Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Greetings From Our CEO

The Ol' Slave is  a little bleary eyed here at the UCTMW World HQ this New Year's Day morning. 

Our New Year's Eve consisted of a tranquil dinner with some friends, and a resolution to be in bed well before the big bright ball dropped. Consistent with those plans,  we had taken good care of our New Year's Eve sex by some gratifying  action  before leaving home at around 8 pm....

But....things got a little out of control as we settled into sleep, Mistress was still wearing those tricked out black tights of hers, and my dumb assed cock, sliding against her shapely ass, suddenly developed a mind of it's own.

"Press it into me, Slave", suddenly turned into "what is that back there, Slave.... are you getting hard for me."

I tried to play dumb, my brain telling me I was a little too tired and tipsy to do what my cock apparently considered to be on the agenda.  And it was certainly within Mistress's prerogative to pat it on it's little head, tell it to get some rest, and come back in the morning.  But, for reasons she will have to explain, Mistress was in the mood to take advantage of my weak and excitable flesh.

So what was going to be a good night's sleep turned into a marathon of  indulgence here in the Executive Suite, the details of which are as bleary as my morning head. 

I can recall Mistress using her molten lips to make sure I was suitable rigid for her, then riding my cock to several bed quaking cums. 

Then I was on top of her, getting oh so close when she stopped me at the edge....

"Get my hitachi, Slave.....I think I want that now...."


I fished it from its hiding place, and deployed it until Mistress was shuddering and sobbing with another mega-cum. But that only seemed to make her want her cock even more, and it seemed we fucked long into the night, with Slave in that "wanna cum, wanna stop, can't stop, can't cum" state of suspended sexual agony for what seemed like forever....

All of this crazy was fed by some strange fantasy we were both riffing on about a local restaurateur that has been flirting with Mistress lately. I won't go into the details, but it had to do with Mistress training him to be a suitable Slave.

Rest assured, at some point the agony / ecstasy cocktail finally spilled loose, with Slave begging for release, and Mistress giving her generous consent.

"Good way to start the New Year, Slave...."

I agreed of course. But the old line "that which does not kill you will make you stronger" also came to mind.
Now, here is the New Year's greeting Mistress wrote to share with all of you yesterday afternoon, before all this crazy started:


Happy New Year, Kinkster Family

As we cross into 2012, we celebrate our third New Year with UCTMW. (And bear with me, as this is a kind of a sappy and serious entry.) First, thanks to each of you for reading. Mick started this blog as a tribute to me and it has become part of this community in which we all exist. He rarely misses a day and I look forward to my morning read.

As you are each aware, I rarely write for UCTMW. I spend a large % of my workday writing and communicating. During my down time (except to Mick, kids and some special friends,) I tend to “shut down” the communications channels. Those of you who talk to Mick lots (Donna), know that I rarely make that phone appearance. I do adore you…just maxed at times.

We continue to enjoy the fun, play, banter and charge that is a result of this universe. On a real-life note, while Mick and I have been madly in love from May 1988 (and we did connect quickly – but I am that kind of action-oriented cuss—as some of you also know) and have had a highly healthy marriage (on all levels) – we did enter some challenged territory. Some in which he says we were never close to the edge – but I felt pretty off-balance.

We made some rash and necessary changes. I often have joked that we should really write a book about “how to save a marriage and why sex matters” and take it on tour. This would require our coming clean in public (and embarrassing our kids and parents) but frankly there is nothing that sounds more interesting to me.

It is true that Mick does not see others. If he has an itch – he is to ask my permission and then we will decide. I am ok with it as long as we are honest with one another. And it is true that I get to do whatever I want. Know though that (while I have exercised my rights) – I am careful and picky.

You have each – in your own sexy and smart ways – improved the quality of our lives. I am proud to be 48 and still at it  -- with little chance of stopping any time soon.

Remember that life is short and nothing is for sure. Enjoy and Happy New Year.




  1. for our curious readers out there:
    before you attempt to put together a "who" and "wtf" re: character that M and I riffed about while devouring one another -- know that this is a composite character -- hence, there are no bread crumbs. In fact -- and don't stop reading us for this -- we may well (yes, you read it here first) be a bit more mysterious about our trysts in 2012...that's the working theory anyhow...tho we love the blog, not everyone we meet needs their exploits to become part of the M/M story. love

  2. Happy new year U 2 nuts!

  3. Happy New Year to you two and all the UCTMW family and staff.

    Molly's not the only one who looks forward to the daily read :)


    All of us over at All Mine

  4. Happy New Year, Molly, and Mick, and all the staff at UCTM...


  5. You guys are sweet, and sexy...

    you appreciate every day, which is just perfect. Not every DAY is perfect, i know, but it seems from my perspective, that you both work always at appreciating each other.

    and no, Mistress Molly, 48 is still verrah young, and as they used to say ...Use it or Lose it!

    from an equally active almost 53 year old...

    Happy Days ahead for you both!



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