Wednesday, March 14, 2012

HNT/ End of Tights Season?

We've had a strange few weather days in River City... sunny, balmy, in the 70's.  Mistress has prematurely abandoned her black tights (with and without apertures) and has gone for the boots and bare legs look, as shown by this peek of her on the way home from work this evening.

She was anxious to get home for a couple of reasons:  to go for an after work bike ride in this glorious weather, and because her new FWB was coming over for dinner.

I do feel a little sorry for J.  It's clear he enjoys Mistress's seductive company.

Who wouldn't? (well Maybe not Mitt or Ricky Santorum....but they are clearly outliers.)

But I am sure he's also confused about a guy who would willingly let his wife cavort in this way.

SO while he actually did show for dinner this evening, I could tell as I prepared dinner and he and Mistress sat on the couch, holding hands and watching Chris Matthews, that he was a little nervous.

Before he arrived, Mistress was prepping her self in a very seductive fashion. short, casual black dress.

And, "No underwear, that bad....."

"No, Mistress, that's just an evening home, au natural."

As we cleaned up after the bike ride, Mistress offered to let me worship.

"But wouldn't it be better to let you simmer, Mistress..... I'm wondering if you can get J to overcome his reluctance to take you here at our house, with your devoted husband at home....a little latent horny may give you a little extra incentive...."

As it turned out, we had a nice dinner... some grilled salmon, roasted potatoes and sauteed green beans.   Hopefully a little wine relaxed all of us. And as I cleaned up afterwords, Mistress asked to have a word with me.

"You really don't mind if J and I adjourn to the bedroom, Slave?"

"Go for it Mistress....."

And so they did.


  1. Personally, i'm glad to see the last of tights season - bring on the bare legs and open toe shoes!


  2. OK so I learned of a new fetish the other day and Donna says I should write about it

    The waxing place I go is called Acomoclitic

    Heidi my hot little waxer lady tells me the word stands for a hairless fetish

    Really I say..

    Oh yes I have had all my body hair lazer removed and so have all my boyfriends

    All of them? I ask.. and all their hair permanatly removed???

    Oh yes I won't date anybody that has any hair on them

    Now if you saw Heidi you would correctly assume that she has had plenty of boyfriends....

    Hope those dudes next girlfriends like the look:)

    The only had some of his hair waxed:)


  3. Actually, WC, I meant a whole post about the experience and the pain levels and everything. Maybe even a snapshot (is that still a word?) to give Mick a day off...but this is good, too.

    I bet J will get used the idea of you being good with all this pretty quickly. He sounds like a bright guy. Besides, I doubt he will be able to contain his...enthusiasm...around Molly for any length of time.

    So when watching television or a movie, does Molly sit in the middle and put popcorn into your mouth and then his mouth? Sounds kinky as all get out! I love it!


  4. M&M,

    A rather intense cuckolding scene unfolding here - the dutiful husband cleaning up after dinner while the wife adjourns to the marital bed for some fun with J.

    Hope everyone got to enjoy themselves :)



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