Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing Out the Old....

It's been some time since Mistress and Slave soldiered through the last week of the year at our respective offices - parts of the skeleton crews than hang in there until the bitter end. And I can't really complain. Life this week was nice and slowly paced, giving me time to catch up on some of those tasks you put off, and then  put off some more.

By yesterday, I had even run out of those tedious things to do. And since my Contract forbids engaging in the "hands on" work activities of the type our WC distracts himself with at the UCTMW Mountain Zone branch office, I was grateful for a little diversion. Mistress, our cute C0-Ed and one of her  Co-Ed  friends decided to join me for lunch. All three of them seemed of a kind, - with black boots, tights or leggings. So naturally I had to take a picture of my "booted babe" lunch companions.

(B, my colleague who has a bit of a crush on Mistress, had a sad hangdog look on his face when he saw my lunch company and was unsuccessful in wheedling an invitation to join us.  Maybe next year, B!)

After lunch, Mistress took the girls on a little shopping expedition in River City's compact middle American downtown, while her Slave went back to work.  But by around 3 or so, she sent the Co-Eds on their way, and stopped back at my office for an early departure. Hell, I was one of the last folks in my office by then.

Now, since we were heading home, it probably made more sense to wait until we were in the friendly confines of our CEO's Executive Suite for a little hanky panky.

But why wait?

"How about a little last of the year office worship, Mistress?"

"Good idea Slave.... and since I have those special tights on, I don't even have to slide off a boot."

Mistress settled into her throne, pressed against the door to assure a little privacy. She spread those delightful thighs, in their black tights .... it was enough to make even a jaded Slave squirm. If only old B knew what was going on just a few doors away.

I hesitated just a moment, to take a fetching photo, before "digging in".

After a few minutes of devotion, Mistress thighs were pressing against my cheeks, her boots draped over my back and she was moaning through a nice quaking cum.

"Mistress, with those tights and boots, you could make a Slave out of just about anyone."

"She had a pensive look for a moment.

"Do you really think so, Slave?"

1 comment:

  1. A lovely and fitting way to end the work year!

    Happy New Year.




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