Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Western Correspondent Pinch Hits

Mistress was a little on edge today about our dinner tonight with Cougar Bait #2, David, with whom she's been flirting and having some hot phone sex with for the last few days.

"I'm a little nervous Slave.... he's gotten me going remotely, but what if we don't hit it off... maybe he's a geek... or maybe he'll think I'm too old?"

As she primped this morning, Slave had to consider that, at least in part, she was dressing with her new prospective lover in mind. And Slave gets a special kick out of Mistress in her tights, particularly necessary as the cold weather from the Super Storm settled over River City. So I had to snap the picture to the right to share with all of you.

Now we are home, while Mistress and David are sharing a little "getting to know you time" after the dinner I fixed up for the three of us.  And since it could be a late night, and we have an early morning here, we've called on our notorious Western Correspondent to come out of semi-retirement and share some of his goings on on the Eastern slope of the Rockies.  

Those of you who are anxious to see how Mistress is progressing through Cougar Week will have to come back Thursday morning for an update on tonight's adventure:

Well I spoke to my friends Mick and Molly today and They asked if I would writer a blog post for tomorrow as they thought the might have a late night because their new prospective cub/boytoy David is cumming for dinner.

I told Molly about a lady I’ve gotten to know at my gym and she thought that  UCTMW’s readers might be interested

She is about 50 years old and she kindly took me to lunch one day

We had worked out together a few times and she was very fun and funny

And she kept staring at my package and ass the whole time

Of course I was checking her out too!

One day she was doing vertical leg presses in shorts with no underwear 

Both Tim our trainer and the WC got quite a view of her clean shaven folds and puckered rear entrance

Timmy says E!! you have to wear underwear

I don't give a shit she said smiling at me

The WC was very impressed and interested

I asked Timmy what her deal was and he said she is married to some doctor but she has been fucking around for years

She has been a client of Tim's for years

And she has been asking a lot of questions about you 

All of which led to our lunch


She is defiantly a fellow kinkster 

Turns out she has been to the Scarlet Ranch too..... and not with her husband........

She says "I don't know why he stays with me I haven't fucked him in years"

See Mick I used quotes!!!!!!!!

Anyway she asked about my past and was very interested in my years in the mountains and all the crazy shit that went on there

But then she starts talking about 50 shades of grey

Really? I said as my ears perked up

Do you like getting your bottom spanked???????

She arched her eyebrows and  looked at me and said ...  as a matter of fact I do....


Oh yes

What else do you like?  The inquiring WC asked

I like to masturbate.....


Yes I keep a pocket rocket in my car and a Hitachi under my bed


Yes my daughter thinks her mom is a freak cause she is always finding sex toys around the house


Yes I am always horny


Is your dick as big as it looks in your shorts??????

How big does it look??????


Well I have a friend named Molly who thinks it is big

Who is Molly??????

Well that’s a long story..........

Oh well I don't care about her anyway but do you want to have lunch again


When she hugged me goodbye she grabbed my package

Yep it’s good

We have not had lunch again but maybe later this week

So in summary

While not the kinkstress that Suzanne, Molly and Donna are

She is a kinkstress nonetheless!!!!!!!!

So the WC has a quandary,

Be a good boy or not????????

What do the loyal UCTMW readers think?

The always horny but on the fence,


Cougar Week Kick-off

Mistress shared a nice sushi dinner with Matt, last night. I had a political meeting to cover at dinner time, but she was able to text me an update as we covered plans for GOTV.

"Very nice guy, Slave."

"But is there a hotness factor?"

"I can work with it."

"You are very creative, Mistress."

I got home first, and Mistress made it home by around 9 pm.  She stayed long enough to linger over some sake and get to know the guy she'd been texting with and talking to for several days. She had made a point of not rushing into this one. And I suspect Matt was impressed with Mistress in her black dress, boots and tights.

(I know I was impressed as she headed off to work yesterday morning.  Slave has a fetish for those tights, and this was the first day of tights season, as temperatures crashed in River City.)

I got a brief update.

"He's very nice. Funny. Grounded. Pretty attractive, with the shaved head look."

