Thursday, February 23, 2012

Medieval Hi-Jinks

Mistress and Slave actually got the day off from the sullen teen today....

Yes, I know, we came all the way across the Atlantic in the dead if winter just to see our beloved daughter who has been studying abroad here since August.  Are we whining after only 5 days?

Well... yes. It seems for about 3 days she was glad to see us, and by the fourth she was playing "I don't know these people", walking so far ahead of us on busy streets that it seemed I had to call on all of the "trade-craft" I'd learned from spy novels to keep a "subject' under surveillance just to keep track of her.

It came to a head yesterday afternoon, when she used a quay at a subway gate exit to get so far ahead of us that we "lost her".  I had considered leaping the gate to stay on target, the way the guy in those Bourne movies would have done.... but .... Nah. She's a big girl who could find her own way home.


Mistress texted that we would meet her back at the apartment.... and that we were in no hurry to get back.

I'm not sure what she expected when we finally caught up with her at our apartment.... was she expecting a lecture?  Instead I congratulated on her evasiveness, and proposed that she consider a career with the CIA.

The good news was that she invited a fellow student from Denmark to come visit for last night and tonight..... indeed, she had to meet her at a nearby subway stop at 11 pm.

Most good parents would insist on coming along.... a foreign city at night, their 18 year old out on the street in a too short dress.

But we had priorities.... and the thought of an empty apartment for at least 30 minutes was too appealing for us.

As soon as the door shut, I was buried between Mistress's legs.... devouring with gusto. and when she was satisfied with my oral attentions, she returned the favor.

"I want to suck my cock now Slave....."

Who was I to say "non".

That devolved into some robust, sweaty and very loud fucking.  But even after Mistress had given her Slave permssion to come, I knew she was still not completely satisfied.

I used my hand to give her one more mega-cum that left her sobbing against me, face wet with tears.

Clearly there had been some serious pent up sexual energy that had to be discharged.  Suddenly though, we heard the door opening.... we had gotten our "work" done just in time!

But I'm guessing you are wondering.... Mick.... you're in Paris. Where's the art?

Well we have seen a good bit of it.... at the Louve, then yesterday at Varsailles.

And we did see a few pieces that reminded us of some of our blog friends.  This first one, is something that Sin and her Big Bad Dom would appreciate.... with this guy in the house, who needs clamps or clothespins.
I know, you'd like a close-up, wouldn't you?


Another painting reminded me of the folks over at All Mine.... particular Tammy, in the corner, hands bound.  Could the subject of this drawing have a CB under that loin cloth?

We'll be sure to keep our eyes open for more art that our readers would be interested in before we head home on Saturday.


  1. Sounds like a great 1/2 hour. I am glad you got sometime alone.

  2. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time! And thanks for giving mouse a new reason to not like snakes...They're obviously attracted to nipples..

  3. Too Too funny Mick!!!

    Hey you got three days with your sullen teen

    I rarly get 3 minutes:)

    I was in Paris as a young man with a girl friend

    We took the subway out to Varsailles and didn't have any more subway tokens and did jump over the turnstyle.... stupid kids, what are you going to do?

    Glad Molly finaly got laid!!!!



  4. M&M,

    Happy to see that you moved on to more interesting things while you're in Paris. I think most would agree that taking in some of the world's great art while in one of the world's great cities beats furniture shopping.

    WC's adventure in Paris had to have happened when he was under 10 years old, otherwise, there would have been a sexual component to it.



  5. Too funny Suzanne

    I was not 10 and there was a sexual component to it

    Just not on the subway!!!!


  6. I will have to ask Big Bad what he thinks. I don't recall noticing that at the Louvre. But I was in my pre-Big Bad period.

  7. Hmmm, sounds like too much fun. Europe and sex too... nice.



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