Sunday, October 7, 2012


Mistress and Slave are now headed back to River City, our mobile hotspot providing a link to the blog-o-sphere.  Mistress is already in her "move on" phase, and was  perusing the postings on Ashley Madison, while Slave listened to the Pussycats lose to a team they should have beaten.

And the saddest part of all is that we are still on Sexual lock-down, after two nights in a small hotel room with our sullen teen.

Unfortunately, the weather was cold and rainy on our travels today, so there was no chance for a quicky in the woods on the way home. Hopefully we will have enough pent up sexual energy by the time we hit our driveway tonight so that we need not wait until morning.

Our trip was enjoyable, though. And although there wasn't any real "action", we did see some interesting semi-erotic art at a local museum, collected by the Cone Sisters (no apparent relation to the Cone Bros.) two spinsters who hung with Gertrude Stein, Picasso and the like back in the early part of the 20th Century. No mention was made of their "orientation", but the photos with them and their ex-pat friends, taken in throughout Europe, certainly suggested that they were cutting edge for their time, likely lesbians.

In any event, this painting suggests the sort of furtive love affair that is part of the whole AM cache:

This one and the one at the top suggest the sort of fetching pose it would have been nice to see Molly in, but for our close quarters this weekend:

As for the invasive boyfriend of our daughter's roommate, well it was fortunate for him that he already had evacuated the premises by the time we dropped her back there around 1 pm today. I had been rehearsing my best stare of death and threatening insinuations.

Now with a few more hours to go, I'm just  wondering how the Pats and Broncos will come out to see whether Miguel (our Western Correspondent) or Suzanne, over at All Mine, will take it at the back door for their team.

The horny,



  1. Those really are lovely poses, hope you get to enjoy something similar when you get home. Yep, the Bengals only have themselves to blame, but at least the Reds are looking good.


  2. Bill, Dir of Security UCTMWOctober 7, 2012 at 7:40 PM

    I like the educational aspect of this blog, fine art is always appropriate!

  3. Mick,

    I have just the spot for that painting :)

    Maybe we can commission one of the WC paying off his bet.


  4. I always think of the painting "The Swing" ( when thinking of semi-erotic art.
    This may be because in my entire fine arts class in college, I was the only one to realize that the man was looking up her skirt.


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