Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Slave Gets Tossed Into the Cage

Mistress announced that tonight would be her evening with J this week.... she plans a long bike ride along with some other "action".  From this photo taken in Sunday, you can see why J enjoys taking Mistress out on the bike trails near his "Love Shack", if only  as a little foreplay.  She does look rather buff doesn't she, and when you peal down those riding shorts.... she's quite intoxicating as the salty vapors from her workout mingle with her musky juices.


I am going to miss her tonight.

But Slave got some instructions of his own.

"Our readers are right, Slave.... you've been getting off too easy lately.... I want you in that cage tomorrow."

Sp I'm up, my cock and balls already smushed through the hard steel ring. Mistress will get the benefit of this performance prolonging device this morning before I slide the "lid" on and let her close the lock.

It could be a long, cruel  day of denial here in River City. (I know, you're feeling my pain, aren't you Harry?)

Yesterday we got a report from our diligent Western Correspondent who has literally been putting his special occasion cock on the line in order to bring you devoted UCTMW readers the scoop on the deviant stylings at Scarlett Ranch, in the foothills of the Rockies.  Here is the conclusion of his latest tale:

Well B and I had a wonderful night

The long suffering B as Mick said.... enjoyed herself 

She was very flattered by  all the  attention she got

And so was I

Mr Doctor wants her bad

But I'm taking this thing at B's pace

Funny thing I told Ms Doctor that B liked her husband

And she says "enough to fuck him?"

Even the WC was a little taken aback at the blunt question........

Oh well

Funny thing is B is pushing me to get with other ladies

Reverse cuckolding??????

Seriously she kept saying who do you think is hot?

Well go talk to her 


I did... crazy    ....  but I got some very good responses 

Could have done them but I'm still a little.......  are you sure this is OK???????????

Just feeling our way

Anyway that club throws the best parties in town for  for sure

Crazy crazy shit going  on


I know I'm going to get shit from Suzanne and Mick for teasing them along

No meat Sue...........

But I bet the school uniform on Sophie has old Mick going

Actually when B and I went to those spanking parties in LA  a lot of the ladies dressed in school uniforms and then got their bare bottoms paddled

Look out Sophie!!!!!!

BTW Mick if Jay has a hot road bike there is no way you could keep up anyway

Those fuckers are twice as easy to ride as a junk bike....  and twice as fast

That's how my brother in law almost got killed recently

Didn't know how fast he was going down a hill he had been down 100"s of times before

Broke his new carbon fibber bike in half!


Take care U 2 nuts



Well WC, I have a feeling a few of our readers will be let down that our reporter did not plunge a little deeper into the opportunities for reporting Saturday night. But I know you like to retain your objectivity.  Could it be that B is encouraging you because she figures that's the only way you will let her get her crazy on with the Doctor?

We may have to open up the subject for comment here to get to the bottom of it.

And you're right, no way my "hybrid" bike is gonna keep pace with J's "road bike". Like me, it's built for comfort, not for speed. There's a metaphor somewhere there, I think. But then we try to keep it simple here at UCTMW. 

We'll save the self-reflection for Sin and Aisha.



  1. You know it, Mick... My heart goes out to you!

  2. Could be Mick

    But I'm cool with that

    In fact I was encouraging it

    But she is not quite there yet

    Yes I think you need to get a new $5,000.00 dollar bike to kick Jays ass

    I'm just a team player and don't want my buddy beat by better technology

    So Molly

    Get Mick a hot bike!!!!!!!

    If you can afford a surly teen in Europe you can afford a hot bike:)

    Hot pic BTW Molly

    Quite buff

    The impressed,


  3. Finally. More caging for the cuckold. Molly is right on the money when she says "...you've been getting off too easy lately..." I'd like to add, you've probably been getting off TOO OFTEN also.

    Just my four cents worth.


    Suzanne :)

  4. Oh, and one more thing for the WC....

    Cut that shit out and get to the meat of the matter ok?

    When sophie gets her bottom spanked it isn't going to be relayed in three flippin' chapters!!!!

    The is tired of being patient,


  5. Gee thanks for that vote of confidence, Suzanne. I'm thinking Jay is right. You do need a good spanking.


  6. First, I am beginning to get confused with the "Jay's" or "J's" in this soap opera! However, as someone who's been involved with another couple with a submissive male, it was always a little more exciting knowing the cuckold was "locked up."


  7. Now Suzanne,

    You expect Tammy to be patient for days at a time


    Keep your finger off your clit!!!!!!!!!

    Jay she does need a spanking!!!!!!

    Just helping Sue

    The helpful,



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