That's what this two day trip has been for Mick. Molly had a legitimate business reason to come to DC this week, and I'm just tagging a long, trying to be an attentive Slave.
Yesterday she had to meet some business contacts at the W hotel here in mid-afternoon. She said in the lobby area waiting for them - folks she'd never met in person before - so she texted them where she could be found. I took a seat at the nearby bar, working on a writing project. At one point my text chime went off. It was Mistress, just 20 feet away, asking me to fetch her a diet coke. When I placed the order with the bartender, this generated a snicker from a woman sitting at the bar near me. But I nonchalantly said "that's what Slave's are for.....", which seemed to shut her up.
Afterwards we headed over to a nearby public building with nice views, all set up for a very swanky social event that Mistress had helped to organize. Luckily we were able to take some photos of the amazing views and furnishings, and of the special guest speaker.
We had such a nice time that when the party ended, the crowd just about had to be herded out, back to the streets with the rif-raf.
For dinner, we joined my daughter who works here, along with her boyfriend at a nearby restaurant. I got a polite lecture from her on a certain fictional twitter account that I generate in my spare time, poking fun at a certain Presidential candidate. She's clearly afraid that my excessive exploitation of first amendment rights will somehow result in my cover being blown, and embarrass her at her own job.
"Some of those jokes are a little gross Dad, and step way over the political correctness line."
I just told her that if somehow my name became associated with hers and this twitter account she could simply roll her eyes and chalk it up to a crazy Dad who no one can control.
But of course, in the back of my mind, I wanted to say, "It could be worse honey, your Dad could be writing a D/s sex blog!"
And speaking of kinky, on the walk back after dinner, We discovered this strange tableau.
It was an odd way to use some perfectly good hand-cuffs.... don't you think.
Which gets my mind back to a better use of my time.... Mistress and Slave have an open morning, a nice hotel room with a king size bed, and its time to put it to use.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Off to DC
Molly and Mick are off to DC this morning for a quick trip to visit with some exalted government leaders. Here in River City we've gone backwards when it comes to air travel it seems. Smaller planes. Less convenient flight schedules. But higher prices. It makes you nostalgic for the 1980's. But it feels like you're in the 1940's. But without the romance.
Since we will be out of here at around 5:15 am tomorrow, I'm posting this now, with a timed release.
Fortunately there was some warm and cozy wake up sex here in the UCTMW Executive Suite this morning. That may have to tide us over until tomorrow evening in our DC hotel. But I do have something just a tad kinky to share, that I noticed yesterday on the NY Times web site. This image of some historic bondage equipment:
It was in the Sunday "Forum" section, opposite an article about how brutal politics has become, and, in fact often has been in American history. But oddly, there was no reference, either explicitly or implicitly to the companion illustration. Is this an allusion to the sad plight of billionaires before their fortunes were unleashed in the pursuit of free expression by Citizens United? You got me.
But I thought maybe Suzanne might find it as an interesting accessory to have around the house, as a deterrant just in case his spanking obsession for her "Trophy Ass" gets Jay a little too carried away.
Since we will be out of here at around 5:15 am tomorrow, I'm posting this now, with a timed release.
Fortunately there was some warm and cozy wake up sex here in the UCTMW Executive Suite this morning. That may have to tide us over until tomorrow evening in our DC hotel. But I do have something just a tad kinky to share, that I noticed yesterday on the NY Times web site. This image of some historic bondage equipment:
It was in the Sunday "Forum" section, opposite an article about how brutal politics has become, and, in fact often has been in American history. But oddly, there was no reference, either explicitly or implicitly to the companion illustration. Is this an allusion to the sad plight of billionaires before their fortunes were unleashed in the pursuit of free expression by Citizens United? You got me.
But I thought maybe Suzanne might find it as an interesting accessory to have around the house, as a deterrant just in case his spanking obsession for her "Trophy Ass" gets Jay a little too carried away.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Memorial Day in River City
Here at the UCTMW World HQ we followed the path that most Americans do on Memorial Day.... bask in the good life that our forefathers created for us via their sacrifice.... my own tribute to my grandfather and father, who served, and with good fortune, survived some of the bloodiest battles of WW I and WW II came in the form of a newspaper article I wrote about them two years ago and that I reposted on Facebook yesterday. It's my small way of remembering them, and sharing their memory with family and friends.
For our part.... life was good here, though very very hot.
Mistress and Slave woke to an empty nest. The cute Co-Ed had spent the night with a friend, giving us a chance to celebrate with some toasty wake-up sex in the executive suite without worrying about the decibel level.
There was some yard work for me, and then a trip to our swim club, where I frolicked with my sweet grandsons for a while.
But at around 2 pm, we had to move on.
Mistress had scheduled a late afternoon "booty call" over at J's love shack at 3 pm and needed time to primp a little.
There is something supremely erotic about watching your wife shower, shave the clean shaven folds and slide into some sexy undies in preparation for some afternoon sexercise with her lover. I observed all this from our bed, reading the Times, naked.
Several times she mentioned my state of undress.
"Slave, that's a little unfair, you're showing off my cock, but I don't have time to do anything about it...."
"Don't worry, Mistress, it will be here when you get home."
She slid into a sexy summer sun dress, naked shoulders.
"You look hot, Mistress...."
"It's just what I'll wear to dinner tonight....."
We had plans to go to dinner at her mother's house with some other family members.
She kissed me goodbye, saying she'd see me around 6pm, though I'd have to wait until after dinner for any "action".
At some point she mentioned the convenience of scheduling her ongoing tryst with J.
"This is so much nicer than having to hide what you are up to, isn't it Slave....."
"Absolutely, Mistress. "
"I suppose I should make you wear the cage.... but I think I'll just trust you to behave."
"You know you can, Mistress."
I used the time to do a little yard work at our rental house in the City, and got home for a shower just before 6pm.
Sure enough, Mistress pulled up when she promised, and we immediately headed up the hill with our Co-Ed to our dinner.
But when we got there, her mother made an amusing comment.
"Were you in bed when I called you earlier, Molly?"
Mistress gave me a little sideways look, blushing a little.....
"Ummmm..... no, just reading....."
(Later she said that when her mother rang her to remind her about the time, she and J were "just talking", though I assumed it was in bed where the conversation was going on.)
At some point at her Mother's house she mentioned that our Western Correspondent had sent another email, the continuation of his "investigative report" from Scarlett Ranch. This seems like a good time for us to resolve the "cliffhanger" he set up for us yesterday:
For our part.... life was good here, though very very hot.
Mistress and Slave woke to an empty nest. The cute Co-Ed had spent the night with a friend, giving us a chance to celebrate with some toasty wake-up sex in the executive suite without worrying about the decibel level.
There was some yard work for me, and then a trip to our swim club, where I frolicked with my sweet grandsons for a while.
But at around 2 pm, we had to move on.
Mistress had scheduled a late afternoon "booty call" over at J's love shack at 3 pm and needed time to primp a little.
There is something supremely erotic about watching your wife shower, shave the clean shaven folds and slide into some sexy undies in preparation for some afternoon sexercise with her lover. I observed all this from our bed, reading the Times, naked.
Several times she mentioned my state of undress.
"Slave, that's a little unfair, you're showing off my cock, but I don't have time to do anything about it...."
"Don't worry, Mistress, it will be here when you get home."
She slid into a sexy summer sun dress, naked shoulders.
"You look hot, Mistress...."
"It's just what I'll wear to dinner tonight....."
We had plans to go to dinner at her mother's house with some other family members.
She kissed me goodbye, saying she'd see me around 6pm, though I'd have to wait until after dinner for any "action".
At some point she mentioned the convenience of scheduling her ongoing tryst with J.
"This is so much nicer than having to hide what you are up to, isn't it Slave....."
"Absolutely, Mistress. "
"I suppose I should make you wear the cage.... but I think I'll just trust you to behave."
"You know you can, Mistress."
I used the time to do a little yard work at our rental house in the City, and got home for a shower just before 6pm.
Sure enough, Mistress pulled up when she promised, and we immediately headed up the hill with our Co-Ed to our dinner.
But when we got there, her mother made an amusing comment.
"Were you in bed when I called you earlier, Molly?"
Mistress gave me a little sideways look, blushing a little.....
"Ummmm..... no, just reading....."
(Later she said that when her mother rang her to remind her about the time, she and J were "just talking", though I assumed it was in bed where the conversation was going on.)
