Friday, March 4, 2016

Tuckered Mistress

Slave quietly slipped out of the house yesterday morning, after consuming a bowl of cornflakes and strawberries.  I did not try to creep up the stairs or listen at the keyhole to catch any "live action" as Mistress and K went at it.

But rest assured that my cock cage seemed particularly tight as I dusted some light snow off my windshield and climbed into my car for the short drive to work.

I hunkered down at the officer and finally heard from Mistress at around 10 am.

"Well he's gone, slave.... and I really would rather go back to sleep now, but I have to get to work myself...."

Luckily, Mistress had scheduled a "work from home day", so she did not have to go through the transformation from well fucked Mistress to polished professional.

"How's the cage, slave?"

"Tight, Mistress."

When I arrived home at around 5:30 pm (I was not in the mood for late work) Mistress was back in bed, wearing her sleek, tight fitting black riding pants and jacket, though it seemed the damp, blustery weather had conspired to keep her inside all day.

Fortunately, the first order of business was to pop me free from that tight, confining cage.

"Poor slave..... were you frustrated?"

"You could say that, Mistress".  I mean it had been nearly 36 hours since Slave's last opportunity to enjoy his privileges with Mistress, and there was the extra stimulation of Mistress's early morning caller.

"Did you tell K I was in the cage, Mistress."

"I did.... he seemed.... amused.....and asked who's idea it was, mine or yours."

'What did you tell him?"

"That it was sort of both of our ideas, slave...."

(I guess she skipped the crowd sourcing part).

Mistress slithered out of her riding pants, and It was not long before I was in my proper position, tasting the sweet juices betwixt Mistress's firm thighs. And as I savored the mix of Mistress's natural flavors with those left behind by K, she downloaded a bit of her morning experience.

"It was actually pretty conventional, slave.... him on top.... but my body is pretty sore.  He really pounded me."

"Poor Mistress...."

"He did have a fantasy he recounted....something involving him arriving while you are fucking me, and then me sucking his cock...."

"Hmmmm..... I suppose we can get around to that, Mistress.... his wish is our command, after all."

But there was something else I wanted to get around to first.  Fortunately, and despite her tender body, Mistress was very accommodating.


  1. What's K's full name? Kinky.

    So what do you think of his fantasy Mick? Sounds like it would take some very precise timing to be "caught" with your Mistress!

    sissy terri

  2. K's fantasy sounds interesting. He could add to it by having Mick hold his cock and give it to Mistress and if they are missionary Mick could get a few licks in while she sucks then dismounts and watches K mount her.

  3. Oh my... love hearing the dialog between you two through the day! sara


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