Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday Goes Into OT in River City

It was election day here in River City yesterday, and an early morning appointment and our need to vote before work made it impossible  for Mistress and Slave to have their typical wake up booty call.

It left poor Slave a little on edge and horny for the rest of the day, something I whined about to Mistress via text message.

"Awwww.... poor Slave.... suck it up", was the tone of her less than sympathetic response.

Adding to my frustration, Mistress had an evening appointment downtown, that meant we would not head home until after 8 pm. I had plenty of work to do. But the fact that she stopped by my office to toy with my increasingly hungry cock made it all the more frustrating.

"Boy,  that is hard down there, Slave.  But I wouldn't want to muss my lipstick with a quick blow job, no matter how desperate you are."

Finally, at home at around 9 pm, Slave was given some relief.  But Mistress insisted I insert my device - the Aneros, to assure she had the extra hard cock that pleases her so.  I made sure that she had a nice starter cum courtesy of my lips and tongue before persuading her that it was time for me to take my long delayed reward.

Ahhhh.  After she had granted me permission to cum, I returned the favor with a little assist from her favorite power tool. It was a special dessert for her generosity.

After the important events of the evening had concluded, I switched on the TV to monitor the primary returns. I was pulling for the crazy GOP candidate, rather than the smug and well funded one, if only to extend this bloodletting into the spring.  But by our typical "lights out" time, the results were still "too close to call". 

I had a feeling where this was heading, but when I happened to wake up at around 3 am, I was unable to resist the urge to confirm my suspicions. Flipping open the laptop, I verified that the guy who carries his dog on the roof of the car had slipped by the guy in the doggy sweater in the last batch of returns.


By now Mistress was awake and we discussed the results. But that discussion some how morfed into Slave sucking on the nearest lovely nipple. And, as you might expect, one thing led to another in the executive suite.

Somehow I think Slave got luckier after those Ohio results came in than Rick, Newt or Mitt did.


  1. The real winner seem to have been President Obama.

    So if Molly teases you through the week, does that have a bearing on how much you might tease her on switch day?


  2. I'm here in Canada, watching what's happening on the political front in the US. Our politicians seem to be such dull, stodgy sorts, while you Americans have this group of entertaining, yet scary individuals who make reading the daily news from south of the border so much fun. It's like reality TV, but better (worse??) I wonder when someone will create the equivalent of an Academy Award for the best drama during Primary season?

  3. Harry, I must say that different categories for awards are popping into my mind, none too terribly complimentary, but I'm happy that at least the never-ending election cycle offers some entertainment for our northern friends. Please promise to save room for Bill, Noel and me should things not go as we hope here, eh?


    1. Hey Donna, You could come up here, regardless. We even have nudity on mainstream TV! Did ya know that?

    2. What? Nudity on mainstream TV and decent healthcare, too? Can't talk right now, Harry. I have to start packing! :)


  4. Love how you managed to get 'the dog on the roof of the car' thing into your blog :)




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