Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unprecedented Way to Start a Work Week at UCTMW World HQ

As our loyal readers may have noted, the pages here were dark yesterday.

Mistress had a very early wake-up call Monday for a trip to the north-lands of our great flat state. 

No time at all for wake-up sex, though I did make sure to get in a little post-shower worship before sending her on her way.

I had my own busy day at work, then fixed dinner for my older daughter, her husband and my two cute grandsons.  By the time the dishes were cleared away and the kitchen clean it was about 8 pm, and Mistress was headed home, arriving here at 9 pm or so, bone tired.

Sex was the last thing on our collective minds.....

I know, you're wondering, what's up with that?

Well, even Molly and Mick sometimes get too danged busy and tired for a roll in the hay.  While we may appear to be sexual super heroes, on occasion, we can revert to Clark Kent or Diana Prince.

And, for my part, an aging Clark Kent, without the thick head of hair.  Did I mention  a recent social run in, last week. It was a business reception at Mistress office, where I met one of her company's clients. He saw our matching name tags and asked me "Is she your daugther?"

Ouch.   Maybe he was going to follow up with "is she seeing anyone right now?"

Well, as it happens, she is , buster.

Which turns our attention briefly to J.

With the Cute Co-Ed back from College things will also be a little different this summer when it comes to J "stopping by".

On Sunday, when I went to visit my cranky Mother, J came over to visit Mistress.  Rather than hang out at the house, they walked to a local coffee shop for Lattes.  When I came home they were sitting down in our "Man Cave", chatting,  but there was no "hanky-panky" going on, with our teen upstairs.

The cover story when she did walk down to say hello, was that J is a work acquaintance, and he and  Mistress had some business matters to discuss.  They watched a show on TV that we all had been discussing, while Slave did a project on my lap-top.

It all seemed very homey, and I think the Co-Ed did not suspect a thing was out of the ordinary.


Going back to my cranky Mother.  For mother's day I bought her a book to read by an author she enjoys.  I didn't wrap it, but placed it on a little bag from the book store.

When I handed it to her, before she looked at the cover, she said.

"Oh.... don't tell me this is the book they've been talking about on TV..... that "Mr. Grey thing....."


Even my 85 year old mother has been caught up in that media frenzy.

But at least that gets us back to sex.

Mistress told me to get upstairs no later (or earlier ) than 6:30 am if I want some action.

See ya.


  1. While mouse doesn't comment all the time, she did notice that there was no post yesterday.

    Glad things are ok...your readers do worry.


  2. Wait, so you DIDN'T buy your mom 50 Shades of Grey?

  3. No.... Altho if I was hoping she'd have a heart attack or stroke, that might be a good plan.



  4. No wake up sex....but time for morning worship. That has to count for something.

    When faced with taking the time to post something on the blog or get some worship time in, I'm glad you did the right thing :)



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