"Was he comfortable with the age difference, Mistress?"

"No problem there. He said I look younger than a lot of women his age...."

"Did he try to kiss you Mistress?"

"He gave me a hug.... He's a gentleman though, and will not push it. He said he wants to see me later this week if we can, but with this schedule? ... not sure that's going to work."

Indeed, he asked Mistress to text him to assure she'd gotten home safely, which of course she did.

"So does he deserve a return engagement?"

"I think so, Slave....."

In the meantime, as Mistress was getting ready for bed, she was hearing from her other supplicants.

"K wants to talk, Slave.... it's late and I'm tired, but maybe I'll tell him for a little while."

She chatted with K as I tended to a few household tasks that Mistress noted needed handling.

He's the 42 year old, Engineer, divorced, who has an out of town girl friend. Mistress was impressed with his photo, and plans to meet him for drinks on Thursday.

"He's says he can't wait until Thursday Slave.... but he seems.... complicated. We'll see.

She slid into a black nightie, and then looked again at her I-phone.

"Hmmm..... David wants me to send him a 'hot' picture, Slave.... "

She took a seductive pose across the bed, and handed me her phone.  I clciked a few poses, which she sorted through and texted off to David.

Soon her phone was ringing.... David.

They chatted a while, more about his job and plans for him to join us for dinner tonight than anything explicit. Mistress made it clear that her dutiful husband was there beside her as she chatted. David understands the whole arrangement.

This evening should be interesting.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Another Prospect for Mistress's Cougar Week Collection

AS we head into Cougar Week, Mistress is feeling a little stressed.

There's David, her would be Dom, who woke her with a text Sunday morning that started "god morning, my little concubine".  That led to a giggle, and was a nice little prelude to our morning sexual engagement, that began with Mistress on her tummy, the Hitachi thrust between her legs from behind.  After a thrashing cum with an assist from modern technology, Slave fucked her from behind for a while before flipping her over for a suitable denouement (with her permission, of course).

Of course, she got a good morning greeting from Matt too. He's the earnest suitor, who's been sharing cute photos of his kids, and will be sharing sushi with her this evening.

The weather has gotten cold and damp here this weekend, so we headed off to our gym for some exercise, then came home to watch the end of the movie we started Saturday night. But when the movie was over, Mistress noted another message from David.

"He wants me to call Slave..... I think he wants to engage me in some more phone sex...."

So Slave dug into the New York Times, while Mistress took that seductive body up to the Executive Suite. She came up for air about an hour later, "refreshed", and suggested I join her upstairs as she dressed for a walk with one of her female friends.

But before she dressed, she took this photo  to share with David, via text. I like those perky nipples!

"So how did that go, Mistress?"

"Nice, Slave.... he seems to want me."

"No doubt .... And were there any rituals he's indulging in with you?"

"I'm to call him Master, Slave. and he calls me his little sex slave."

"Well, he's definitely picked up on that little kink."

She also announced there is a change of plans for her Tuesday date with David. Instead of meeting him at a local restaurant, she's invited him over to our house for dinner.

"I told him you're a great cook, Slave. He's anxious to meet you. Sounds like we have a lot in common, including politics. Of course, he knows about our 'arrangement'....is that OK?"

Who am I to object?  Sounds like Tuesday will be an interesting evening at the UCTMW World HQ. I'd better plan my menu.

And now there is a third candidate.

He popped up in Mistress's Ashley Madison in-box late last week, and a combination of his profile and hunky photos piqued Mistress's interest. He's also 42, like Matt. An Engineer for a large local company. Divorced, but with a girl friend in a different time zone.

"Am I crazy to interview another one, Slave?"

"Well who knows.... the first two could be busts.... nothing hurts to conduct proper due diligence ... cast the nest as wide as possible."

Yesterday afternoon we headed up to have dinner with our cute Co-Ed, taking Mistress's mother along with us. And while David, who lives in the same small town, lobbied Mistress to drop by at his house on this little trip, she demurred, figuring it might be a little hard to explain that little detour to her Mother.

