Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Western Correspondent Gets an Eyes Wide Shut Full

Mistress and Slave had to cut short their normal switch day activities here -- well there was morning sex with a little help from Mistress's favorite power tool -- because she had made us an early bike riding engagement with J over at his "love Shack".

Mistress is a bit of an exercise addict, and the thought of a 20 mile ride on a Sunday morning in the rolling countryside near his house was too hard for her to resist, even as compared to Switch Day at the UCTMW World HQ or a more private booty call with her lover.

Slave was dragooned into coming along, and I still have the aching muscles to prove it. My role in these rides is sort of the reverse of the legendary Ginger Rogers: as compared to them I have the older and heavier body and a slower bike to haul up those hills. Fortunately, I've been able to (sort of) keep up. And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

They did allow a brief break at a combined gas station, bait and convenience store about 2/3 into the ride, where there was a chance for her two lovers to compliment Mistress on her buff calf muscles. And when we were done, I lingered outside to make sure Mistress had a chance to give J a proper kiss adieu, since he was heading for the golf course with some friends.  That gave Mistress and Slave a good part of the day to veg out with our cute Co-Ed, and take a much deserved late afternoon nap.

Well, you probably had the impression that this was a sex blog, and though there wasn't a whole lot of "action" to report from River City, thankfully I have the following  piece from the WC, our hard working Investigative Reporter. He has enlisted his long suffering wife B to go undercover with him, and  has finally found a story worth telling and will Woodward and Bernstein it until someone gives him the fucking Pulitzer Prize ( or an STD, whichever comes first):

B and I are fortunate to live near the place where the really, really, really, rich people live

So we have great restaurants 

Not the chain establishment the Mick so despises 

Like Mortons, Ruth Crist and the Capital Grill

No no no

These people have their own restaurants with their own chefs 


B and I went out to one of those restaurants last night

Chef Robert and his wife Lynn, who are kind of friends with B and I, treated us to a fantastic dinner

We spent two hours eating 

With no Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then we adjourned to our new club.........

Oh My fucking God

The theme was an "eyes wide shut" party

People were dressed in these crazy costumes

Bare breasted women galore 


And yes Donna ....... cock cozies... will get to that later 

So the deal is you bring your own beverage and give it to one of the bartenders... all very comely young ladies last night:)

And give them a generous tip 

And they serve you all night

So B and I were sitting at the bar and a couple we had met a couple of Sunday's ago came up and said  " B and Miguel right?"

This guy was one of the founding members and had provided most of the funding to buy the new club

He is a local MD and  weekend ski patroller for the last 30 years at a local  ski resort  ............. and he wants my wife!

So they had quite the hug and kiss

His wife is about a 6 foot tall trophy wife 

Wearing a strappy little black dress

By strappy I mean her breasts were totally out of the dress and her ass and pussy were totally visible 

Nothing else BTW

She sidled up to me and said it is so good to see you again Miguel

Yes indeed it was.....

As I grabbed her ass!!!!!!

Sliding a finger into her

How fucking cool is that????????

Anyway B and I made our way out to the outdoor dance stage

Very very cool... It was a perfect night cool, no wind and we danced

For an hour!!!!!!!!

We haven't danced since forever

But Donna

Dancing next to us was this crazy hot couple

She was a smokin' hot tall lady dressed in a black cape and nothing else

Her boy friend had on black chaps and nothing else 


A cock cozy 

Seriously.............  he had this wool nitted thing around his cock and balls....  and he had a huge cock

And she kept squatting down and kissing it

And Donna lest you think there was no BDSM going on there was a girl up on the stage all rapped in black rope getting her nipples pierced by her master in a "eyes wide shut" costume 

To be continued...........

 Of course, Miguel, if this was Ben Bradlee editing the story, I'd have a couple of questions before hitting the "publish" button that I know our readers will ask: "which finger" and "which orifice"?

But I am sure we all look forward to hearing the end of this sordid tale.  And fortunately, a stringer photographer was willing to get me a shot of the WC in his "deep cover"  mask for this event.


  1. Wow WC, that sounds like quite the party! I do love chaps (and nothing else) on a guy. I've never seen a cock cozy worn with chaps, but as long as his dance partner thought it looked good, why not?

    And Mick, with all the practice miles you're putting in, you, Molly and J should be able to bike over to our place before long. We have some very interesting "hills" for you to enjoy here along the Blue Ridge.


  2. A nice piece of reporting WC, now when do we get to the "meat" of the story? Or were you just dancing all night to work off that wonderful meal?


  3. Mick you are SO funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Middle finger front orifice

    Too too funny

    Nice pic of me BTW

    And Donna and Suzanne

    Be patient girls:)...............

    The laughing his ass off,



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