At some point at her Mother's house she mentioned that our Western Correspondent had sent another email, the continuation of his "investigative report" from Scarlett Ranch. This seems like a good time for us to resolve the "cliffhanger" he set up for us yesterday:
Well Mick every time we go there we get more comfortable and
meet more people
Learn the way the place works, etc.
The foam machine was crazy
Never had a clue such a thing even existed
It has about a 12 inch wide nozzle and the foam just pours out
of it stacking up to 6 or 7 feet or higher
The foam is bubbles but is also an oily like lube
Comes in handy...
And you can't see inside it
The foam was on a stage outside
Not while I was on it........... a big gust of wind came
through and blew all the foam off the stage
Was hysterical!!!!
All the people who were under the foam were fucking or doing
some such shit
They all looked up like WTF!!!
It was so so funny........
Pull the curtain open baby
I still chuckle when I think about it
Any way when our new friend and I got off the stage we took a
They have showers under the sun ... with no walls of course
Everything about that place is about watching
The WC was quite aroused....
Much to the interest of B and her new friends
Long and short, B, I and our new friend adjourned to a cabana
And the WC wore a condom for the first time in nearly 17
Thanks for the denoument Miguel. Although feel free to mention the brand name of your condom next time. We may want to raise a little extra product placement revenue, especially since I anticipate seeing that item expensed on your next report.
Meanwhile, back at the UCTMW World HQ, you will be happy to know that Slave got a little action of his own last night, once we returned from dinner. I had assumed that we would be waiting until morning, since, Mistress's clean shaven folds had seen extended duty on Memorial Day.
But we got reading the blogs, and when Mistress read All Mine, with Suzanne's Jay asserting his right to spank her "trophy ass" upon her return from vacation with Tammy.... well I couldn't help but taste her juices.
One thing led to another, and there I was asking permission to fuck her. Fortunately, for me she was in an accommodating mood.
Thank's for the assist, Jay. Hopefully we can return the favor someday.
foam party,
Western Correspondent
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Hazards of Three Day Weekends
Apparently the widespread UCTMW staff has been fully exploiting the availability of a three day weekend. Here in River City, as I reported yesterday, it was my assignment to go wake Mistress and J, who were "sleeping" in our lower level, at 7 am sharp, to make sure we made it to our big group bike ride.
But as my feet hit the stairs, Mistress called out....
"Slave.... we're going to take another 10 minutes...."
Hmmm. I figured that the extra ten was not required to wipe the sleep sand from their eyes. And as Mistress mentioned to me later, she was exercising her "cock riding" privileges with her lover at the time.
But once she dismounted she came upstairs to greet me with a generous kiss, I made J some coffee and soon we were off for what was supposed to be a 35 mile ride with 150 other riders.
Sadly, our ride was aborted in its early stages with a tire failure on Mistress's bike. (I must say that as the temperature rose into the 90's I wasn't feeling too guilty about missing the final uphill leg of about 10 miles back to our neighborhood).
This left Mistress, Slave and J with some unanticipated time on their hands, and, we used it rather lazily. There was some lolling around the house, reading the papers, with Mistress cuddled next to J on the couch, her feet no doubt "unconsciously" poking at his crotch, which was still in those tight spandex riding shorts. Amazingly, they soon were snoozing there, and Slave was forced for journalistic purposes to take the photo of them above to share with all of you.
By the time they woke, the local restaurant was open for Sunday brunch, which was lovely, and no so crowded that Mistress and Slave could not regale J with some stories about Mistress's adventures with DiDi and Babette last fall (you may remember, before we were required to go "On the Lam").
"The women were fun J, but I have to tell you I prefer cocks..."
"Yeah.... I've gotten that impression...."
But like so many red blooded men, J did say its hard not to be intrigued at the thought of Mistress being pleasured by another woman. Who knows, we may have to go to that well yet again!
After brunch, Slave had some yard chores to handle in the rising heat.... mowing the lawn, running the weed eater. Mistress and J went on an extended bike ride with our surviving bikes while I did that.
And it was around 3 pm when Slave got his own sexual interlude with Mistress, after J had headed to a family gathering. Pleasure had been delayed a bit, but sometimes deferred gratification is the best, isn't it?
We spent the rest of the day lazing about here, with the cute Co-Ed giving us some space.
But this morning I woke to a dispatch from our Western Correspondent. It seems that his "investigative reporting" at Scarlett Ranch had finally paid some dividends for this humble media empire. ( I particularly enjoyed the attached 'editorial notes' from Donna):
Anyway we came out of
the foam and took a shower in the outdoor shower together and went back to sit
down next to B
But as my feet hit the stairs, Mistress called out....
"Slave.... we're going to take another 10 minutes...."
Hmmm. I figured that the extra ten was not required to wipe the sleep sand from their eyes. And as Mistress mentioned to me later, she was exercising her "cock riding" privileges with her lover at the time.
But once she dismounted she came upstairs to greet me with a generous kiss, I made J some coffee and soon we were off for what was supposed to be a 35 mile ride with 150 other riders.
Sadly, our ride was aborted in its early stages with a tire failure on Mistress's bike. (I must say that as the temperature rose into the 90's I wasn't feeling too guilty about missing the final uphill leg of about 10 miles back to our neighborhood).
This left Mistress, Slave and J with some unanticipated time on their hands, and, we used it rather lazily. There was some lolling around the house, reading the papers, with Mistress cuddled next to J on the couch, her feet no doubt "unconsciously" poking at his crotch, which was still in those tight spandex riding shorts. Amazingly, they soon were snoozing there, and Slave was forced for journalistic purposes to take the photo of them above to share with all of you.
By the time they woke, the local restaurant was open for Sunday brunch, which was lovely, and no so crowded that Mistress and Slave could not regale J with some stories about Mistress's adventures with DiDi and Babette last fall (you may remember, before we were required to go "On the Lam").
"The women were fun J, but I have to tell you I prefer cocks..."
"Yeah.... I've gotten that impression...."
But like so many red blooded men, J did say its hard not to be intrigued at the thought of Mistress being pleasured by another woman. Who knows, we may have to go to that well yet again!
After brunch, Slave had some yard chores to handle in the rising heat.... mowing the lawn, running the weed eater. Mistress and J went on an extended bike ride with our surviving bikes while I did that.
And it was around 3 pm when Slave got his own sexual interlude with Mistress, after J had headed to a family gathering. Pleasure had been delayed a bit, but sometimes deferred gratification is the best, isn't it?
We spent the rest of the day lazing about here, with the cute Co-Ed giving us some space.
But this morning I woke to a dispatch from our Western Correspondent. It seems that his "investigative reporting" at Scarlett Ranch had finally paid some dividends for this humble media empire. ( I particularly enjoyed the attached 'editorial notes' from Donna):
Very very
B and I went to the
club this afternoon
When we got there I
realized that I had forgotten sun screen and left B at a table in the
back yard to go get it
What a back yard !!!!
10 or so gazebos
with beds in them
A huge t-pee
Sorry I'm not native
And a bunch of other
crazy shit
When I got back B had
made a new friend named B
She was hot and there
were about 30 people around several tables in the sun in various stages of
B said she was over
dressed and took off her shorts and top
I took of my
B's new friend B was
the hottest lady their except for B and B kept trying to get me to
sit next to her
Being the wise husband
that I am I demurred
BUT she insisted
SO ....
I did
The other B was quite
She suggested we do the
foam together
I looked at B and she
said do it..............
So we did
As soon as we got into
the foam she grabbed my cock and started working it
Before long I was rock
hard and she was sucking on my nipples

B was very amused
And I was very
To be
From Donna:
What do you mean to be continued?
What's up with that? *grumbling incessantly*
Wait, something's wrong here! Punctuation may be missing but, aside from a few homonyms, the spelling is correct.
OMG Miguel, are you okay???
What's up with that? *grumbling incessantly*
Wait, something's wrong here! Punctuation may be missing but, aside from a few homonyms, the spelling is correct.
OMG Miguel, are you okay???
Thanks for the update, Miguel. Though wearing my corporate controller hat, I am a little concerned about B's role as facilitator in all this. Have we put her on the worker's comp report? If she slipped and fell in some foam while trying to extract the special occasion cock from some unfortunate "situation" , I would hat to have us all end up in Court.
We look forward to the continuation of your report. Although this photo that was slipped under the UCTMW cyber-transom does have me a little concerned about who the perpetrator in all this action really was.
foam party
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Challenging Saturday Night Logistics
Mistress, Slave and J are heading out early this morning to join up with a long organized bike ride through the region. Mistress persuaded J to spend the night here to make sure we were all ready to get out the door by 7:30 am or so for the ride.