Imagine it: "Mom.... I need to stop at this guy's house for about 30 minutes to test for 'chemistry'. Do you mind waiting with Mick in the car?"

But she was fielding a barage of texts (0r in David's case, 'sexts') from her three 'cougar bait' suitors as we drove up and back to the charming college town, with Mom in the back seat.

Once we had dropped her mother off, Mistress announced that Cougar Bait # 3 wanted to talk. But so did Matt. Priorities?

She elected to talk to the guy she had not yet talked with - Kevin. I watched a bit of the Broncos game on TV, as she adjourned to our living room, chatting with him in the dark for at least an hour.  She joined me back upstairs at around 10 pm.

"So what's the verdict, Mistress...."

"Definitely a contender, Slave .... I told him we could meet for a drink after work on Thursday."

After some end of the day worship, Mistress and I turned off the lights and settled into bed. She will need her rest for the week ahead.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mistress's Day of Rest

Mistress was wise to rest a bit here on  Saturday.

After some early morning wake-up sex in the Executive Suite, Slave was off to teach a voting rights to some election day volunteers, and Mistress went to her spinning class and tended to her nails.

And Suzanne will be pleased to know that Mistress made sure I was locked safely away in my steel cage for the duration of our time apart.

"I know it can be uncomfortable Slave, but I really can't trust you at these political events."

After noon, on my way to visit my cranky mother, I checked in with Mistress via phone to see how her morning had gone.

"Good. Slave. nice class. And Dave (cougar bait #2) called me while I was headed there.... I think he was in the mood for more phone sex, but it's a little hard to do that while driving."

Once I made it home the rest of the afternoon was spent in bed. Mistress napped first.  I joined her. Then there was some slow and lazy twilight sex.  Mistress was in her black T-shirt showing her "team colors". Slave was too lazy to yank it off. I think her nipples may still be a little tender from her encounter with Nick earlier this week.  And, in any event, I was focused more on attending to those clean shaven folds.

All through the afternoon, it was hard not to notice the little soft buzz as text messages from Matt (this week's cougar bait #1) were flowing into Mistress's I-phone. Matt (the divorced guy)  was at his cabin out in the country with his two young kids, giving Mistress updates, and sending cute photos. 

This one seems very earnest, and certainly vanilla. But I think he's working hard to charm Mistress, and who can resist someone trying so hard to flatter and please.

Later, after we watched the old Hitchcock classic "Marnie" ( a very strange psychological drama with a young Sean Connery and Tipi Hedron with an utterly politically incorrect honeymoon "rape" scene"), Slave settled down with a certain anticipatory dread to watch what I anticipated to be the comeuppance of my so far undefeated Alma Mater at the hands of the much faster Sooners.

Somewhere into the first quarter, Mistress said that Matt had put his kids to bed, and wanted to call.

"You don't mind, do you, Slave."

Well, of course not. I was still in shock that my team had a 7-3 lead after the first quarter.

Mistress slid into the living room, the lights turned low, stretched out on the couch, talking to her wood be lover. During a commercial break, I poured her another glass of white, and served her there. She seemed content to be romanced. 

Later she joined me during the 2nd half 0n the couch, and I let my fingers linger in those moist clean shaven folds as my team, incredibly, built an insurmountable lead in the 4th quarter, stunning the assembled Red Necks in Norman, OK.  I bet they'll remember the sound of our "Victory March" at the end of the game for quite a long time!

"So how is Bachelor # 1, Mistress", I asked, as we headed up to bed.

"He's good Slave. He seems very anxious to meet me for dinner Monday. But he's already warning me that he hasn't had sex in 8 months."


"Let's hope he's taking care of his needs in other ways, Mistress."

"I didn't pry, Slave, but I did ask whether there's a chance he's forgotten how to do it."

She read me a text in which he ticked off Mistress's many charms - beauty, sex appeal, intelligent, accomplished, charm and a sense of humour too. All the things I know, and maybe don't complement her enough about after all these years together.

"It's all true, Mistress. But isn't it nice to get a 2nd opinion confirming the diagnosis every now and then?"

