Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Jockies for a Year End Bonus

Molly and Mick had a tranquil day here in River City. After our wake-up sex there was a trip to the gym and other weekend errands to perform. (They included me listening to my mother recite the same litany of gripes about her condo and other family members that help facilitate transcendental meditation for me ... as in letting my mind wander to a better place while murmuring "oh really" over and over again).

After some work at home we took our daughter to see a new movie, Young Adult, amusing enough with Charlize Thereon playing a "Former Prom Queen from Hell" seeking to reclaim her long lost boyfriend 20 years later. It included close ups of the seemingly painful process Mistress goes through when getting her "feet done" every few weeks. Thank God I was born a man!  Then again, maybe I need to learn to do that process myself to become a more complete servant to Mistress's needs, just as Tammy does over at All Mine.

We did share emails with our local "fan", R who Mistress invited over for a drink sometime when our mutual schedules clear. If you scroll back to yesterday's blog comments you will see he left one as "DC". How weird is it to have a reader who lives just a short stroll away!

But today's blog comes to you courtesy of Donna. AS she notes, the WC has been contributing more of late, and his "how to" blogs have enjoyed amazing popularity among our "vast" audience. AS you can see from the list to the right, his tutorial on "ass fucking" has not reached #1 in the charts, surpassing even our Contract.  No doubt he's thinking about becoming a free agent now, and I'll be hearing from his Agent, some fast talking guy who no doubt also represents his latest sports hero, Tim "God made me do it" Tebow. So who can blame Donna for trying to emulate the WC's inimitable style.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Life is good!

The workmen have left with their toolboxes in hand and their low rider jeans, well, riding low. The sawdust has settled, the furniture is in place, and the dishes and pots and pans are in their new cupboards. 

And now, drum roll please, Bill and I can get back to having BDSM passion, fun and sex on a spontaneous basis! Woo-hoo!

The other big excitement for me is that our wedding anniversary is next week. Bill and I were married 33 years ago in the living room of a small house with immediate family in attendance. I will always remember the look of horror on his mother's face that her son was actually going through with this. Although, should I happen to forget, I have my wedding photos where she has two distinct looks, one is abject horror and the other is similar to that of an airline passenger frantically scrambling through the magazines and emergency brochures, desperate to find a barf bag before it's too late. It was too late, and the photos have become a source of great laughter for our kids.

And now it is time for my focus to return to the sex blog. It dawned on me recently that the WC is fast gaining on my word count for the year, and I can't allow that. If there is to be a bonus this year, it will be mine!  I know his posts are read more often than any others except for that one of Mick's, so I need to get on the stick here. After examining the WC's columns and comments, the best I can figure out is that he leaves off the spell-check on his computer while writing and deliberately omits punctuation. He also uses words like ass, cunt and diaper position over and over, and his columns are very short and instructional. 

Okay, I'm ready now, here we go.

Instructuns for a hot spancking:
For optimmum swenging room put the femail over ur lap or over a pilow at the egde of the bed

Let her feet dagnle off to the floor but with her cunt positoned so u can esily reach it

rub her ass and put a fingre in her cunt and rub aorund until she moans

As soon as she relxases, give a solid sweeng of your open hand to her ass
repate eght or ten tmes and then chek her cunt agen

if she is wet, use your fingres to breng her to the egde of cumming - than stop

repeete the spaking of her ass and tell her she cant cum til u say so

when she is screemin that she has to cum or she will die, giv her one more swat
than tell her to cum
repete until u have a hot hand and she has a red hot ass...

No, no, no!  I give up! I just can't write like the WC. *head hanging low*

For now, I'm going to go sit in my quiet, workman free kitchen, have a cup of coffee and ponder all this. 


AS Donna has so ably demonstrated, it's not quite as easy to rip off the WC's unique writing style as one would think. Maybe I should actually listen to that fast talking agent when he calls. I don't want to get outbid by Sin, Aisha, or Riff Dog or we'll never ever make that 100 Top Sex Bloggers List!

Molly and Mick Collins


  1. OMG!


    I am actually.... laughing out loud

    That was so FUNNY,

    True story,

    Donna called me on the golf course yesterday

    And for the record she is such a nice lady

    I love her dearly and Bill too

    She asked me if i would mind if she made fun of my spelling

    No problem I said


    I never expected such a masterpiece of fucked up writing

    I am still laughing girl!

    And the picture of the spanked lady was HOT!

    And Mick truth be told I don't hold a candle to you my friend

    The still lives in belly of the Tebow beast,


    Go Broncos though

    Suzanne asked for my prediction of todays game between Gods guy and the best quarterback in the league

    I say 31-21 Pats win

    So sad

  2. Hey WC,

    Since your feelings aren't hurt and your ego smashed to nothingness, does that mean you will mentor me? I can stop using periods, I know I can, if only I can keep my beloved and much overused commas.

    What do you say?

    Eager to learn,

  3. So you imagine a bidding war on WC? Hmmmm. Interesing idea. Can you give me his agent's number?

    Alternatively, maybe I could work a deal with Riff to write the occaisional piece for my blog as he doesn't seem to have time to work his own much anymore.

    Or what about talking to Tim Tebow's agent, maybe he could write up a counterpoint piece to include occaisionally.

    Keeping my options open,

  4. Nice try Donna, but you've only proven that the WC is not easily imitated!

    WC - What's so sad about a Pats win? Too bad you couldn't wager with Brady on the outcome of the game. If the Pats were to lose, maybe he'd have to allow you to put Gisele over your lap and....


  5. Funny comments Sin Donna, Ahisha and Suzanne,

    You you can keep you beloved commas Donna!

    And Suzanne I all for the Gisele idea!

    No that you mention it she does look she could use a long hard spanking:)

  6. Haha, what a great little post!

    Mistress Aimee

  7. OMG...this was too too funny (especially since i know you, D....OMG i'm hysterical)

    I have to say, the WC has his very own, inimitable style. For us perfectionists, leaving things like that drives us nuts...for him, however, there is a sweet charm to it.

    tho i'd hasten to add that your spanking instruction was on target (heh heh)...

    brave woman!



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