But with our cute Co-Ed home organizing the "sleeping arrangements" can be a bit of a challenge.
She was planning on dinner with some friends, but the time of her departures was vague, and what would happen next was even vaguer. And while Mistress did her best to cross examine about when we might expect our little darling home, she was not doing so well.
"Unfortunately, you can't just say "we need to know when you'll be here so you won't catch me in bed with my lover", can you Mistress?"
But things turned out nicely for all concerned.
J was running a little late, so after our late afternoon nap, Slave got some unanticipated action.
"You mean I get to be the starting pitcher tonight, Mistress....."
"Consider yourself lucky, Slave..... now go insert your device.... I like the effect it has on you...."
As encouragement, she gave my cock a little possessive fondle.... that got me out of bed, into our bathroom, where I lubed up the aneros and slid it home.
Of course, she's right, that does have a certain physical and psychological effect on a Slave. After I worshiped her to a few thrashing cums, she found "her cock" was already hard and yearning for her.
"I think I'll ride it for a while Slave...."
And she did, sliding onto me, her hands reaching back to fondle my balls and she bucked and churned her way to a few more gasping cums before, exhausted, she rolled off me and instructed me to finish things off on top.
I was more than happy to oblige.
After Slave recovered suitably, I headed downstairs to begin preparing dinner.
But as we waited for J, I suggested to Mistress that he she wanted some private "fooling around" time, with him she it might be best to do it before dinner, while the Co-Ed was still away.
Soon J was there, we were enjoying some beers and wine, and Mistress laid it out.
"So Slave suggests that we may want to have sex now, while we know the daughter is gone at least for a while...."
J covered his face with his hands.....a little embarrassed by Mistress frankness in front of me.
It was hard not to laugh at Mistress's laying it out there.
Trying to ease his discomfort I intervened.
"You could just say you want to go upstairs and "confer", Mistress, maybe that would make J feel more comfortable..."
J agreed.
"Right .... a consultation...."
Of course, soon they were headed upstairs, hand in hand, Mistress leading the way.
Slave promised to keep an eye-out for the early return of our daughter, but for lack of an air horn, it was left unclear what my "signal" would be.
Mick finished the dinner prep, sat down with the Times for a while, but ... to my surprise.... the two lovebirds were back downstairs in about 40 mintues.
"Well.... that was an efficient use of time guys..... impressive..... J, you're keeping that pitch count down...."
Mistress explained that she had rushed J a bit , not knowing when the Co-Ed would be home.
But then this was the second time for her in about 2 hours. In this case I suppose it was J who got the "sloppy seconds".
After that, we reverted to three friends having dinner on a Saturday night. And with the daughter still out at around 9:30 pm or so, we sat down to watch last weeks episode of Mad Men, the three of us on the couch, Mistress in the middle, clinging in her way to both of us.
Very middle America, right?
Mistress made up the bed in our lower level for J, because we still did not know what our Co-Ed's plans were.
But as it turns out, she came home at around 10:30 pm, announcing that she was going out again to spend the night at a friend's house.
Ahhhhh.... clarity at last.
The three of us were bushed, so when she left, J and Mistress headed to bed together in the lower level, while Slave slept in the executive suite.
Before bed time though, Mistress pulled me aside to make sure things were "cool".
"Of course, Mistress....I mean when you have a sleep over guest what sort of hostess wouldn't offer to share his bed.... it just common courtesy."
"You're right Slave.... it would be kind of rude otherwise, wouldn't it?"
Then she added.
"Its a shame we can't all just sleep together.... that's what I'd really like.... but we'd need a king for that, wouldn't we."
I suppose we would, though I'm not too sure J is "there" yet, either.
She gave me a passionate kiss, along with a teasing caress of her cock....
"Sleep well, Slave.... and wake us at 7 ...."
Which I better do right now. Hopefully I won't be interrupting anything ....
But with our cute Co-Ed home organizing the "sleeping arrangements" can be a bit of a challenge.
She was planning on dinner with some friends, but the time of her departures was vague, and what would happen next was even vaguer. And while Mistress did her best to cross examine about when we might expect our little darling home, she was not doing so well.
"Unfortunately, you can't just say "we need to know when you'll be here so you won't catch me in bed with my lover", can you Mistress?"
But things turned out nicely for all concerned.
J was running a little late, so after our late afternoon nap, Slave got some unanticipated action.
"You mean I get to be the starting pitcher tonight, Mistress....."
"Consider yourself lucky, Slave..... now go insert your device.... I like the effect it has on you...."
As encouragement, she gave my cock a little possessive fondle.... that got me out of bed, into our bathroom, where I lubed up the aneros and slid it home.
Of course, she's right, that does have a certain physical and psychological effect on a Slave. After I worshiped her to a few thrashing cums, she found "her cock" was already hard and yearning for her.
"I think I'll ride it for a while Slave...."
And she did, sliding onto me, her hands reaching back to fondle my balls and she bucked and churned her way to a few more gasping cums before, exhausted, she rolled off me and instructed me to finish things off on top.
I was more than happy to oblige.
After Slave recovered suitably, I headed downstairs to begin preparing dinner.
But as we waited for J, I suggested to Mistress that he she wanted some private "fooling around" time, with him she it might be best to do it before dinner, while the Co-Ed was still away.
Soon J was there, we were enjoying some beers and wine, and Mistress laid it out.
"So Slave suggests that we may want to have sex now, while we know the daughter is gone at least for a while...."
J covered his face with his hands.....a little embarrassed by Mistress frankness in front of me.
It was hard not to laugh at Mistress's laying it out there.
Trying to ease his discomfort I intervened.
"You could just say you want to go upstairs and "confer", Mistress, maybe that would make J feel more comfortable..."
J agreed.
"Right .... a consultation...."
Of course, soon they were headed upstairs, hand in hand, Mistress leading the way.
Slave promised to keep an eye-out for the early return of our daughter, but for lack of an air horn, it was left unclear what my "signal" would be.
Mick finished the dinner prep, sat down with the Times for a while, but ... to my surprise.... the two lovebirds were back downstairs in about 40 mintues.
"Well.... that was an efficient use of time guys..... impressive..... J, you're keeping that pitch count down...."
Mistress explained that she had rushed J a bit , not knowing when the Co-Ed would be home.
But then this was the second time for her in about 2 hours. In this case I suppose it was J who got the "sloppy seconds".
After that, we reverted to three friends having dinner on a Saturday night. And with the daughter still out at around 9:30 pm or so, we sat down to watch last weeks episode of Mad Men, the three of us on the couch, Mistress in the middle, clinging in her way to both of us.
Very middle America, right?
Mistress made up the bed in our lower level for J, because we still did not know what our Co-Ed's plans were.
But as it turns out, she came home at around 10:30 pm, announcing that she was going out again to spend the night at a friend's house.
Ahhhhh.... clarity at last.
The three of us were bushed, so when she left, J and Mistress headed to bed together in the lower level, while Slave slept in the executive suite.
Before bed time though, Mistress pulled me aside to make sure things were "cool".
"Of course, Mistress....I mean when you have a sleep over guest what sort of hostess wouldn't offer to share his bed.... it just common courtesy."
"You're right Slave.... it would be kind of rude otherwise, wouldn't it?"
Then she added.
"Its a shame we can't all just sleep together.... that's what I'd really like.... but we'd need a king for that, wouldn't we."
I suppose we would, though I'm not too sure J is "there" yet, either.
She gave me a passionate kiss, along with a teasing caress of her cock....
"Sleep well, Slave.... and wake us at 7 ...."
Which I better do right now. Hopefully I won't be interrupting anything ....
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Sexual Politics
Here in River City we are lazing into the weekend.
Mistress took the day off yesterday, and spent some QT with our cute Co-Ed. I caught up on work at the office, though it was definitely a "dress down" day for me.
Mistress got her early morning worship, and more when I got home. And Slave was rewarded with some nice, sweaty sexual gratification after a bike ride.
But our Friday night was thrown off a bit by the presence of our cute Ce-Ed. She's been hovering a little too close to the mother-ship since the school year ended. When we settled down with our "picnic" dinner to watch an old but cute movie, LeDivorce, set in Paris - lots of nice shots of Kate Hudson in expensive lingerie being "seduced" by an older, more experienced French politician - she decided to watch with us, settling into the spot on the couch where old Mick usually gets a chance to fondle Mistress's clean shaven folds when the spirit, or a lull in the plot, moves me.