"It certainly is, Slave...."

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cougar Week

Mistress and Slave played hookey Friday afternoon, as Mistress alluded to in her  posting filed last evening.

It had been a long week for both of us, and particularly Mistress who had worked hard and played late on two evenings with Nic (Last week will be dubbed "Out of Towner Week",  retroactively).

So Mistress arranged for me to pick her up at 1 pm at her office, and we lunched at a cute Vietnamese place on an older part of town, before heading straight home, offices be damned.

"Lunch, a nap, sex, and maybe a trip to the gym", was how Mistress laid out our plans.

But we got a little distracted.

We have both found that once you turn Mistress's profile to the "open" position on AM, well, the flood gates are open. And since Mistress is a curious and adventurous sort, it's hard for her not to filter through the applicants and discover a few that peak her interest, particularly when they are persistent in their "pick me" messaging.

By Thursday night, Mistress had moved on from her adventure with Nic, and was sorting through the latest stack of "profiles" and supplications. Of course, some self-disqualify, either by the photos in their "private showcase", or the way they present themselves.

"This one lost me with the Camo-suit, Slave."

No, Mistress does not go for large guys driving fishing boats in camouflage.

And questions about whether you've read "Fifty Shades" seems to be a disqualifier as well.  Too mundane.

There was one guy who used Mistress's alluring photo of her legs spread in the passenger seat of our car as inspiration for a little micro-smut:

We're too far apart so I won't waste your time or mine but I wanted you to know that I love your photo. On a night on the town, I absolutely demand that my date wear stockings and heels. Like most men, I am very visual and when driving, I'd love seeing your great pair of legs with your dress or skirt pulled up just like your photo. I can't help but touch and squeeze the inside of your leg, where your stocking top and skin meet. I'll tell you to slide down in the seat, pull your panties aside and show me what a hot bitch you are. If you're a good girl, I'll let you use the vibrator I keep in my car for such occasions. When we arrive, I always use valet as I will expect you to provide the man opening your door a good look at what I'm going to take later on. And yes, you will wear panties and there is a good reason why :)

Good try!

Some guys can't seem to read her requirement that they be at least 5' 10". Mistress does not want to lean over to kiss you, dudes.

By Friday morning, Mistress had offered her email address and/or phone number to the two gentlemen who had risen to the top of her latest pile. Though there was a little confusion.

As her social secretary I noted that she had sent an email to one applicant, thinking it was the other. "I'm not sure that's the guy who said he wants to Dom you, Mistress."

Oops. (As it turned out, apparently the recipient of that message didn't figure out it was intended for Bachelor #2 instead.)

By the time I picked Mistress up for lunch, she admitted a little sheepishly that the two lucky gentlemen had been vying for her attention via text message through the day. Both are 8-9 years younger.

"I've never been a cougar, Slave....."

"I suppose that might be another thing to check off your bucket list while you can, Mistress."

We got home, stripped off the work clothes and settled into bed. I had some emails to catch up with. She had a power point to review, But there was that constant little distracting buzz as the text messages continued to pore into her I-phone.

As you might expect, Mistress seemed to enjoy the attention. Though I was a little concerned she might get the two text message threads confused.

As it turns out, Bachelor  No. 1 (we'll call him Matt), 42,  lives just a few miles away. Recently divorced.  Sort of conventional, business owner and Dad, but with a sense of humour, and a look that seemed to peak Mistress's interest.Sounds like he's coming off a bad break-up and needs some hand holding. But Mistress seems intrigued.

"I'm having sushi with him Monday night, Slave.  He keeps joking that I'm not allowed to have any sushi until then."

On the other hand, Bachelor No. 2 , 40, is more of a free spirit, and clearly into the kink. He is not married, but does have a teenaged daughter. He's the one who is into the whole Dom thing, and his text messages started out Friday morning rather hard core - urging Mistress to slide into something naughty and follow some rather smutty instructions. But once he learned that Mistress was at work, and wanted to go slow and learn more about him first, he backed off suitably.

