Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back to the Smut....

OK, I apologize for yesterday's pathetic dissent into introspection.... our readers voted with their feet, so to speak. Only two comments, probably generated out of pity more than anything else. And when I checked out the readership, well, it looked like the "eyes" on our blog went down my about 30% yesterday, no doubt repelled by the notion that the folks at UCTMW had turned to the maudlin side.

And I don't think J was particularly thrilled about our speculation concerning how he is reacting to this rather odd combo.

So, no mas..... back to alluring R rated photos of Mistress's luscious body, and my cheeky reporting on the goings on in our sex lives.

Yesterday was a nice one by the way.  After a night in another Man's arms on Sunday it was with a renewed sense of longing that I had the chance to sleep with Mistress these last two nights.  There was your typically needy wake up sex here on Tuesday morning.

Our plan for Tuesday afternoon was to leave work by 6 pm, go for a bike ride, then follow our hungers - whether for pleasure or sustenance. 

We got home, and rather quickly changed into our riding attire. As I was adding a little pressure to our tires in the garage, I did receive a brief reprimand.

"I note that you did not offer to worship in the bedroom, Slave...."


"Well, you seemed pretty anxious to get out on the bikes, Mistress...."

"Don't make presumptions, Slave.... you know the rules."

I had a feeling that there could be some consequences on the horizon.  But I dodged the bullet last night, making sure that  Mistress's well exercised folds were thoroughly bathed with my tongue and lips. And once she'd had a satisfactory starter cum, she allowed me to slide into bed next to her and demonstrate how desperate her work-a-day cock was for her.  I think Mistress was a little surprised with the explosive fury I experienced when she finally gave me permission to come.

"Wow, what was that about Slave...."

"Not sure, Mistress.... maybe anticipating a night without you tomorrow...."

As it turns out, her senior cock may not get any more action until tomorrow evening.  J has invited her over this evening, and Mistress has informed me that she will be sleeping over.

"I know you don't like me driving home late at night, and J seems very anxious to have me spend the night, Slave."

"Not a problem Mistress..... I'll miss you here, but I do worry about those late night drives.... and your absence will definitely make the cock grow harder, so to speak."

I do have a pass on the cage though today.  I have to pass through some metal detectors for work this afternoon. So Mistress is indulging me. 

"But I want you to be available for my call at any time, Slave....."

"Not a problem, Mistress."

Now, back upstairs for some worship to help get Mistress through the day before her rendezvous with J.


  1. Just so you know...I don't think your drop in viewership has anything to do with navel gazing. For the last several days, when coming to your blog, there has been a warning about it being infected with a virus. No doubt, that warning has scared many people away. I would check with the administrators of the blog.

  2. No virus warning here (the advantages of an Apple product no doubt).

    As to the numbers - "Figures lie and liars figure." Statistics 101


  3. I didn't get a virus warning! And how did you copy the statcounter thingy onto your page? And sometimes stats just randomly go down or up. Or so it seems.


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