Hmmmm. Three can be a crowd, particularly when she's your daughter, as opposed to your wife's lover.
The Parisian themes did get me thinking this morning about a news story that has been developing these last few weeks. Mick is a little too obsessed with politics, and since my college days, when France was teetering on the edge of a second Revolution, I've been intrigued by French political news. Toss in sex and some hot babes and well..... it's worth talking about here isn't it.
The story is about the new French President, Francois Hollande, his former "companion", mother of his children and the last Presidential candidate of his Socialist Party, Segolene Royal, and his new "companion", Valerie Trierweiler.
Roll back the clock 6 to about 6 years ago, and Francois was a bit pudgier and the dutiful political spouse of Segolene as she tried but failed to make history as the first female President of the French Republic. It's not like he was a male version of Ann Romney, staying at home and supervising the staff. I suppose he was more like the male version of Hillary, with a career in Parliament and a leadership role in the Socialist Party. But still, very second banana, as his wife ultimately lost to Nicolas Sarkozy.
But as it turns out, even before the votes were counted, Francois and Valerie, a well known French political reporter - think a younger Barbara Walters with nice legs - had taken up with one another.
It all seemed a little too familiar here - when Mistress and I first got involved back in the era of the Gipper (who would be seen as a RINO in today's GOP, but don't get me started), I was married to a political candidate myself, running her campaign.... successfully I might add. But clearly the heart led me elsewhere.
And that seems to have happened to Francois too. The story goes that Valerie whipped him into shape - figuratively we presume - he shed some weight, sharpened his "message", was fortunate when Dominique Strauss Kahn, the leading candidate for President on the Socialist side landed in a rather messy sex scandal, and now finds himself in the Elysee Palace, with the lovely Valerie by his side.
There were some fetching photos of Valerie in the press as she came to the US with the other European "first ladies" for that big NATO meeting last week. (Those are her shoes above, at the White House).
Of course, Mistress has also whipped her Slave into shape, though I have no political ambitions to speak of..... just the ambition to worship and fulfill her every desire. And of course, we got married when the law allowed, igniting some local scandal at the time, which has long since faded away.
It's amusing to think that the French apparently had no qualms with these goings on, drawing the line only at DSK's sloppiness about it all. Can you imagine the outrage if a new President in this country moved into the White House with his "companion" -- although I suppose if it was Hillary and she dumped Bill on the campaign trail for someone fresh and new, there would be a certain understanding. Maybe Ellen DeGeneres? Vive le Difference!
But now there is talk that Francois is planning to "pop the question", if only to avoid problems with sleeping arrangements on foreign trips to places like Saudi Arabia.It's a little disappointing to consider.
It does make you wonder.... will the next development be Valerie taking an extra lover, who shares dinner and beds in the Palace? If so, maybe Francois needs to blog about it, under an assumed name of course.
Mistress took the day off yesterday, and spent some QT with our cute Co-Ed. I caught up on work at the office, though it was definitely a "dress down" day for me.
Mistress got her early morning worship, and more when I got home. And Slave was rewarded with some nice, sweaty sexual gratification after a bike ride.
But our Friday night was thrown off a bit by the presence of our cute Ce-Ed. She's been hovering a little too close to the mother-ship since the school year ended. When we settled down with our "picnic" dinner to watch an old but cute movie, LeDivorce, set in Paris - lots of nice shots of Kate Hudson in expensive lingerie being "seduced" by an older, more experienced French politician - she decided to watch with us, settling into the spot on the couch where old Mick usually gets a chance to fondle Mistress's clean shaven folds when the spirit, or a lull in the plot, moves me.
Hmmmm. Three can be a crowd, particularly when she's your daughter, as opposed to your wife's lover.
The Parisian themes did get me thinking this morning about a news story that has been developing these last few weeks. Mick is a little too obsessed with politics, and since my college days, when France was teetering on the edge of a second Revolution, I've been intrigued by French political news. Toss in sex and some hot babes and well..... it's worth talking about here isn't it.
The story is about the new French President, Francois Hollande, his former "companion", mother of his children and the last Presidential candidate of his Socialist Party, Segolene Royal, and his new "companion", Valerie Trierweiler.
Roll back the clock 6 to about 6 years ago, and Francois was a bit pudgier and the dutiful political spouse of Segolene as she tried but failed to make history as the first female President of the French Republic. It's not like he was a male version of Ann Romney, staying at home and supervising the staff. I suppose he was more like the male version of Hillary, with a career in Parliament and a leadership role in the Socialist Party. But still, very second banana, as his wife ultimately lost to Nicolas Sarkozy.

It all seemed a little too familiar here - when Mistress and I first got involved back in the era of the Gipper (who would be seen as a RINO in today's GOP, but don't get me started), I was married to a political candidate myself, running her campaign.... successfully I might add. But clearly the heart led me elsewhere.
And that seems to have happened to Francois too. The story goes that Valerie whipped him into shape - figuratively we presume - he shed some weight, sharpened his "message", was fortunate when Dominique Strauss Kahn, the leading candidate for President on the Socialist side landed in a rather messy sex scandal, and now finds himself in the Elysee Palace, with the lovely Valerie by his side.
There were some fetching photos of Valerie in the press as she came to the US with the other European "first ladies" for that big NATO meeting last week. (Those are her shoes above, at the White House).
Of course, Mistress has also whipped her Slave into shape, though I have no political ambitions to speak of..... just the ambition to worship and fulfill her every desire. And of course, we got married when the law allowed, igniting some local scandal at the time, which has long since faded away.
It's amusing to think that the French apparently had no qualms with these goings on, drawing the line only at DSK's sloppiness about it all. Can you imagine the outrage if a new President in this country moved into the White House with his "companion" -- although I suppose if it was Hillary and she dumped Bill on the campaign trail for someone fresh and new, there would be a certain understanding. Maybe Ellen DeGeneres? Vive le Difference!
But now there is talk that Francois is planning to "pop the question", if only to avoid problems with sleeping arrangements on foreign trips to places like Saudi Arabia.It's a little disappointing to consider.
It does make you wonder.... will the next development be Valerie taking an extra lover, who shares dinner and beds in the Palace? If so, maybe Francois needs to blog about it, under an assumed name of course.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Weekend Planning
Ahhhh..... could our readers hear Slave's sigh of relief .... or maybe it should be "release" on Wednesday evening at around 11:22 pm eastern time, when my long twilight nightmare of abstinence came to an end.
As it turned out, I actually arrived home a little before Mistress that evening. She had been enjoying some time with J at his "love shack", and when I called to tell her that her Slave was back in River City it seemed that.... well .... she was scrambling to reassemble her outfit and drive home to meet me.
It was my good fortune that despite some presumably rambunctious mating with J, she had enough sexual energy left to indulge me, after what had been a little more than 72 hours in the sexual wilderness. And while I had not been caged all that time .... I suppose there was an off chance of a metal detector run-in what with the NATO summit in full gear.... I had been self-controlled enough to respect the no touch rule, even when I woke one morning with a rather substantial "situation" of my own.
(I suspect that was substantially more self-control than my rather undisciplined staff has evern shown, based on yesterday's post).
I think Mistress was in for pyrotechnics on my return (or maybe after an evening with J she wanted to "cut to the chase" and get some sleep), but to enhance the experience she instructed me to "insert your device, Slave" - the aneros - before allowing me to savor the mixed juices that adorned her clean shaven folds after her evening out.
There is something on the exotic side to that taste, some tart mingling with the usual sweet. And you can imagine that I gorged myself on it, until Mistress had what was likely her 5th or 6th cum of the evening.
And when she was done with the writhing I had induced, Slave needed no further priming before taking advantage of the permission me gave to fuck her to my heart's content.
After a repeat of this indulgent treatment again on Thursday morning, and last night after a bike ride and dinner, Slave feels like he is back into his natural state of pampered bliss!
We are both looking forward to the weekend, though with our cute Co-Ed at home, and a little too willing to just "chill" here, we will be doing a little juggling.
Mistress wants to spend some time with J, and maybe dinner here at the UCTMW World HQ is in the cards.... but it may depend on whether our daughter fills up her dance card. We're not sure how to explain his sudden presence here on "picnic night". And the plan is to have him spend the night here Saturday, before we all head to an early morning bike ride with a group around the City. That can be explained..... but if the daughter is here, adjustments in sleeping arrangements could take on the feel of an old Marx Brothers movie.