As we were preparing for that nap, Mistress saw a text from him and announced that he was going to call her. Slave got to listen into the rather lengthy conversation that ensued. It turns out he lives in the little college town where our cute Co-Ed goes to school, about an hour away. He's spent lots of time out west, snowboards, etc. Mistress likes the "outdoorsy" type (as long as it does not involve guns or camo). With me listening in,  Mistress was quite open in describing the nature of the "power structure" here at UCTMW, including the  whole cuckold thing, and why Mistress is interesting in exploring her Sub side. Dave, as we will call him, was quite intrigued and certainly understood the concepts, something that J had some difficulty with.

They agreed to meet for dinner somewhere near here on Tuesday night.

So this week, Mistress has two more back to back dates, but with considerably younger gentlemen.

When the call was done, we did take that delayed nap. And afterwards, Mistress made sure to ride her Slave's cock to a few bracing cums, before Slave had his opportunity to release all that accumulated sexual tension.

By then the sun was down, and we had to admit to ourselves that that trip to the gym was a mirage of good intentions unfulfilled. Maybe today!

Slave poured some wine, and we adjourned downstairs to watch an episode of "Boardwalk Empire".  But there was one further interruption. Mistress went upstairs to get a sweater, and came back down a little sheepishly.

"Dave called when I was upstairs, Slave.... he wants to know if I'd like to do a little phone sex with him....would you mind?"

Well, what standing would I have to object? And of course I didn't mind. I had been more than satisfied, and if Mistress had some extra sexual tension to discharge, why stand in her way?

So Mistress adjourned to her Executive Suite for about 30 minutes, and came down with a nice satisfied grin.

"How'd that go, Mistress?"

"Ummmm.... nice Slave.... he let me use the hitachi.....Does this make me a slut?"

"That term has no negative connotation in this household, Mistress."

"I'm glad you think so, Slave."


Friday, October 26, 2012

An Update from our CEO

And it goes on...

Hello Friends...what a week. This sort of activity is cutting into my more mundane physical fitness regime. Mick and I left work early, went for a great Vietnamese lunch and came home and hit the sack. Nick was interesting this week. No WC not a sub. I may see him from time-to-time -- I may not. There were some oddities for sure.

As per the life of our household. I have stayed out there. I had heard from two men through AM who both appear compelling as follows:

1) 42, divorced, up the street and interested (dinner scheduled for Monday.)
2) 40, bachelor and 40 min away and loves women my age (old.)

So, since I have not ever been a cougar..isn't it time? And where is our old friend Riff Dog when we need him? I am afraid that we have become AM junkies. I am learning lots --

As time passes tho -- a few things remain consistent for me:

1) This is all about what stimulates Mick and me (selfish -- I tend to think these guys get a good bargain too.)
2) variety is interesting....and interesting to bring home. I really only like to sleep in our own bed. There is no place like home.
3) Ladies -- men are fucked up creatures -- love them, need them, can't live without them -- but wow (need I say more?)
4) I have reaffirmed that I do NOT want to sleep with someone else's husband. Full disclosure -- Nick has his share of the married man guilt -- don't want to be part of that one.

Mick and I will rest up for what promises to be a new week in the saddle.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mistress Does the "Walk of Shame"

As it turned out, Mistress ended up spending the night with Nic at his downtown hotel on Tuesday evening, while Slave languished back at the UCTMW World HQ, alone in her Executive Suite bed, scrupulously following her "no touch" edict.

At around 8 pm, She gave me a heads up that she would be "out" for the night via text message, and even gave me a call from the room when Nic stepped out to collect them some dinner.

(Yes, I won that hypothetical wager that there would be pre-dinner sex, knowing that as a red blooded would be Dom, it would be impossible for Nic to resist Mistress as appetizer).

Mistress had let me know where I could find the key to the cage when I got home, allowing me some freedom at night. But I was under strict orders to re-cage in the morning.

As it turned out, that was particularly frustrating.  Because bfore heading to her office, Mistress walked the two blocks from the hotel to my office, making sure her over night bag was tucked into her car in the basement garage there.

