Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Morning Sexual Protocol Question

I appreciated all your comments yesterday, dear readers. We seem to be in agreement that Slaves come in all sorts of packages.  I would agree with Donna that this one was not "hard wired" as a sub by some strange genetic or psychological programming.  It really wasn't until later in life that the mysterious sexual karma of submitting to the needs and control of my beloved Mistress made itself known.

I guess it was just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off?

In any event, for those of you who think I get off light around here -- the pampered house slave of legend - yesterday may get you thinking otherwise.

Of course there was our early morning wake up sex in the executive suite.  Mistress got her starter cum as I grazed and she read the blog.

"My, this is a long one, Slave....."

"The better to worship you to,  Mistress...."

Then Slave got his reward, allowed to fuck Mistress to his / her heart's content.

But then things took a different turn.

First off, I was doing some sweaty "field slave" duties for a good chunk of the morning and afternoon while Mistress and her diva in training were sunning themselves on our deck.

There was some roof repair, slathering pitch like goo on a hot flat roof surface to cope with a slow leak.  There was grass mowing, weeding and planting in some beds around our yard, and mulching too. 

All that got me pretty dirty and sweaty, and I did get in a little reading and relaxing when Mistress and the cute Co-Ed went off to get their nails serviced late in the afternoon.

But Mistress had a little warning for me before she left.

"When I get home you're getting a cropping Slave....."

I raised an eyebrow in of to say "Moi?"

"You know why, Slave....."

Actually, I suppose I did. On our bike ride earlier in the day, we had some "cross" words.  The subject is really irrelevant - all work related - but I clearly had not shown the type of support and sympathy Mistress had a right to expect.  She was unhappy, and I was one reason for it.  I probably knew then there would be consequence.

Sure enough, around 6 pm, Mistress returned home. She explained to our daughter that we would have a "rest period" before dinner. 

I was given clear directions.

"Take off your cloths slave and get into position."

Of course, she got no argument from me.  I was horny by then, and figured I could "endure" to the good part.

AS it turns out, Mistress wielded the crop with an unusual ferocity. She had me squirming and bouncing off the bed.  At one point I actually had to turn my reddening ass away from her .... bad slave.... I know.  It only earned me a few more whacks of the crop. 

So, for those of you who think Slave is a little too pampered and "uppity",  think again, my friends.

When she was done, Mistress directed me to "insert your device, Slave...."

The aneros stored away in our cupboard.  I lubed it up and slid it home.

All was forgiven now, though Mistress had a little chuckle when I came back into the room.

"Oh my, Slave .... you've got some impressive stripes on your poor little bottom."

No doubt.

But the reward afterword was worth the momentary suffering.  And Slave was appropriately reminded of his "place" here at the UCTMW World HQ.

This morning will be a little different for a Sunday. 

No Switch Day, at least not until this afternoon.

Mistress has a little early morning "Booty Call" over at her lover J's love shack.

With the cute Co-Ed home, it's a little "awkward" (as she would say) to schedule the type of weekend sleepover both of them would prefer.  So Mistress and he have a special "breakfast meeting" planned at around 8:30 this morning.

Which raises a question of protocol: Is it proper for Mistress and Slave to have wake-up sex before she heads over for his special brand of attention?

Or would that take the sexual edge off the whole Sunday AM "cuckold" thing for Mistress and Slave?

And what about J?  Would it be fair to serve him "sloppy seconds" so to speak.  Somehow I dont' think that has the same appeal for him as it does for Mr. "Not Sub Enough".

We seem to have decided on the "no sex for Slave" this am approach today. 

I think I can wait until the well satisfied Mistress comes home around noon time, don't you?


  1. Funny!!!!

    I am sitting here laughing my ass off!!!!

    Clearly I need to stir the pot more often just to give you material Mick

    I vote for the sloppy seconds for all

    Too too funny

    And you are still the over pampered house slave for sure:)

    I am still chuckling


    The soon to be pot stirrer,


  2. Mick,

    You're still a little pampered, but I have to admit you sure "slaved" outdoors on Saturday; all the weeding and spreading the goo on the roof? How long could you really put up with that? By late afternoon you would have been hoping for Moses to lead you out of several hours of bondage!

    As to the protocol....personally, I think a little oral worship of Mistress in the morning to prepare her for Jay would be in order, sort of "fluffing light." Then I'm with the WC for the sloppy seconds :)

    Hope you had a great Sunday!



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