Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cage Day

There was a comment from someone labeled "anonymous" yesterday that got Mistress's attention .... the spirit of it was that Slave got a thwacking because we ran into a woman from my past (what our mutual "past" was remains a matter of disagreement), wheras somehow Mistress avoided her contractual switch day obligations.

And while I appreciate a little moral support from our readers, in fairness to Mistress, I am sure she would have submitted to switch day on Sunday had I insisted..... it was just that our day was structured in a way that really did not give us the time for a proper switch.  So let's chock it up to clever scheduling on her part rather than an anticipatory breach of contract.  I suspect I will get my chance again soon to redden those lovely buns.... hopefully this Sunday.

But lets move onto yesterday's developments here at the UCTMW World HQ.  Mistress had to drive up to our oh so flat state capital. So certain rules applied.

"You need to wear the cage Monday, Slave....."

"Of course, Mistress...."

It was a little cold here Monday morning, before the sun gave us what seemed like an early springtime. Which meant I had to wiggle the hard steel ring up and around my balls and cock before things got too "tight" down there. That accomplished, I wrote the blog and then rejoined Mistress in her Executive Suite at the appointed time.

Mistress was still sound asleep, so I had to give her a little time to rejoin the living. But by the time she was reading the blog, and I was using my lips and tongues to  satisfy her early morning needs, Mistress had "come alive", but not in a Peter Frampton hair band sort of way.

Once she had her "starter cum", she turned her attention to my cock, already hardening up within that tight steel ring. Soon I was very close to the edge from the soft caresses of her fingers, begging for the privilege to fuck her.

And when she relented, allowing me to mount her, she seemed pleased with the combined results of "morning cock" meeting "steel ring".

"Ummmm..... nice Slave....."

And even after permission was granted, and Slave had his deferred satisfaction, Mistress seemed to have some latent desires that still needed to be quenched.

"Would you like a little Hitachi chaser, Mistress....."

She checked the clock, and mulled over my offer.

"Sure Slave, I think we can fit that in....."

Once Mistress had rock and rolled to the tune of her power tool, we were finally up and into the shower. And after I fit the cover over my cock, she made her self available to shut the lock and secure her cock for the day.

And through the day, I received the occasional texted taunt.

"How's my caged slave doing?"

They served as a little reminder that although she was 100 miles away, she remained in charge, giving me a little twitch inside that cage at the thought of it all.

Of course, at the end of the day, her cock was looking forward to its parole. She had arrived home a little earlier than me, and took a bike ride in our unusually warm, sunny late January weather.

"How about I worship, Mistress, and then you an unlock me."

She pealed off her black (naturally) exercise leggings, exposing those clean shaven folds.

"It depends on how good a job you do, Slave."

I made sure to do my very best work.


  1. there is great power between the one who holds the key and the one who submits...and it isn't negative power.

    it feels pretty damned good to be so desired that you're "secured" doesn't it?



  2. She is crafty as they cum Mick

  3. Really Mick....seems like a pretty easy "cage day" to me. You are soooooo pampered :)



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