"I was a little worried that someone we know might see me in the lobby Slave.... how would I explain over-nighting in a hotel just a few miles from our house?"

"An early meeting, Mistress?"

Maybe.... and just to be clear, this is a change of clothes!", referencing her outfit.

Sadly,  to me one black dress with black boots looks pretty much like another, but I took her word for it, as I was sliding her "throne" against the door for some 8:45 am worship.

"Strange coming to see you in the morning, Slave, after getting out of bed with someone else.... it's like we are the ones having the affair!"

True, it did feel like old times. And Mistress's folds (which were not clean shaven back in the 80's) tasted every bit as luscious yesterday morning after her marathon with Nic.

I only got a brief summary of their activities before walking her back to her car at the hotel.

"Four times, Slave. Before dinner. then after. Then in the middle of the night. Then again this morning.  He's got quite a sex drive."

"Butthen he's met his match, Mistress...."

Last evening, back at home, Mistress came in talking on our I - phone to  R, the neighbor who was a blog reader and figured out last fall that   "Molly and Mick" lived just down the street. Of course, he had been reading here about Mistress's new beau, and apparently could not wait patiently for an update when your editor got around to posting it today.

"I'm exhausted R..... all that sex.... and my nipples and breasts hurt!"

Poor dear. She says Nic has a fetich about squeezing and biting those sensitive little nubs. Who needs clothespins?

After a bike ride at dusk on a surprisingly balmy evening, Slave finally got to do a more detailed debriefing, while also getting the release I had been awaiting for nearly two days!

It seems that Nic does enjoy playing the Dom role, which had Mistress both excited and a little anxious.

"He's a little dark, and very directive, Slave.... a bit like Micky Rourke in 9 1/2 Weeks.... he knows what he wants."

"Sounds hot, Mistress. But.... "

"Oh... it's definitely hot.... he knows what he's doing.... but he clearly wants to get inside my head....and I'm not sure I want to really go there."

I had a little trouble understanding what she was getting at, but I tried to reassure.

"Maybe you just think of it as a chance to give up control every now and then, knowing that whatever happens you have your devoted husband here as your safety net."

Intriguing, huh?  He does live out of town, so this may be more like a once every month or so thing.  Maybe we can get Mistress to share a little more here in the days to come as she "processes' this experience.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mistress's Second Date Night

For those following the adventures of Molly and Mick, you may be waiting with baited breath to see how things turned out on Mistress's 2nd consecutive date night with her alternative AM suitor. 

But before we get there, I should note that the prospect from Sunday night had a gracious response to Mistress's "no chemistry" email:

Sigh ......   I am disappointed.  I was hoping for a more intimate adventure with you.  The dreaded lack of chemistry, so vague, yet I understand perfectly.   It is either there or not and one cant fabricate it if it is not.  I did sense we did not have extensive sexual chemistry, but I was hoping there was enough. 
Regardless, I enjoyed the night, I had no expectations, and wish you well.  
But let's move onto Monday evening. 
Mistress arranged to meet him at a trendy restaurant downtown, just a block away from my office and Nic's hotel, at around 6:30 pm. Slave had a meeting to go to, and also stopped off to say hi to my cute grand kids. Then I headed home to watch the last big debate of the season.
Mistress was unsure about what might happen after dinner. 
If no chemistry, well, she'd make her excuses and join me to watch Mitt and Barack bicker.
But what if there was chemistry?
"Would it be slutty to go to his hotel room on the first date, Slave?"
We discussed this here last week, but Mistress was still a little confused.
"My guess is the interactions you have with him will tell the story Mistress. Follow your cunt, so to speak...."
"Oh, Slave...."
But I think that's what happened.
Around 7:27 pm (barely an hour into dinner) I got a text from her: 
"Hi Slave.
Mistress may head to his room for a little bit. OK?"
I quickly concluded that her clean shaven folds were sending her a certain message. No doubt the "pump priming" that Nic had engaged in as he laid siege  to her baser impulses via email and text message over the last week  had their desired effect. 

At about 8:30 pm,  shortly before the debate started, I got a call from her.

"Heading over to his hotel, Slave..... is this bad?"