Let us know if you have any thoughts (or experiences) on how to shuffle that particular deck of cards, dear readers.
I know one of our staff members will be "on assignment" this weekend. Our WC has forwarded an invitation from his local swingers club about the scheduled "Foam Party"
Here is the description from the the WC's cyber-invitation:
As it turned out, I actually arrived home a little before Mistress that evening. She had been enjoying some time with J at his "love shack", and when I called to tell her that her Slave was back in River City it seemed that.... well .... she was scrambling to reassemble her outfit and drive home to meet me.
It was my good fortune that despite some presumably rambunctious mating with J, she had enough sexual energy left to indulge me, after what had been a little more than 72 hours in the sexual wilderness. And while I had not been caged all that time .... I suppose there was an off chance of a metal detector run-in what with the NATO summit in full gear.... I had been self-controlled enough to respect the no touch rule, even when I woke one morning with a rather substantial "situation" of my own.
(I suspect that was substantially more self-control than my rather undisciplined staff has evern shown, based on yesterday's post).
I think Mistress was in for pyrotechnics on my return (or maybe after an evening with J she wanted to "cut to the chase" and get some sleep), but to enhance the experience she instructed me to "insert your device, Slave" - the aneros - before allowing me to savor the mixed juices that adorned her clean shaven folds after her evening out.
There is something on the exotic side to that taste, some tart mingling with the usual sweet. And you can imagine that I gorged myself on it, until Mistress had what was likely her 5th or 6th cum of the evening.
And when she was done with the writhing I had induced, Slave needed no further priming before taking advantage of the permission me gave to fuck her to my heart's content.
After a repeat of this indulgent treatment again on Thursday morning, and last night after a bike ride and dinner, Slave feels like he is back into his natural state of pampered bliss!
We are both looking forward to the weekend, though with our cute Co-Ed at home, and a little too willing to just "chill" here, we will be doing a little juggling.
Mistress wants to spend some time with J, and maybe dinner here at the UCTMW World HQ is in the cards.... but it may depend on whether our daughter fills up her dance card. We're not sure how to explain his sudden presence here on "picnic night". And the plan is to have him spend the night here Saturday, before we all head to an early morning bike ride with a group around the City. That can be explained..... but if the daughter is here, adjustments in sleeping arrangements could take on the feel of an old Marx Brothers movie.
Let us know if you have any thoughts (or experiences) on how to shuffle that particular deck of cards, dear readers.
I know one of our staff members will be "on assignment" this weekend. Our WC has forwarded an invitation from his local swingers club about the scheduled "Foam Party"
Here is the description from the the WC's cyber-invitation:
You Definitely don't want to
miss a Foam Party!
Get Wet! Get Wild! Get Naked!
Warning: We are not
responsible for happy, naked wet girls in the great outdoors!
Break out your beach wear for
this famous party at Scarlet Ranch! This event is not one to be missed. If you
like fun, young, wet couples, then this is the party for you! Since we have so
much beautiful outdoor space, we thought we would have another outdoor foam party
and see how many bubbles we can make this time! You can either join in the fun,
or catch a drink on the patio and laugh at all of us in the bubbles! DJ GRock
will be in-house to keep the party rocking all night long, as well as a full
staff of your favorite beauties to make sure you have a memorable evening!
Everything gets rather wet, so please dress in clothing and shoes that will not
be harmed..if you plan on being near the bubbles. Otherwise, feel free to dress
to impress!
Miguel, if you elect to "dress to impress", please get B to take a photo and share it with us. Otherwise I will be forced to pick one from the archives, and I suspect you know what that may look like.
foam party
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
While Mick's Away....
I'm on my way home from the Windy City.
It was an enjoyable, if not "pleasurable" journey, if you know what I mean.
And this afternoon I was able to slip away from my meetings for a nice long bike ride along the beautiful Lake Shore. On a sunny, not too hot , not too cold day, there is no City more beautiful. And they must have at least 20 days like that all year, right?
BTW, I took the photo on my ride.
But while Mick has been flying solo, and following the "no touch" rule, our staff has been pretty busy it seems.
Tonight, Mistress is over at J's "Love Shack" , getting some time in with her Lover before her Slave arrives home.
"So when is it you'll be home.... I want to make sure I am there to greet you...."
I told her by 11 pm. ANd she's promising I will not have to wait until morning. Though for her it will be a two-fer evening. But that may work out fine, since I'm not sure I have the "staying power" of yore after two nearly 72 long hours without her.
And our other staff members have not exactly been joining in my carnal denial.... as I've been riding back to River City, Donna shared with me the following, showing me what our Western and Senior Correspondent have been up to rather than putting nose to the grindstone for some more conventional "journalism".
Here is the email exchange Donna shared, with a little grammatical sandblasting to protect the guilty:
I love the kind of fast passion you share.
As I finished reading your email, I was wet and squirming and could tell I would need some direct, hands-on stimulation to get the job done.
I put my laptop, with your email displayed on the screen, beside my pillow, then laid a thick towel doubled over on my bedspread. I grabbed the lube and my favorite pocket rocket from the nightstand, climbed up on the bed and positioning my butt to be centered on the towel.
Ramping the pocket rocket to medium speed, I pushed it solidly against the side of my clit. Then, grabbing my right breast in my hand, I repositioned and tugged and pulled it toward my face. By bringing my head up and sticking out my tongue, I was just able to run my tongue over the nipple. Frustration. I wanted suction, and biting, and teeth grinding back and forth shooting fire shots from my nipple to my clit. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the clamps. Working a nipple with my fingers, rolling and stretching it out as far as possible while pinching it with my fingernails, I snapped on a clamp and cinched it down. Doing the same for the other nipple, I could immediately feel the electric current making a circuit that would build to an orgasm.
I jacked up the speed of the pocket rocket to high and turned my head toward my laptop to begin re-reading what you had written. I got as far as "I'll grab a fistful of your hair and jerk your head back to fuck you harder," when a moan escaped my throat and then I began cumming, and not just cumming but squirting again and again, unable to stop. Finally the rhythmic pulsing of my ass released, and I lay there exhausted.
As I began to sit up, I saw a shadow by the door and doing a quick double take saw that Bill was leaning against the door frame. His arms were crossed over his chest and he gave a small tilt to his head and said, "Very nice." Then he walked over, pushed me back down on the bed and told me to stay put. He slowly unzipped his jeans, and bit by bit his big fat cock, head purple-red and dripping pre-cum, came into sight. Bill used two fingers to rub the pre-cum around the head and just under the mushroom cap of his cock. He grabbed the lube, put a dollop in his hand and began to slowly rub it onto his rod, root to tip, picking up speed.
His boner was beautiful. There isn't another word for it other than beautiful. My mouth began to salivate and I reached out with the intention of pulling him into my mouth, but he shook his head and continued with his primal rhythm and motion. Within three minutes his breath had become staccato gasps, his eyes closed and then his head fell back. He let out a whoop and ropes of white cum shot from him, landing on my breasts, neck and face.
Bill leaned over to give me a kiss, first licking his cum from my lips. His kiss was a peck with a smile behind it. He pulled up his jeans, tucked himself away, turned and went back out the door.
Yes, we both enjoyed your email, ----.
It was an enjoyable, if not "pleasurable" journey, if you know what I mean.
And this afternoon I was able to slip away from my meetings for a nice long bike ride along the beautiful Lake Shore. On a sunny, not too hot , not too cold day, there is no City more beautiful. And they must have at least 20 days like that all year, right?
BTW, I took the photo on my ride.
But while Mick has been flying solo, and following the "no touch" rule, our staff has been pretty busy it seems.
Tonight, Mistress is over at J's "Love Shack" , getting some time in with her Lover before her Slave arrives home.
"So when is it you'll be home.... I want to make sure I am there to greet you...."
I told her by 11 pm. ANd she's promising I will not have to wait until morning. Though for her it will be a two-fer evening. But that may work out fine, since I'm not sure I have the "staying power" of yore after two nearly 72 long hours without her.
And our other staff members have not exactly been joining in my carnal denial.... as I've been riding back to River City, Donna shared with me the following, showing me what our Western and Senior Correspondent have been up to rather than putting nose to the grindstone for some more conventional "journalism".
