Monday, December 12, 2011

Too Busy Sunday In River City

Molly and Mick were way over-scheduled for a Sunday.

Yes, we did get in our morning sex here, but there was no time for a proper switch day. I had to go to my office to deal with a client emergency, and Mistress wanted to get in that 9 am spinning class.

For me, it was then onto watch the local pussycats pull a sad 4th quarter fade against the bullies from Texas. Mistress caught up with some of her own work.

But fortunately, there was a UCTMW staff member available to help her through the lonely afternoon.

When I got home from the game at around 5 pm, my head hung a little lower than normal after one of those come from ahead last minute losses, Mistress had a little good news to share.

"I did fit in a little phone sex with the WC, Slave."

At least Mistress had been having some fun.

"How many, Mistress?"

"Just two, Slave...."

"And did you get out your power tool?"

"Yes, Slave...."

"Well at least some of your day was well spent, then, Mistress...."

There was time for a little nap before my cute grandkids came over for dinner, so we took a little nap, cuddled in the UCTMW executive suite.

After dinner, we did take a walk. It was luminaria night here in our charming little town, and everything was a glow. To add to the scene, a full moon shined in the cloudless sky. All we needed was a little snow to hit a holiday home run. Maybe I should have kept Mistress home, tied her to the bed and given her a suitable switch day.

But strolling in the quiet cold, all bundled up,  seemed to best way to end a too short weekend.


  1. Go WC!

    And the walk sounds like a wonderful way to unwind.

    Bill and I watched the moon last night, too. It was so beautiful!


  2. We are still waiting on a little holiday snow here too. Glad you had a good Stunday even if it was a little too busy for the usual activities.

    Mistress Aimee

  3. I'm not complaining about the absence of snow here in River City, just yet.


  4. Weekends (most of them) are indeed to short. You're also very fortunate to have staff in satellite locations always willing to help out.

    Too bad about the pussycats. Just not quite ready for prime time, but close!


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