Friday, February 10, 2012

New Venue for Worship

Mistress and Slave made a lunch date yesterday. We went back and forth a bit about whether she would visit my office, or I would visit hers. Ultimately we decided that I would drive over to her office, which is on the other side of downtown - a little too far to walk particularly on a cold and damp day.

There is a little deli in her building and we ordered our lunch there: she went for a "designer salad", and Slave settled for a sandwich.

Not surprisingly, Mistress was nicely decked out in her "business Domme" costume: the black dress, some tasteful jewelry, and of course her black boots and those special tights.  There is a public atrium with tables where we could sit, but it was a little crowded there yesterday, no doubt because of the unwelcoming weather.

So Mistress guided us to a small conference room. and while the wall had what appeared to be a smokey glass window it soon became obvious to this devoted Slave that the windows were completely opaque: from the outside one might be able to detect shadows inside, but one could never tell what the occupants were doing. And there was even a little space in the room, with some comfy chairs, that were out of sight all together.

Better yet..... there was actually a lock on the door!

"Looks like we've found the perfect space, Mistress...."

I could tell she was a little doubtful. She checked the lock to make sure it worked.... but relented.

"OK, Slave.... but we better do it now before folks get back from lunch.... it could be someone has reserved this conference room."

Fortunately, with those special tights, all Mistress had to do was sit back, spread her legs and hike up her skirt a bit. Slave could take it from there.

Mistress seemed to enjoy the attention, throwing her head back and lifting those booted legs over my shoulders, pulling me in tight.

"This is nice Slave.... let me take a photo for you to share."

I handed her my new I-phone so she would not have to get up and root through her purse.

And of course she did. But soon the I-phone was tucked away and both Mistress and Slave were focused on the task at hand. It wasn't long before Mistress's hips were rising to meet my purposeful lips and tongues, and she was stifling her moans of release.

She patted my head, running her fingers through the wispy remnants of my locks.

"Good job Slave..... it's nice to know you are nearby and on call."

Just a short drive away Mistress.

She already has my number, so I didn't need to give her my card:  "Have tongue, will travel".


  1. LOL - what a wonderful motto, Mick!


  2. You two make make beautiful music together.


  3. Pretty daring in the conference room!

  4. A lock? A lock?

    You two are going soft on us!

  5. With all due respect to the WC's opinion, it's a good idea to lock the room. Might be an even better one to reserve it as well....for a private luncheon.



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