Here is the email exchange Donna shared, with a little grammatical sandblasting to protect the guilty:
Had some sexiness happen this morning. Called my friend Josie
because she sells vibrators and I want a powerful clit vibrator to take to The
Ranch. I figured I might as well get a recommendation from a lady and give her
the business. She is bringing her catalogs by the office later.
Josie is one fucking hot little professional who wants to fuck
my wife.
Anyway, she says, "Mike, I cant keep any vibrator out of my
pussy or my Hitachi off my clit this week. I have just been masturbating
Really, I ventured, where are you?
In bed........
I told her I was going to take her to The Ranch dressed in
nothing but a pair of black high heels and a collar and a leash, and
that's when I heard the Hitachi start up!
What are you going to make me do?
The first thing I'm going to do is show you off to everybody,
pulling your ass wide open for everybody to see.
...Loud moaning...
And then you're going to eat my wife's pussy.
I could hear her as she came hard!! You are going to suck my
cock and get it nice and wet, ready to fuck you.
I love your big beautiful cock, send me another picture.
Stop telling me what to do. You're lucky I'm not there or I
would put your naked little bare bottom over my knee and blister your bare
And after that I going to split you wide open with my fat cock
and fuck you hard from behind, and then I'll grab a fistful of your hair and
jerk your head back to fuck you harder!
And so on :)
Afterword I told her to text me a picture of her soaking wet
pussy and asshole, and went to the men’s room and masturbated the SOC to a
fucking hard orgasm.
Hard enough that I hit myself in the chin with my cum:)
It was a smoking hot pic she sent, BTW.
The WC
I love the kind of fast passion you share.
As I finished reading your email, I was wet and squirming and could tell I would need some direct, hands-on stimulation to get the job done.
I put my laptop, with your email displayed on the screen, beside my pillow, then laid a thick towel doubled over on my bedspread. I grabbed the lube and my favorite pocket rocket from the nightstand, climbed up on the bed and positioning my butt to be centered on the towel.
Ramping the pocket rocket to medium speed, I pushed it solidly against the side of my clit. Then, grabbing my right breast in my hand, I repositioned and tugged and pulled it toward my face. By bringing my head up and sticking out my tongue, I was just able to run my tongue over the nipple. Frustration. I wanted suction, and biting, and teeth grinding back and forth shooting fire shots from my nipple to my clit. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the clamps. Working a nipple with my fingers, rolling and stretching it out as far as possible while pinching it with my fingernails, I snapped on a clamp and cinched it down. Doing the same for the other nipple, I could immediately feel the electric current making a circuit that would build to an orgasm.
I jacked up the speed of the pocket rocket to high and turned my head toward my laptop to begin re-reading what you had written. I got as far as "I'll grab a fistful of your hair and jerk your head back to fuck you harder," when a moan escaped my throat and then I began cumming, and not just cumming but squirting again and again, unable to stop. Finally the rhythmic pulsing of my ass released, and I lay there exhausted.
As I began to sit up, I saw a shadow by the door and doing a quick double take saw that Bill was leaning against the door frame. His arms were crossed over his chest and he gave a small tilt to his head and said, "Very nice." Then he walked over, pushed me back down on the bed and told me to stay put. He slowly unzipped his jeans, and bit by bit his big fat cock, head purple-red and dripping pre-cum, came into sight. Bill used two fingers to rub the pre-cum around the head and just under the mushroom cap of his cock. He grabbed the lube, put a dollop in his hand and began to slowly rub it onto his rod, root to tip, picking up speed.
His boner was beautiful. There isn't another word for it other than beautiful. My mouth began to salivate and I reached out with the intention of pulling him into my mouth, but he shook his head and continued with his primal rhythm and motion. Within three minutes his breath had become staccato gasps, his eyes closed and then his head fell back. He let out a whoop and ropes of white cum shot from him, landing on my breasts, neck and face.
Bill leaned over to give me a kiss, first licking his cum from my lips. His kiss was a peck with a smile behind it. He pulled up his jeans, tucked himself away, turned and went back out the door.
Yes, we both enjoyed your email, ----.
Well, if nothing else, that at least makes up for the lack of real sex in the last two entries here at UCTMW.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Missing Mistress

For her part, Mistress took our cute Co-ed to dinner last night, foregoing an invitation to stop by J's house.
"He called last night and wanted me to come over after dinner, Slave.... but I figured it would be a little hard to explain to our daughter where I was heading to so late at night...."
"He wants you, Mistress....."
"I think he does, Slave...."
But she is planning to spend a few hours with her lover tomorrow evening after work, before her Slave gets home around 10:30 pm.
Let's hope she has a little energy left, or Slave may be waiting for Thursday morning!
Now I think I'm going off for a run on the Lake Front. I have a little excess energy to discharge!
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Whole World's .... Yawning.
Slave is up here in the Windy City for a business meeting until Wednesday. Coincidentally, my trip coincided with a crazy confab of world leaders ranging from our President to some Prime Minister of Pakistan who left town sulking that he never got a photo op with said President to show the folks back home, sort of like a whiny small time political contributor from Kankakee.
The most noticeable thing to me was the "ghost town" feel of the streets in a town usually choked with traffic, and the overwhelming police / military presence presumably designed to provide "security", and also deter disruptive street protests. Cops everywhere, some armed to the teeth, tucked away in buses and vans, lining the streets, ready for .... anything.
In an odd way it brought to mind my first trip to Chicago - the summer of 1968 - for the Democratic Convention that year. (Yes, friends, I am that old). It seemed to me that the police in Chicago have learned some lessons over those 45 or so years. Not nearly as many of them are large Irish guys willing to swing their clubs first and ask questions later. And those billy clubs? They seem to have gotten a lot longer.
In any event, the world was spared scenes of Cops gone wild this week.... a nice comparison to the sights, sounds and smell of tear gas that summer so long ago when the chant I remember from the crowd was "the whole world's watching....."
I did get a chance to go for a walk on unusually still streets yesterday afternoon.... it seemed many office workers and shoppers had stayed home to avoid the melee that never happened. But I did snap a photo that our fans out there might enjoy, particularly Tammy and the "sub sisters", who have generously looped me into their entertaining side bar repartee over the last few days:
But of course, this is just a cheap substitute for sex, something that Slave came up short on yesterday. (Other than my opportunity to worship Mistress yesterday morning before I hit the road).
Fortunately, J stepped into the gap I left behind in River City and "entertained" Mistress last night. They went out to dinner and adjourned to the "love shack". As I was enjoying some local color and dessert with some colleagues in Little Italy last night, Mistress called to wish me good night.
"We're tired here Slave."
I'm sure they had good reason to be tired.
But at least I can spice things up here a little with a dispatch received yesterday from our Western Correspondent before I sign off today:
The most noticeable thing to me was the "ghost town" feel of the streets in a town usually choked with traffic, and the overwhelming police / military presence presumably designed to provide "security", and also deter disruptive street protests. Cops everywhere, some armed to the teeth, tucked away in buses and vans, lining the streets, ready for .... anything.
In an odd way it brought to mind my first trip to Chicago - the summer of 1968 - for the Democratic Convention that year. (Yes, friends, I am that old). It seemed to me that the police in Chicago have learned some lessons over those 45 or so years. Not nearly as many of them are large Irish guys willing to swing their clubs first and ask questions later. And those billy clubs? They seem to have gotten a lot longer.
In any event, the world was spared scenes of Cops gone wild this week.... a nice comparison to the sights, sounds and smell of tear gas that summer so long ago when the chant I remember from the crowd was "the whole world's watching....."
I did get a chance to go for a walk on unusually still streets yesterday afternoon.... it seemed many office workers and shoppers had stayed home to avoid the melee that never happened. But I did snap a photo that our fans out there might enjoy, particularly Tammy and the "sub sisters", who have generously looped me into their entertaining side bar repartee over the last few days:
But of course, this is just a cheap substitute for sex, something that Slave came up short on yesterday. (Other than my opportunity to worship Mistress yesterday morning before I hit the road).
Fortunately, J stepped into the gap I left behind in River City and "entertained" Mistress last night. They went out to dinner and adjourned to the "love shack". As I was enjoying some local color and dessert with some colleagues in Little Italy last night, Mistress called to wish me good night.
"We're tired here Slave."
I'm sure they had good reason to be tired.
