Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It seems that fall arrived here in River City overnight.

Our Sunday had been spent out on our deck, reading the Times and soaking up some summer like sun. But by the time we were ready to head home from work Monday, planning on a twilight bike ride, dark, cool clouds were filling the sky, and rain was coming on.

It was fitting that Mistress had been pulling out her fall / winter boots over the weekend. Can peek-a-boo tights be far behind?

But back to our evening.

Slave was getting cold feet about riding in the chilly weather. But I hate to sound like a wimp.

Luckily, Mistress blinked first.

"Maybe we should cancel the ride, Slave...."

That left us with an open dance card, and I had a good idea how to fill it.

"Why don't we just crawl into bed for a while before dinner, Mistress?"

Hearing no objection, that's how our dinner began. There was some time to absorb the evening news and MSNBC ranting, then Slave turned off the TV, we set aside our laptops and burrowed deeply into one another's chilled bodies, gathering our shared bodily warmth and kindling it into some pre-dinner sex.

Nothing fancy, but very satisfying.

It was the highest and best use of an empty nest.

Unfortunately, the rest of the week is not shaping up quite as nicely.

We have a political event to attend this evening, and tomorrow Mistress has an overnight business trip, leaving Slave alone to watch the big debate.

"Be prepared to wear that cage while I'm gone, Slave...."

"I figured as much, Mistress."


  1. Yep, that nip is in the air, and back to bed is a lovely option. Too bad we don't get to use it as much as we'd like to.


  2. I know how you get excited over political events Mick. Better stay in the cage until Mistress returns. Headed to a debate party myself, with a very securely locked slave by my side :)

  3. The frost is on the pumpkin,
    So it's time for dinky dunkin'

    But then it always seems to be that time at Molly & Mick's empty nest...

    Don't mind me, I'm just envious. I can't remember the last time mine got dunked.


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