Thursday, June 21, 2012

Abstinence is Overrated

Slave has been catching a little abuse in the comments section lately whenever I mutter a little about the denial.... really "deferral" is a better word.... of orgasm privileges.

It does happen every now and then... most recently, Mistress had her date with J on Tuesday evening. It was not clear whether she'd be home that night or spend the night. Issues of wardrobe and accessories for the next business day come into play for decisions like that, and also whether they can get a "good night's sleep".

Regardless, my instructions were clear: I could take off the cock cage to go for a bike ride, but the "no touch" rule would be in effect. 

Not a problem.  I mean, even the WC could cool his jets for 24 hours or so , right? (Well maybe that's a bad example).

As it turned out, Mistress decided to come home, and arrived at around 11 pm, a little tired, but certainly still standing.

Now Slave could have begged and wheedled for sex privileges, and my guess is she would have relented.  But I knew it would be best to wait until morning, despite some herky jerky cock action when she described some of the sexual limits she had placed on J that evening.

I was rewarded yesterday morning with some lovely wake-up sex, that put me in a nice compliant mood for the rest of the day.

Last night, I made sure to worship Mistress when we got home from work. Then we were off on a bike ride to our local pool where she swam laps for about 30 minutes as Slave read the Times. Back at home there was dinner to prepare, and by the time I cleaned up it was after 9 pm. 

WE were both tired, and though Mistress got some good night tongue action, it was clear that Slave would be waiting until morning for his "reward".  And by now.... well let's just say I am anxious to put this edition to bed, and looking at the clock for the appointed time .... 7 am today.... when I am allowed to wake Mistress for morning sex.

Of course, sometimes I get "two a days".  But once a day seems a fair and reasonable "diet" doesn't it.

Now I know some of you out there .... Harry, tammy come to mind.... have to wait much longer. And I suspect you enjoy the tease and denail part of your servitude. We used to have an "abstinence day" here at UCTMW, but Mistress, in her wisdom, seems to have let that pass by the wayside.

It may be her philosophy that her Slave is best kept obedient and docile by regular discharge of those natural juices, as George C. Scott's character in Dr. Strangelove called them.

But other then when I've had the flu, I can't recall being required to go more than 2 or 3 days without a nice cum.

Does that make Slave spoiled?


  1. I like when you mutter, especially about denial/deferral.

  2. Spoiled, Mick. absolutely not! It works for you. You know... Different drummer, etc. I suspect I would lose a great deal of interest in sex if I had an orgasm every day. Then again, that might not be the case if I were a slave to a stern young Mistress who kept me on my toes by having a capable FB on the side.

    I saw a tweet worth repeating this morning. One that exemplifies the difference in our "styles". It applies to those of us playing with denial (denial being at least 4 days... heh!)

    "We're just normal people having better sex by not having sex."

  3. Let's see if I got this right...

    You had wake up sex yesterday morning, worshiped Mistress before the bike ride to the pool last night, provide her with some tongue action before bedtime, and had a 7 AM sex appointment with her this morning.

    And this is supposed to be about your most recent "denial/deferral"????

    Please Mick, fill me in on what I am missing here.

    The amused but befuddled,


  4. Funny Mick

    I once did 24 hours:)

    Actually I feel your pain

    Molly is one tough mistress!!!

    And it sounds like Jay is getting it too

    I see two keys in your future Molly...

    What do you think Suzanne?

  5. Chastity can get complicated and it's lots of work. But Molly does seem to have two pretty willing subjects.

    If I had two guys in chastity, I'd always keep at least one locked at all times.

    Forget the two keys though. Too complicated. I'd have a kinky locksmith over and have the locks re-keyed so they'd both work with one key....And I'd hold it.

    Just a couple of suggestions (and now I'm horny again).


  6. Thanks for your creative suggestions, Suzanne. I'm sure our readers will enjoy mulling that last proposal over.

    The loves it when the comments are more entertaining than the blog,


  7. Well Suzanne,

    I thought those were very well thought out suggestions

    Very practical

    And a good way to streamline the organization

    You are truly a pro!

    One key is better that two

    And I glad the though of two locked up lovers is better than one

    And makes you horny again

    Got to keep you hot for your boys!!!

    Go for it Molly!!!

    The can see Suzanne is a pro,

    And wants to see how this works out,


  8. I think abstinence is overrated also and not very much fun. As for chastity, it might me uncomfortable for the sub, but it is way too much work for the Dominant. That being said, I do think having just one key would work better :)


  9. I'm with Suzanne - 4 sexual encounters in 24 hours seems a pretty long way from any form of denial!

    Your relationship seems more about sharing than cuckolding (without wanting to put too many labels on it) so denial doesn't have to be as much of a part of the relationship as it might be in a more cuckold / submissive relationship.

    Just the thoughts of a 'traditionally' cuckold Brit!


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