But at least I can spice things up here a little with a dispatch received yesterday from our Western Correspondent before I sign off today:
So B and I went to a party last night
It was a leaving the organization party for one of B's fellow
She and B had worked very closely on a big project that was the
most devastating for them both in their careers
J said last night she cried for a week after the debacle
B is still affected by it
So they are close but have not worked in the same office for
several years
Anyway J is a very fucking hot 35 or so year old
She is a workout freak and in perfect shape
She was wearing a black little dress
She was there with a hot guy but he just sat in the corner and
didn't talk to anybody while she was greeting all her friends
B was up and about too so I was just talking to some people and
watching the deal
J was greeting people and giving them hugs
When one woman came in she spanked her ass
And I'm not talking about a pat on the ass
Im talking five or six hard swats
And then she grabbed it and squeezed it hard! !!!
The WC was interested ...... Very interested
The lady she spanked was clearly smitten by J
And then J saw me staring and winked at me
Wow I thought what is the deal here?
I sat there and she did the same thing to four other ladies....
that i saw... one 65 but hot:) and a good friend of B and I's
Holly shit I thought this lady is really kinky
I asked B about the deal and she said she didn't see it
Is she a Domme I asked
I don't know B said
Anyway, it was something I have never seen in a Vanilla setting
Pretty fucking hot too!!!
She really spanked those gals hard!!!
Very very cool
Anyway being the gentleman that I am I offered to help her with
her new career as it is the same field as mine
See what a nice guy I am:)
The always helpful,
Thanks WC. I'm just surprised you didn't get in line for a few whacks.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Does Mistress Need a "Closer"?
Mistress clearly needed some relaxation this weekend to get her out of some work related angst.
Saturday was a bona fide day of rest for her. Lot's of sun on our deck. Nothing on the schedule (though she did work in some time to give her Slave a good cropping).
Sunday was a different sort of "stress discharge" day.
She was up and out early for her Sunday morning "booty call" at J's charming "love shack". She wandered back to the UCTMW World HQ at about 11:45 am, looking well fucked and in need of some time to "recover".
"Wow, Slave.... two straight hours of fucking..... it takes a lot out of a woman...."
"Poor dear....."
"I think you're going to have to wait until later.... hope you don't mind....."
Of course, Slave knows his place in these matters.... and that when the time came I would be cumming too.
Mistress was quickly into her bikini for some relaxation on our deck with the Times and our cute Co-Ed - it was another gloriously sunny day here, and while she was out Slave had dutifully inflated a little wading pool so that the two Divas in my life could cool themselves when things got too hot for them in the sun
"It's like the Beverly Hillbillies out here, Slave...."
True. But this was a rather tacky substitute for their "See-ment Pond".
I had to go visit my grumpy mother, and when I got back, Mistress had a little social update for me.
"J's riding over on his bike..... I guess he just can't get enough of me, Slave...."
I can understand why.... though now I was getting little worried that Slave's chance for some release would be deferred even longer.....
J did arrive, a bit flushed after his 10 mile ride, and wearing some of those tight Lycra bike shorts. Mistress was impressed.
"You look nice in the shorts, J."
We enjoyed the afternoon, with Mistress making some snacks for her lover, and Mick reading the Times in the shade. Mistress persuaded J to stay for dinner, though she and I still needed to get our own bike ride in. J used the time we were riding the local hills to catch up with Mad Men which we had DVRed.
I do think Mistress likes to tease J about his slight remaining discomfort about this "arrangement" though. While we were changing into our riding cloths, Mistress came downstairs to see how J was doing, but before she bothered to slide into her sports bra and jersey.
So when I came downstairs ready to ride, there she was, topless, J looking even more flushed.
"I think it took him awhile to realize that my breasts were out, Slave...."
We then got into a little conversation about which of her lover's likes her breasts more.
"I think J's actually into them more than you are, Slave...."
Well, it's hard to tell. I suppose I am more of a "leg man", but they are very lovely breasts.
Later, after we had ridden, and showered (J was a little too embarrassed to accept Mistress's generous invitation to shower with her) , I started on dinner as Mistress plopped down on the couch next to J, extending her lovely feet onto his lap.
As I prepped the Salmon and zucchini, I noticed Mistress in that short cream colored robe, as Jay massaged her tired feet. Of course, there were no undies concealing the hint of those pristine clean shaven folds.
At just about that moment, J asked me a question:
"Mick, do you know what a 'naked short' is...."
I did a bit of a double take: was that a reference to Mistress short robe and naked parts? Oh.... I got it.... it was a finance question.... a naked short sale of stock!
My bad.
At some point yesterday afternoon, Mistress mentioned that sometime in the midst of all this socializing, Mistress had to make time to fuck her Slave, since I'd be leaving town Monday for a business trip. Again, a bit of embarrassment for J.
"Not sure I need to hear about that guys...."
And then there was a little discussion of Mistress's sexual appetite.
"I like to have sex before I go to sleep every night, and usually we do, right Slave?"
"Most nights, Mistress."
"I suppose you do say you're too tired every now and then."
"But I always offer to worship...."
You do..... but then, J, sometimes you say you're too tired at night."
That's when it occurred to me.

"J, maybe we need to find a third guy for her.... a Closer...."
J picked up the thread, explaining the concept to Mistress, who is not much of a sports fan.
"Right, you've got your starting pitcher.... he's Mick.... maybe he can last into the 6th, 7th inning on a good day..... then there's your middle reliever... that's me.... I come in for the 7th, 8th innings.... and when the game is on the line and the starter and middle reliever can't produce.... you've got your closer. He's got the heat when you need it.... short intense spurts....."
I think Mistress got the concept, and seemed intrigued.
And for those of you who were concerned that Slave might not get any Sunday action.... rest assured.
After dinner, Mistress drove J and his bike home, making sure there was plenty of time for the starting pitcher to get in a little "work" before the weekend ended.
Now Slave is on the way to Chicago for two nights .... Mistress has arranged a little sleepover this evening with J. I'm glad to know I will be leaving her in good hands. But I hope he doesn't lose track of the pitch count.
Saturday was a bona fide day of rest for her. Lot's of sun on our deck. Nothing on the schedule (though she did work in some time to give her Slave a good cropping).
Sunday was a different sort of "stress discharge" day.
She was up and out early for her Sunday morning "booty call" at J's charming "love shack". She wandered back to the UCTMW World HQ at about 11:45 am, looking well fucked and in need of some time to "recover".
"Wow, Slave.... two straight hours of fucking..... it takes a lot out of a woman...."
"Poor dear....."
"I think you're going to have to wait until later.... hope you don't mind....."
Of course, Slave knows his place in these matters.... and that when the time came I would be cumming too.
Mistress was quickly into her bikini for some relaxation on our deck with the Times and our cute Co-Ed - it was another gloriously sunny day here, and while she was out Slave had dutifully inflated a little wading pool so that the two Divas in my life could cool themselves when things got too hot for them in the sun
"It's like the Beverly Hillbillies out here, Slave...."
True. But this was a rather tacky substitute for their "See-ment Pond".
I had to go visit my grumpy mother, and when I got back, Mistress had a little social update for me.
"J's riding over on his bike..... I guess he just can't get enough of me, Slave...."
I can understand why.... though now I was getting little worried that Slave's chance for some release would be deferred even longer.....
J did arrive, a bit flushed after his 10 mile ride, and wearing some of those tight Lycra bike shorts. Mistress was impressed.
"You look nice in the shorts, J."
We enjoyed the afternoon, with Mistress making some snacks for her lover, and Mick reading the Times in the shade. Mistress persuaded J to stay for dinner, though she and I still needed to get our own bike ride in. J used the time we were riding the local hills to catch up with Mad Men which we had DVRed.
I do think Mistress likes to tease J about his slight remaining discomfort about this "arrangement" though. While we were changing into our riding cloths, Mistress came downstairs to see how J was doing, but before she bothered to slide into her sports bra and jersey.
So when I came downstairs ready to ride, there she was, topless, J looking even more flushed.
"I think it took him awhile to realize that my breasts were out, Slave...."
We then got into a little conversation about which of her lover's likes her breasts more.
"I think J's actually into them more than you are, Slave...."
Well, it's hard to tell. I suppose I am more of a "leg man", but they are very lovely breasts.
Later, after we had ridden, and showered (J was a little too embarrassed to accept Mistress's generous invitation to shower with her) , I started on dinner as Mistress plopped down on the couch next to J, extending her lovely feet onto his lap.
As I prepped the Salmon and zucchini, I noticed Mistress in that short cream colored robe, as Jay massaged her tired feet. Of course, there were no undies concealing the hint of those pristine clean shaven folds.
