Monday, May 18, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Making Him Feel Welcome

(Image Courtesy of Sara at Sara Girl's Sissy Confessions)

Before she arranged for her lover to make his first "house call" she made it clear what was expected.
"He wanted to meet you, slave..... The expectation is that you will be welcoming. No sulking.  Act like he's a regular house guest,  not someone here to fuck your wife. Then get lost when he sends that signal."

Sure, he wanted this.  But how awkward could this be?

"I get it, Mistress.  I'll behave."

When the doorbell rang at the appointed hour she was still putting finishing touches on her make up.

"Why don't you let him in, slave....."

Arggh.  It was one thing to step aside and let someone take your wife "off premises".  It was another thing to be the accommodating host.  Would there be small talk, when the elephant in the room would be his cock and where it would be headed before the hour was up?

Their initial handshake was.... awkward. He was as advertised.  Taller than Mick. A bit beefier.  Like  Mistress liked her "side dishes". Mick showed her lover into the living room, and took his drink order.  It seemed that his Mistress was taking her time  to come down to break the ice.  Was this torture intended?  No doubt.

She finally made her entrance, drawing his  appraising eye over lush and barely concealed curves.  Was she really just in a tiny nightie, not even bothering with a dress or jeans?  Mick raised an eyebrow.  She just smiled, strutting her stuff into a welcoming and intimate embrace, his hand lingering on her ass as they shared a deep kiss. Mick backed away,  beating  a hasty retreat to their kitchen. Preparing beverages - vodka and tonic for her.  Scotch poured over some ice for him. Mick poured himself some red wine.

 Mick served them drinks as they sat on the couch together, his hand possessively stroking her thigh, up to the hem of her slinky lingerie.   The only mystery was whether Mistress had bothered with panties.

The three of them made small talk  for about 10 minutes- the weather, the latest Washington scandal, prospects for the local, always dreadful NFL team.

Then he was dismissed.

"It was nice to finally meet you Mick......but your wife and I have catching up to do in private...."

Time to "get lost".....

He was already looking forward to her after action report and the chance to use his tongue to soothe well her sure to be well used folds.  If he was lucky, she might even unlock him before bedtime.


  1. Just "get lost?" No, "go upstairs and get the bed ready" or anything like that.

    Poor cuckold.


  2. a good way to live life

  3. My wife during this virus has taken charge. She informed me that any laying around, childish behavior would be dealt with as to prior this virus. The only words she wants to hear when I'm to be spanked is Yes Mommie.


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