Friday, February 3, 2012

You Look Lovely Today, Mrs. Cleaver.

Here in River City the weather has been .... unusual. For the second day in a row I was able to go on an after work bike ride in temperatures in the mid-50's. If the Groundhog predicts 6 more weeks of this, then bring it on.

And after last night's ride, Mistress stretched out on our bed, spread her legs, and let me worship through the cunning aperture in her peek-a-boo tights (yes, she had left them on for the ride-- they are all purpose!)

But what about the odd title of the blog, Mick....

Well I was reading Aisha's post from yesterday, and she mentioned something about other bloggers spending words this week on the subject of whether submissive women were somehow longing for the simpler days of the 50's and 60's, when they were not "burdened" with choices like having a career or when to reproduce.

Of course, Aisha's view is that the sort of "submission" she and others relish is voluntary, not because there are no other options.

But as you might expect, Mick had a more puckish perspective.... I got thinking about whether those iconic "house wives" of the 50's and 60's were actually doing something kinkier than making sure the fish sticks were warm and crispy when hubby and the kids gathered around her kitchen table for Friday night dinner.

Quite frankly, as I contemplated it, my mind drifted in a different direction.

As an example, it's hard to imagine Ward Cleaver forcing June to her knees to suck that very white cock.  But I could imagine June grabbing Wally's friend Eddie Haskell by the scruff of his neck, making him lick the toes of her sensible shoes, then allowing him to let his tongue slide up the inside of her thigh, where those 50's stocking tops led to something more tasty than double stuffed baked potatoes.

Come to think of it, maybe that explains why Eddie was such a suck up.He had hands on practice.

Then there are Ozzie and Harriet Nelson. Could Harriet have kept Ricky and David suck good little boys without wielding a mean paddle. And if so, it's hard to imagine that Ozzie didn't get some of that action too. Otherwise why did he always arrive home exactly at 5:35 pm?

And what about that dork Darrin, on "Bewitched"? Hardly a Dom. Isn't it more likely that Samantha cast some type of spell to make Darrin an obedient (if lumpy) sex slave than that he tied her to the door frame and reddened that insouciant ass?

Finally, what about that babe with origins in the 1950's with the mind controlling lasso, and the bullet proof bracelets? She was the object of more than a few adolescent fantasies in all those suburban neighborhoods.  It's hard to imagine her being a pushover in the bedroom, isn't it?


  1. My, what perverted thoughts you have, Mick! How very refreshing.

    Harriet swinging a paddle, Darren as a slave, (although one would have thought when upgrading to Darren 2.0 the choice would have been a bit beefier) and Wonder Woman as a Domme, all those are spot on. But Eddie Haskell? Give me a break. That young man needed a ball gag just to keep the whine contained.

    I think June would have played at being submissive, accommodating Ward's cock while also cleaning the oven...with her pearls on, of course.


  2. You crack me up! You forgot about the mystery dynamic on Family Affair with the cast of Uncle Bill, Mr. French, Cissy and Jody. How about Gilligan's Island? lol


  3. The creator of Wonder Woman was one of us. The D/s aspects particularly in the early stories (she was first published in the early '40s) were not accidental.

  4. Haha Mick,

    Genious... and you even worked in "insouciant ass" sending the poor old WC to Websters again

    Too too funny!

    B and I once owned a tape of Samatha reading Anne Rice's Beauty series

    Was pretty hot hereing her sultry voice saying "and then he forced his rock hard cock up her while spanking her bottom and spreading her wide open..."

    Was kind of surrrealistic actually

    You have out done yourself again

    The very impressed,


  5. Sorry....I'm to young to remember all of this stuff. Well, some of the stuff. I did see Leave it to Beaver reruns...and used to think Tony Dow was hot. I could just sense he'd enjoy worshiping me ;)

    Nice to see that someone cared about that "insociant" ass!



    1. I'm sure the whole male cast would enjoy worshiping you, Suzanne. Including Lumpy Rutherford.


  6. This cracked me up. Not sure why...but it just did. June Cleaver in her pearls and pumps, dusting...without is far easier to imagine WW snapping that golden lasso like a whip and cracking it over her latest boytoy while abjuring him to 'get on with it then" as he laps her pussy lips.

    Mick, you are a rascal!!



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