At just about that moment, J asked me a question:
"Mick, do you know what a 'naked short' is...."
I did a bit of a double take: was that a reference to Mistress short robe and naked parts? Oh.... I got it.... it was a finance question.... a naked short sale of stock!
My bad.
At some point yesterday afternoon, Mistress mentioned that sometime in the midst of all this socializing, Mistress had to make time to fuck her Slave, since I'd be leaving town Monday for a business trip. Again, a bit of embarrassment for J.
"Not sure I need to hear about that guys...."
And then there was a little discussion of Mistress's sexual appetite.
"I like to have sex before I go to sleep every night, and usually we do, right Slave?"
"Most nights, Mistress."
"I suppose you do say you're too tired every now and then."
"But I always offer to worship...."
You do..... but then, J, sometimes you say you're too tired at night."
That's when it occurred to me.

"J, maybe we need to find a third guy for her.... a Closer...."
J picked up the thread, explaining the concept to Mistress, who is not much of a sports fan.
"Right, you've got your starting pitcher.... he's Mick.... maybe he can last into the 6th, 7th inning on a good day..... then there's your middle reliever... that's me.... I come in for the 7th, 8th innings.... and when the game is on the line and the starter and middle reliever can't produce.... you've got your closer. He's got the heat when you need it.... short intense spurts....."
I think Mistress got the concept, and seemed intrigued.
And for those of you who were concerned that Slave might not get any Sunday action.... rest assured.
After dinner, Mistress drove J and his bike home, making sure there was plenty of time for the starting pitcher to get in a little "work" before the weekend ended.
Now Slave is on the way to Chicago for two nights .... Mistress has arranged a little sleepover this evening with J. I'm glad to know I will be leaving her in good hands. But I hope he doesn't lose track of the pitch count.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday Morning Sexual Protocol Question
I appreciated all your comments yesterday, dear readers. We seem to be in agreement that Slaves come in all sorts of packages. I would agree with Donna that this one was not "hard wired" as a sub by some strange genetic or psychological programming. It really wasn't until later in life that the mysterious sexual karma of submitting to the needs and control of my beloved Mistress made itself known.
I guess it was just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off?
In any event, for those of you who think I get off light around here -- the pampered house slave of legend - yesterday may get you thinking otherwise.
Of course there was our early morning wake up sex in the executive suite. Mistress got her starter cum as I grazed and she read the blog.
"My, this is a long one, Slave....."
"The better to worship you to, Mistress...."
Then Slave got his reward, allowed to fuck Mistress to his / her heart's content.
But then things took a different turn.
First off, I was doing some sweaty "field slave" duties for a good chunk of the morning and afternoon while Mistress and her diva in training were sunning themselves on our deck.
There was some roof repair, slathering pitch like goo on a hot flat roof surface to cope with a slow leak. There was grass mowing, weeding and planting in some beds around our yard, and mulching too.
All that got me pretty dirty and sweaty, and I did get in a little reading and relaxing when Mistress and the cute Co-Ed went off to get their nails serviced late in the afternoon.
But Mistress had a little warning for me before she left.
"When I get home you're getting a cropping Slave....."
I raised an eyebrow in of to say "Moi?"
"You know why, Slave....."
Actually, I suppose I did. On our bike ride earlier in the day, we had some "cross" words. The subject is really irrelevant - all work related - but I clearly had not shown the type of support and sympathy Mistress had a right to expect. She was unhappy, and I was one reason for it. I probably knew then there would be consequence.
Sure enough, around 6 pm, Mistress returned home. She explained to our daughter that we would have a "rest period" before dinner.
I was given clear directions.
"Take off your cloths slave and get into position."
Of course, she got no argument from me. I was horny by then, and figured I could "endure" to the good part.
AS it turns out, Mistress wielded the crop with an unusual ferocity. She had me squirming and bouncing off the bed. At one point I actually had to turn my reddening ass away from her .... bad slave.... I know. It only earned me a few more whacks of the crop.
So, for those of you who think Slave is a little too pampered and "uppity", think again, my friends.
When she was done, Mistress directed me to "insert your device, Slave...."
The aneros stored away in our cupboard. I lubed it up and slid it home.
All was forgiven now, though Mistress had a little chuckle when I came back into the room.
"Oh my, Slave .... you've got some impressive stripes on your poor little bottom."
No doubt.
But the reward afterword was worth the momentary suffering. And Slave was appropriately reminded of his "place" here at the UCTMW World HQ.
This morning will be a little different for a Sunday.
No Switch Day, at least not until this afternoon.
Mistress has a little early morning "Booty Call" over at her lover J's love shack.
With the cute Co-Ed home, it's a little "awkward" (as she would say) to schedule the type of weekend sleepover both of them would prefer. So Mistress and he have a special "breakfast meeting" planned at around 8:30 this morning.
Which raises a question of protocol: Is it proper for Mistress and Slave to have wake-up sex before she heads over for his special brand of attention?
Or would that take the sexual edge off the whole Sunday AM "cuckold" thing for Mistress and Slave?
And what about J? Would it be fair to serve him "sloppy seconds" so to speak. Somehow I dont' think that has the same appeal for him as it does for Mr. "Not Sub Enough".
We seem to have decided on the "no sex for Slave" this am approach today.
I think I can wait until the well satisfied Mistress comes home around noon time, don't you?
I guess it was just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off?
In any event, for those of you who think I get off light around here -- the pampered house slave of legend - yesterday may get you thinking otherwise.
Of course there was our early morning wake up sex in the executive suite. Mistress got her starter cum as I grazed and she read the blog.
"My, this is a long one, Slave....."
"The better to worship you to, Mistress...."
Then Slave got his reward, allowed to fuck Mistress to his / her heart's content.
But then things took a different turn.
First off, I was doing some sweaty "field slave" duties for a good chunk of the morning and afternoon while Mistress and her diva in training were sunning themselves on our deck.
There was some roof repair, slathering pitch like goo on a hot flat roof surface to cope with a slow leak. There was grass mowing, weeding and planting in some beds around our yard, and mulching too.
All that got me pretty dirty and sweaty, and I did get in a little reading and relaxing when Mistress and the cute Co-Ed went off to get their nails serviced late in the afternoon.
But Mistress had a little warning for me before she left.
"When I get home you're getting a cropping Slave....."
I raised an eyebrow in of to say "Moi?"
"You know why, Slave....."
Actually, I suppose I did. On our bike ride earlier in the day, we had some "cross" words. The subject is really irrelevant - all work related - but I clearly had not shown the type of support and sympathy Mistress had a right to expect. She was unhappy, and I was one reason for it. I probably knew then there would be consequence.
Sure enough, around 6 pm, Mistress returned home. She explained to our daughter that we would have a "rest period" before dinner.
I was given clear directions.
"Take off your cloths slave and get into position."
Of course, she got no argument from me. I was horny by then, and figured I could "endure" to the good part.
AS it turns out, Mistress wielded the crop with an unusual ferocity. She had me squirming and bouncing off the bed. At one point I actually had to turn my reddening ass away from her .... bad slave.... I know. It only earned me a few more whacks of the crop.
So, for those of you who think Slave is a little too pampered and "uppity", think again, my friends.
When she was done, Mistress directed me to "insert your device, Slave...."
The aneros stored away in our cupboard. I lubed it up and slid it home.
All was forgiven now, though Mistress had a little chuckle when I came back into the room.
"Oh my, Slave .... you've got some impressive stripes on your poor little bottom."
No doubt.
But the reward afterword was worth the momentary suffering. And Slave was appropriately reminded of his "place" here at the UCTMW World HQ.
This morning will be a little different for a Sunday.
No Switch Day, at least not until this afternoon.
Mistress has a little early morning "Booty Call" over at her lover J's love shack.
With the cute Co-Ed home, it's a little "awkward" (as she would say) to schedule the type of weekend sleepover both of them would prefer. So Mistress and he have a special "breakfast meeting" planned at around 8:30 this morning.
Which raises a question of protocol: Is it proper for Mistress and Slave to have wake-up sex before she heads over for his special brand of attention?
Or would that take the sexual edge off the whole Sunday AM "cuckold" thing for Mistress and Slave?
And what about J? Would it be fair to serve him "sloppy seconds" so to speak. Somehow I dont' think that has the same appeal for him as it does for Mr. "Not Sub Enough".
We seem to have decided on the "no sex for Slave" this am approach today.
I think I can wait until the well satisfied Mistress comes home around noon time, don't you?
Riding Crop
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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