Friday, June 29, 2012

Mistress and Slave In a More Natural Habitat

After a long travel day we pulled into our dirt driveway here in the shadows of the Sangre de Christo mountains. The moon and stars were bright, and the air was significantly cooler than the 101 degree of swampy polluted air we were happy to leave behind in River City.

As we headed to the airport we did give a call to the WC, who updated us on the fire-mageddon in his home state. It turns out some of his family members had to evacuate their home, and are now filling up the WC's house. We told him that he and B are welcome to head south to visit us here and escape the crowds. Fortunately, we seem to be clear of fires and smoke as I look out onto the mountains this morning.

Which reminds me of the Sex bloggers retreat we always talk about this time of year, but never seem to organize.  It would be great to have Bill and Donna out here. I could stun a few prairie dogs with my BB gun, and Bill could skin them with his knife collection. I could modify my Green Chili Stew recipe to include prairie dog nuggets rather than lamb.

And of course, we would love to have Suzanne, Tammy, Jay, and Sophie join us too.  Although it might be necessary to construct a TeePee on the back 40 to accommodate all of mutations in their varied couplings.

Naturally, we'd have to find room for J. I have a sense Mistress will be missing the variety he adds to our life this week. I will just have to work on some additional "pitches" to add to my traditional knuckle ball and change - up.

And we're not forgetting  about 'Nilla, Aisha and Sin either.  It might get a little tight, but we could make it BYO Yurt.

I did want to turn back to Suzanne for a moment. She sent an amusing email to me yesterday in response to my request for suggestions for the inventory for the imaginary UCTMW On-Line store.

"The next time Molly takes on of those long bike rides with J, you may want to take your own shorter ride and get some satisfaction for yourself at the same time, using something like the attached.

Just remember to take off the Cage."

 Gee, Suzanne. Thanks for thinking of me.


  1. Oh, we would love to get together!

    Bill wants me to let you know he'll bring his wrist rocket and teach you how to use it so the two of you can bring in more meat for the stew. With that many mouths to feed a BB gun isn't going to do the job.

    In looking at that bicycle seat, I wonder whether anyone would notice that you stood on the pedals with every other revolution? Oh, and I suppose coming to a stop and placing a foot on the ground might be a tad...awkward?

    This is fun, what else will there be in the UCTMW store?

    Happy vacationing!

  2. Mick,

    I'm quite disappointed that the online store was only "imaginary." I've been up all night working on a business plan and contacting bicycle seat manufacturers to discuss a prototype. And what are you going to do with all that bamboo?

    Thanks for the invite also. I think we'll choose the teepee. Yurts are not very southwestern.


  3. Welcome to my neck of the woods

    It cooled down in honor of your arival:)

  4. Oh my, smiling at that bike seat!

  5. BYO Yurt? Wonderful concept. As it happens, we're off in a couple of weeks to a camp with some kink-friendly pagan people. And we have a new and larger campervan that gives us more opportunities for playing during inclement weather (well, we're in the UK and currently experiencing rain levels that are freakish even for us).

    As to the bike - I remember seeing, I think in a sex museum somewhere a year or two ago, a bike where the dildo went through a hole in the seat and was attached to a cam and then to the cogwheel at the pedals, so pedalling made it piston up and down as you went along... An incentive not to freewheel?

  6. Suzanne will be happy to know how popular her bike seat is. I wonder if anyone has applied for a patent?

    WE could use some of that rain, Fulani. and I like the idea of the tricked out mobile camper van to accommodate bdsm play.


  7. OH, boy oh boy!! BYOY? I've always wanted to live in a least for a little while.

    Sounds like a plan...but prairie dog sounds pretty, I'll stick with hot dogs... I prefer my meat with buns :)

    AS to the bike? You mean I can't order one? I dunno, Mick, it seems like there is a huge liability issue here...false advertising, bait n many potential issues to deal with...



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