Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bears in Bondage?

Mistress and Slave spent another day in this beautiful city Tuesday, but we are heading back to River City later this morning.  She had some work to do yesterday, giving Slave sometime to gamble about the town, wandering through North Beach and lolling at a coffee shop over a latte and my email.

Obviously, it's an edgier city than where we live, and I had to shoot a few of the kinkier window displays, like this one -- but what's with the bears in bondage imagery?  I know 'Nilla loves bears, so maybe this can inspire something:

I did see some lovely lingerie windows, that might set Tammy and Suzanne all a flutter:

Or these outfits, which I texted to Mistress at her conference:

Last night, after some pre-dinner worship, Mistress directed me to run through her AM correspondence one more time before locking it down for the time being. What amazes is the persistence of some guys to spend their AM credits with repeated entreaties, often culminating in "so just send me a message back explaining why you aren't interested in me!"

"I think doing that would only encourage them to keep whining, Slave."

Suffice it to say that Mistress makes the call based on an algorhytmn that is highly complex, but involves factors such as height, relative weight, face (after they send a key to their "private showcase"), whether the "showcase" contains unrequested body parts. whether they start out complaining about their wives or lovers ( a no no), and obvious grammatical or spelling errors (i.e., claiming you are "colleged educated"). The bottom line: she knows one when she sees one.

She has set up two "dates" this coming week, with two out of towners who will be in River City for a few days. One is set for Sunday evening (Slave will be at the Pussycats game); another is Monday evening, and Slave has been directed to make a dinner arrangement at a local Italian restaurant.

The tricky part will be scheduling a second encounter if it seems appropriate for later in the week. the two are already bidding for her Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

"This could be tricky, Slave.... and they're staying at hotels only a few blocks from one another."

Of course, isn't it more likely that one or the another, and maybe both, will not "click" when the test for personal chemistry is applied?

"I'm sure you have the skills to figure this out Mistress. You are a highly accomplished multi-tasker."

Of course, there are a few "back-ups" on the list. Locals who want to set up time to meet for a coffee


  1. The bears in bondage are interesting aren't they? I wonder what the inspiration for that was?

  2. Looks like Mistress' appointment calendar is going to be filling up rather quickly. As her appointment secretary Mick, I suggest you make the entries in pencil just in case :)


  3. Ah, the excitement of new prospects!! Enjoy...



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