Friday, June 22, 2012

Who's Abstaining Now?

Mistress and Slave recently met for lunch down by our River - she likes this designer frozen yogurt place with all the toppings and a scale to calculate your outrageous tab- and we sat by a new fountain that got Mistress's mind going in a smutty direction.

"Hmmmm....very phallic,  Slave.... I like the image of all those spurting cocks."

"Spurting on your command, Mistress?"


And while she sometimes claims she's not much of a Domme, I think she does get off on exercising her "powers" over her two men.

It seems she still gets off on the thought of her Slave in his cage, particularly on those days when she is stepping out with J.  It's not just a security thing, is it? It may have something to do with knowing that I will do that for her, and she can tease me about it through the day with her phone calls or text messages.  I hope that every now and then she has an image of me in that cage as she's playing with her other cock du jour.

And I am beginning to think she's enjoying tormenting J just a little too.

Keep in mind that J did not find Mistress through any kinkster route. Although he's read the blog from time to time, he seems to avoid it. I suspect he thinks we are a little crazy, expressing to Mistress that he can't figure why "her Slave" would ever share her with anyone else. Of course, we all have different wiring, don't we?

But he reportedly got off on the idea of Mistress riding his cock while he was tied to his bed that time.

Somehow I doubt that either he or Mistress would want to go for the cock cage routine in their relationship, that Suzanne suggested in her comments yesterday.  But it does seem that Mistress enjoys imposing a little denial on him, just because she can.

The other night she refused to take off her dress, or give him access to the nipples he so admires.

"I think he was a little frustrated by that, Slave."

Yesterday, both of us had pretty nasty work days. The type that  had us thinking "why the fuck do we keep doing this...."  Mistress had planned to come home after a meeting, but then let me know that she needed some serious exercise to exorcise those work demons. She was heading to J's house, where her bike was,  for a long ride.

"Go for it, Mistress...."

Ultimately she got home at around 10:30 pm. No problem from my point of view. I used the evening to do some exorcising of my own: reading the paper, watching the news and drinking some wine.

But I was curious about how things had gone.

"No sex Slave..... I think he wanted to make time for some, but I made it clear I was there to ride bikes .... otherwise I was heading home."

"And how did he take that, Mistress?"

"He accepted my verdict, Slave...."

She said that with a cruel little Dommish smile.

As far as I can tell, Mistress has yet to regulate J's extra-curricular cums, but maybe that's where we are heading.  I have a feeling he will be particularly anxious to see her when I drop her off there tonight for a sleep over, after a civic dinner we will be attending.

Guess I had better get my "action" in this morning, while I have the chance.


  1. very interesting, as you say, to watch the relationship between Molly and J increase in dominance.

  2. My theory is that Doms/Dommes zoom in on subs whether in a room full of people or by what we write. Molly may not have connected with J on a kink site but that doesn't mean she didn't pick up on J's lean toward subbiness during the vetting process.


  3. What Donna said...absolutely.


  4. When Mistress starts regulating J's cums (and she will) I think there should at least be a discussion of a second cock cage. Given what could be at stake, I think he'll acquiesce. She could agree to let him out of the cage for his golf game. I hear from a very good source it's quite a handicap.


  5. That's probably true Suzanne

    I imagine it would be tough to clear your hips with a cock cage on:)

    Would probably just hit weak shots out to the right

    And we can't have that!!

    The is glad nobody regulates my cumms!!!!!!!!

    In fact I'm going back up to the room to take my pleasure with the lovely B


  6. And given what is at stake I think he would agree too Suzanne

    Cause you rock Molly!

    Molly's other admirer ,




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