seven, I got the first call.

"You better go for your ride yourself Slave.... this is taking longer than I thought. He's brought along his girlfriend (the guy's also married) and it's pretty strange...."

As it turns out Mistress made it home around 8 pm, slightly tipsy from "the expensive champagne this guy was buying".

As Mistress stripped away her wok cloths she was ranting about the crazy.

"So at some point the girlfriend fades away...."

"What was she like?"

"OK... maybe in her 20's."

"And how old is he?"

"Maybe 41.... and kind of short, Slave..... you know that's an issue for me."

"I kept saying I had to go.... he said don't waste the expensive bubbly...."

Was he coming onto you.....

"At this point he was insisting that I drink more and go to dinner with him..... after that, who knows?"

"And he wouldn't take no for an answer?"

"He even said if I didn't go to dinner with him he might pull the contract.... he said the only reason he signed with us was because he was so 'drawn' to me...."

See, Mistress is spewing pheromones all over.... creating chaos wherever she goes.

Hopefully that "threat" was just a reflection of this guy's desperation, rather than a real  promise of reprisal.

It got me thinking, "What would Don Draper Do?" -- Don is the anti-hero of the MadMen series, about 60's guys and gals in a Madison Ave. Ad Agency with their rather archiac mores about sexual harassment and transactional sex.

So if Don (or his female colleague Peggy for that matter) had been pressured for sex to keep a good customer relationship, would they have gone a long for the ride.  Oh wait.... it seems there have been several times when that's exactly what happened on the show. When it does, we all roll our eyes and comment on how antiquated those days were.

And yet here we are in 2012.... and Mistress is getting hit on by a client who would like nothing more than kneel at her feet and discover the intoxicating pleasures of her clean shaven folds.

After Mistress disrobed, she picked up the phone to check-in with J and describe her rather dumbfounding experience. I won't go into all the details of the events that ensued, but it did seem to leave J a little desperate back at his house, and Mistress with a few well deserved cums courtesy of my loving lips and tongue and fingers.

And we have an appointment to all get together here Sunday evening to watch the kick-off for the new season of MadMen. Mick will cook risotto, and Mistress had promised to introduce J to the pleasure of being bound to one of the sullen teen's empty beds as she demonstrates how she uses the power tool to pleasure herself.

Poor J..... I'm not sure he knows what he's gotten himself into.


  1. The dinner thing was interesting and weird. As for J, I'd bet he doesn't know what he's gotten himself into! Molly is beyond most men's wildest imagining, i would think!


  2. Sounds like Sunday is going to be an interesting "switch" day!


  3. Sounds like this guy is trying to top from the bottom in manipulating Molly for the contract.

    How about bringing another person from the office along next time to "help explain the nuances of the contract"; a woman who is all business but would have agreed in advance to reach over and pinch his butt hard every time he stares at Molly. He might like it, but I doubt he would want to explain the bruises to his girlfriend or wife.

    Contract or no, I sure as shooting wouldn't go any further with a creep like that.

    Molly is a beautiful woman and looks amazing in her boots. He can fantasize all he wants but he is obligated to treat her as the business professional she is! And if he gets away with treating Molly this way, he will only continue with other women less prepared to handle his shit.



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