Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas with Molly and Mick

It was our first Christmas in River City in about 11 years, after spending the last decade with our two daughters at our mountain hideaway. And while we missed the cold, snow, quiet and fresh high desert air, it has also been surprisingly relaxing to just hang out here, trying our best to keep the scheduling demands to a minimum.

And of course, with only one daughter home -- the type that likes to sleep in for as long as possible- that has left Mistress and her devoted slave with more than ample time to get back to some more leisurely sexual engagement.

Yesterday,  I had the assist from our Senior and Western Correspondents with their joint spanking post. All I had to do was find a few suitable photos. And while Sin may have thought the shots of "spanking Santa" were a tad "shocking", what I was surprised was how many there were out there.  And there were even some where Santa was on the receiving end. The horror!

So, after letting Mistress sleep in a bit, I wandered upstairs and found her more than ready to share some Christmas cheer. After some suitable worship, Mistress took the notion to give her cock for a Yuletide ride, and proceeded to do so with relish, to taking herself to a couple of stirring cums before rolling over and letting Mistress finish the job.

After that there were some gifts to open -- two for her worthy of a photo shoot later on with the new camera Mistress got me.
At some point we prodded our daughter out of the bed, and we all talked to our younger daughter via Skype. While we all miss her, and she seemed a little melancholy too, she is on a great adventure that we hope will keep her happy until her return in July.

After that we were off to share gifts with my older daughters and my rampaging grandsons, who were by now on the third wave of Christmas gifting. Fun, but about 90 minutes of that chaos were more than enough for us.

Home again, we were able to enjoy the unseasonable sun and 50 degree weather for a neighborhood bike ride, while still leaving us with the shank of the afternoon for a nap and some soft and cuddly twilight sex. Somehow we lost track of switch day, but I think Mistress deserved a day off for the Holiday, don't you?

By 5:30 we were off to a somewhat lower key Christmas dinner with Mistress's Mother and members of her stepfather's family. There were no small ones running about, but the scale of the event was, thankfully,  mellow and relaxing.

Not that there wasn't at least one blog worthy event.... You may recall that our neighbor and blog fan, who comments as "DC", works with Mistress's Mom, who is a very young 70, who dresses in very high and elegant style. He mentioned that "Mom" is a bit of a Domme in her own right. Well last night we got a little confirmation.

She had made a big salad, and asked for implements to do the tossing. The hostess, her husband's daughter, handed her two high design wooden tools, with flat broad ends and long handles. But "Mom" found the devices rather unwieldy.

"These look nice, but aren't exactly easy to use....", she said, to no one in particular.

I couldn't help myself.

"Yeah.... they look like they have a different purpose entirely."

She raised a knowing  eyebrow and agreed.

"Right.... paddles....."

I'd be careful at work, DC. You don't want to cross her, unless you're prepared to take your medicine. 



  1. All,
    to clarify re: the paddles. Likely my mom was considering spanking my petulant and spoiled baby sis who has acted like a five-year old of late. Mick neglected to tell you about the later discussion re: clothes pins in which we again made eye contact and smirked. While my mom is an attractive woman with a great sense of adventure, I choose NOT to think if her in relation to our "out there" sense of intimacy. All told, it was a curious and warm evening with mostly docs and and then the rest of us.

  2. Ok, i'm erasing any thoughts i may have had about Molly's mother as a Domme in her own right... Gone, gone, gone.

    Sounds like a fun Xmas! Glad you enjoyed it here in our neck of the woods!


  3. Wow!

    I'm with Mick on this one

    You got it in you genes Molly

    I'm guessing your father in law does too!

    And then there is the whole matter of kinky doctors in general

    Mick you are starting to remind me of my brother your public comments

    Very cool BTW

    And speaking of my bro

    He had his annual christmas party a few nights ago

    He goosed a kind of dominant lady ... over the pants:)

    And she swung around and gave one of my brothers employees a withering glare

    He is meek kind of guy

    My brother thought she was going to slap his face

    My brother was trying to look away but couldn't help himself and started laughing

    She then looked at him andsaid... It was you!

    Of course it was.... he said laughing

    He was telling my wife the story before she handed me the phone and she was laughing because she know his roaming hand as well!

    Too funny

    The Always great to hear of the Collins great adventures


  4. Mick and Molly,

    Usually, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    I'd be careful Mick.

    Nice to see the WC's brother had another productive holiday season. I hear there's always plenty of hand sanitizer at every party he attends :)



  5. I hope so Suzanne!

    My brother does flirt shamelessly with my wife

    But she loves it



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