Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Peek-a-Boo Tights Meet Leather Seats

Mistress had several places to be yesterday morning, so we drove to work separately. At around 9 am she called me, after leaving the dentist, and on the way to a breakfast meeting.

"Slave.... I'm wearing this skirt today with the big slits...." (It's black, of course, and has several long flaps that look quite modest as she walks around but can separate when she sits).

"Yes,,,, you look nice in it, Mistress."

"Well when I sit on these leather seats, those pleats part, and my "parts" rub up against the leather seat with these peek-a-boo tights on..."

"How's that feel, Mistress?"

"It's a little.....ummmm.... sexy, Slave....."

"Makes you horny?"

"Makes me think about sex, Slave...."

"Oh, poor you...."

After work we met up at a local captain of industry's home, for a reception for a state wide official that Mistress met several years ago. She's a charming woman, and she and Mistress shared a private lunch together back in 2010 before she was quite well known.

Of course, sometimes political poo-bahs easily forget the folks they met along the way. But this woman immediately recognized Mistress, giving her an affectionate hug.

The lady looked at me and shared words of wisdom.

"Mick.... you must have a wild and crazy life with this beautiful lady....."

We shared a knowing look.

"I couldn't agree with you more", I said.

"If  you only knew....", Mistress added.

Afterwords we got home,   I made sure that the first order of business was to relieve Mistress of all that undischarged sexual tension that built up from her clean shaven folds sliding to and fro across those soft leather seats.

"You must have suffered terribly today, Mistress...."


  1. O, yes, good to know you're talking care of your Mistress' needs...


  2. *smiling*

    glad that things haven't become tepid with the upsurge of politics!


    (thinking Mistress M must be pleased that she didn't sit upon tweed seats....)

  3. Mick,
    You have one hot wife. Just found your blog. Just added you to my list I will follow. And btw, hot is more than just being attractive. Hot is about controlling the emotion; about manipulating the mind of the sub. She apparently is able to do both. Lucky you.

  4. Glad you are being so considerate Mick!

    Mistress Aimee


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