Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cold Weather Cock Confinement

Mistress and her devoted Slave finally made it home late Sunday night. My state of randy had hardly been tempered by the 9 hour drive from Maryland. Diversions along the way included listening to my Pussycats lay an egg against the "mighty" Miami guppies, and the first inning or so of our local baseball team out on that City by the Bay.

But what kept the sexual edge on was Mistress using our mobile "hotspot" to launch some flirtations via Ashley Madison even as the paint was drying on her enjoyable but apparently over relationship with J.  She's the type of girl who believes in "getting back on the horse", and the fetching photo of her tanned legs sitting beside me in the car featured on her profile was already drawing much attention as we crossed through West Virginia and a corner of Pennsylvania.

Ah, the glories of the efficient marketplace!   Milton Friedman would be so proud!

When we pulled into the drive we discovered that our cute Co-Ed was home from college for the night. She'd traveled to a family event up in Chicago with her grandmother, and decided to return to campus in the morning.

But that did not deter Molly and Mick. After a few pleasantries were exchanged about her weekend, we announced we were heading to bed. And once our bags were unpacked, Mistress ordered her Slave to "go put in your device, Slave...."  Inserting the aneros at that point would be like shaking a bottle of Dom Perignon before opening, but WTF. Maybe Mistress was tired and figured she'd get this over quickly!

After the sort of worship that Mistress had sadly been denied all weekend, Slave was allowed to take Mistress in the traditional position. I will leave the details to your imagination. Suffice it to say that it was a great and satisfying releif to have my long 3 days of abstinence over!

By morning, Slave was more than ready for an encore, but sadly, Mistress had a very early meeting, and the alarm woke us both around 6:15 am from a dead sleep.  On her way to the shower, she reminded me that it was a cage day, since we'd be driving seperately.

I dutifully smushed my guy parts into the hard steel ring before climbing into the shower with Mistress, and once we had dried off, I fitted the "hood" over my "pampered" cock, allowing her to shut the lock.

"Thank you, Mistress", I muttered.

"It's so cute when you thank me for locking you away, Slave."

As it turned out, it was a tough day in the cage.

The first frost had settled over River City, and there's something about that steel cage and cold weather that makes my balls swell against their cruel confines. 

The drive to work was one long ouchy squirm, which did not seem to subside until after an hour or so at my desk. Luckily I also have a stand-up desk in my office, which can provide a little relief from that annoying pain as my confined balls rub against my office desk.

By the time we were home, preparing for a pre-dusk bike ride, Mistress was merciful and unlocked me. And once our riding was done I was pampered again with some rather rambunctious pre-dinner fucking after I had given Mistress's clean shaven and well exercised folds a nice tongue bath.

Mistress even rode her work-a-day cock for a while, gathering up a series of shuddering, moaning cums before Slave was allowed to harvest his own.

So while my long cold day in the cage was a tad agonizing with the arrival of the first frost, at least I was able to do some nice reaping at the end of my day!


  1. Well Mick,

    At least you didn't get piledriven,

    The rode hard and put away wet,


  2. Mick,

    You need a cold-weather cage. Those steel things aren't made for cold weather climates. Just imagine if you had to spend winters outdoors in that thing. Try plastic.

    Sounds like the WC is in a sympathy-seeking mood.



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