Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mistress's Busy Upcoming Week

We had a relatively lazy day here Saturday at the UCTMW World HQ. After two consecutive weekends on the road, it was nice not to be overly scheduled.

Some slow and sensuous wake-up sex.

A business breakfast for Mistress while Slave mowed the lawn and did some other "field slave" duties.

A bike ride in the chilly fall air, the local leaves bright with color.

Then as Slave watched his alma mater win a close game against the chaste and sober lads of Mitt Romney's alma mater, Mistress took a nap and visited her mother, just up the street.

When she came home she announced we would be blowing off the party of a work colleague for even more lazing about. That gave us time fort some late afternoon nookie, in which Slave surprised Mistress by deploying her favorite power tool to kick things off. 

"Oh.... we've not used that in a while, Slave...."

After the fireworks subsided, and Slave had his second helping of the day, I  fetched my sated Mistress some gluten free pizza and we watched an HBO movie about the strange relationship of Alfred Hitchcock and Tipi Hedron.

All very indulgent.

But it's clear Mistress needed to rest up this weekend because her dance card has the potential for being very full in the upcoming week.

The two AM prospects at the top of her list - both out-of-towners - are both in town through Wednesday. She has dinner set up with "Ed" tonight, while Slave is at the Pussycats game with a nephew. And she has another dinner with "Nic" tomorrow evening.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether or not there will be personal chemistry with either. But what if there is? With both? That's when the scheduling could get a little dicey for the rest of the week.

Ed is the artist / scientist who seemed particularly intriguing at first. A world traveler. Accomplished painter.  Seemingly up Mistress's alley from an intellect POV. But he also seems a little shy and taciturn. Other than a few emails to set up their meet, there has been little contact over the last week. No "pump priming" from this guy, and Mistress does like communication to build anticipation.

Nic is a corporate type, who comes here a lot for business. He's Italian, with a bit of a Nicholas Cage look based on the photos he's shared. He's the guy with the prose that the WC deems a little squishy, but which Mistress admits has gotten her a little squirmy. (Plus he uses punctuation!)

And Nic has already wanted to confirm that Mistress can also be available later in the week. On the other hand, Ed seems the more prudent "take it slow" kind of guy.  Both of them will be staying in our rather compact downtown this week, adding a little cloak and dagger to the plot.

You can bet Slave will  be anxiously waiting to see how both of her dates go.


  1. Punctuation is over ratted anyway:)

    But thanks for the shout out

    Squishy no .......

    Sappy yes

    And way too over eager in my humble opinion

    Molly does he want to marry you or fuck you!!!!

    The still shaking his head


  2. We will ALL be anxiously awaiting to hear how both her dates go!!

    Have fun, Molly!!


  3. Sometimes anticipation is the best part. Sometimes punctuation and spellcheck are underrated.


  4. Artists are a different breed anyhow. God bless anyone who can figure them out. They lose interest in their paintings also....

    What's squishy to one can be squirmy to another (maybe even nebbishy)...that's what makes the world go round.

    As for punctuation, in this day of Twitter, Facebook, text messaging and the like, punctuation got its ass thrown out a long time ago. You see a semicolon and wonder if it's bad punctuation or someone flirting with you! Unless of course, it's in the middle of some sappy poetry that gets you all squirmy :-)


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