Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sap? Or Sapio-Sexual?

It’s amazing how you can still teach an old slave new tricks.  Over the weekend I opened an OKCupid account for Mistress under the name “MollyCollins” (check it out if you are on that App). It was just an “experiment” right?  Since then I’ve been “curating” Mistress’s suitors, showing her the supplicants that might entertain or amuse or attract her. Deleting the rest. Interestingly, OK Cupid has a much wider array of (seemingly) eligible guys than AM, particularly under the category of “open marriage” types.

I’ve also been reminded of a few of Mistress’s quirks in the process ----

“What’s with all the beards, slave?”

Mistress definitely prefers the clean shaven look. Maybe it’s because beards or mustaches tickle “down there”?  Who knows? But it does seem an extraordinarily high percentage of guys who claim to be in open marriages also have facial hair.  What’s that about? 

She also has interesting thoughts on fashion selection. Like the guy who self-identifies as a “Dom”, but has a pic of himself in blue-ish plaid Bermuda shorts. 

‘What sort of Dom wears shorts like that, Slave?”

But what was particularly interesting was a new terms I first saw on several profiles: “Sapio-sexual”.  I had to look at the definition: 

1. 1. 
(of a person) finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
"I met a PhD student from Germany who told me that he was sapiosexual"
1. 1. 
a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
"I'm a sapiosexual and I like to talk"

I guess I fall into this category… sort of. I am attracted to intelligent women, and Mistress is the best example of that. But then she also has some other attractive qualities too.

As for Mistress. Well she does have high standards when it comes to the brain power of potential suitors. 

“What is it about these guys who say they don’t read, slave…..? “

Being a fan of “The Big Bang Theory” doesn’t make you a rocket scientist. Or even someone who can carry on a post-coital conversation.

In the meantime, the sorting goes on.  Mistress has set up one “meet and great” with a gentlemen who lives nearby for next Thursday evening. We told him he could bring his “open marriage” wife. But he says she’s already used his date as an excuse to set up an evening out with her “boy toy”.

And Sunday evening we have a dinner engagement with an “open marriage” couple to compare notes and see if any sparks fly betwixt Mistress and the hubby.

At least it should be good blog-fodder for our readers.  Things have been a little dull on these pages lately!


  1. You are never dull Mick. But I'd have to say things are looking up, and a lovely Molly picture too!

  2. Mick,

    Is this OK Cupid effort just a pretext for a possible hook up between you (the cuckold) and the other half of an open marriage? Doesn't sound like a bad plan to me.

    Diane likes to say "Intelligence is sexy." i agree but to be honest, when i'm busy "down there" serving, i'm not sure i'd be able to discern or differentiate the woman i was serving's IQ.

    Of course being a sapiosexual sort i might not even take advantage of the opportunity if i wasn't intellectually impressed.

    On the other hand...i might cave in.

    sissy terri

  3. Fun times in River City. Best wishes to both of you.



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