Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Size Matters

She'd come home late from her first intimate date with her new lover. The guy she'd met through work.  As we cuddled in bed she unspooled her after action report.

"It was so big, slave ....."

"Too big?"

"Well, not quite too big. I mean, it fit, ultimately, but I told him to go slow at first...."

"And did he?"

"he was patient with me at first, and then, well, he just went for it.  He said I was very tight for a married woman."

"I take it you took that as a complement?"

"Of Course,,,,,"

"So did he make you cum with that big cock of his?"

"What do you think?"

"More than once?"

"Oh ... yes...."

When we made love the next. morning,  after her lady parts had some time to rest, I knew that even. with my best efforts my "work a day" cock would never quite feel the same to her again.

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