"Are you already wet, in anticipation?"

"Hmmm.... I guess I am...."

"Well then, go for it...."

She sent me this photo via text to let me know the hotel room where she could be found:

It was smart to do, and also a bit of a cock tease as well. Not that I could fully appreciate the gesture, since Slave was still locked away in my cage, where I stayed until around 11:15 pm or so when Mistress arrived home.

Mistress did have that well fucked glow to her when she strolled into our bedroom, and shared with me a little of the details of her evening out.

"He's got that Italian charm, Slave.... very attentive. And he clearly liked my body....
he said he's usually an ass and legs man, but went kind of nuts over my breasts.... in fact my nipples are pretty sore ....  lot's of squeezing and biting, Slave.

"Awww, poor Mistress....."

Sounds like  he felt comfortable taking charge of things.

"Once we were in the room, he pushed me against the wall, held my arms over my head and kissed me hard, Slave....."
So contrary to the WC's conjecture, sounds like Mistress does not have another Sub to manage.

Of course, there was some slow "make out" time before Mistress lost her undies.  

"Was he impressed by your clean shaven look?"

"He loved it Slave.... said he was embarrassed to ask in advance, but wanted to...."

As you can imagine, Mistress was a little tuckered out, and Slave had to wait for his sexual privileges until this morning. But I did get to savor her well utilized parts before we drifted off (making it a little harder for Slave to drift off, come to think of it.)

You can imagine how desperate I was by this morning. Fortunately, Mistress was indulgent when I begged for permission to come.

And I'm home again alone tonight, BTW.  Nic is in town for 3 nights this week.

"Slave, since he won't be back until next month, it would be a shame to waste that opportunity, wouldn't it?"

"Of course it would, Mistress."

She was indulgent though in letting me know where the key to my cage was. 

"But remember.... no touching Slave...."

At his suggestion, she brought an overnight bag with her, and may or may not spend the night.

"We'll see how it goes, Slave....but if I do spend the night, then remember to wear your cage again tomorrow."

"Yes, Mistress...."

I even walked her over to his hotel today at the end of the work day, parting with a kiss on the sidewalk.

"Is this weird, Slave? You walking me to the hotel before my tryst with a guy I just met yesterday?"

"Weird, maybe. But not a bad weird."

We kissed again.

"So want to bet whether you end up having sex before dinner, Mistress.... then again after?"

She actually seemed flustered at the thought.

"I'm not betting on that one way or the other, Slave..."

"My sense is you're all ready turned on at the thought of it, aren't you Mistress."

"No comment, Slave...."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tina Turner Skirt?

Mistress was out the door too early this am, and Slave was groggy from yet another lost night with the Pussycats, who apparently are still doing a victory lap from last year's once every decade play-off appearance. (Maybe they will show up next year?)  As a result, there was no timely blog this am. But since Mistress just stopped by here for some mid-day worship, and Slave still has the musky taste of her clean shaven folds on my lips, maybe now is a good time for a quick update.

First, there was some nice Switch day action at the UCTMW World HQ on Sunday morning. Photos to come later. But it involved Mistress restrained on her tummy, some reddening of her ass spanks, the deployment of the power tool, and some nice fucking by her Slave from behind. She seemed well satisfied by the time the wrist cuffs were unlocked.

The rest of the day involved a bike ride, and some resting up before our evening activities.

Naturally, at the game I was wondering how her break the ice dinner date with "Ed" was going. Sadly, I got a text from her around 8 pm that he was a "nerd".  The update I received this morning was that he was a bit too shy and academic, seemingly older than the 53 years he represented, with no "spark" of connection.

They parted with Mistress dropping him off at his hotel, and him getting a bit of a peck on the cheek.

Not surprisingly, last night after their dinner,  Ed emailed to Mistress his desire for a second date this week while he is in town, describing Mistress as "sexy" and far exceeding his expectations.

"How do I handle this, Slave...."

"The right thing to do is a quick email, explaining that the hoped for chemistry was not there, and that there  will be no second date, Mistress."

After she was suitably worshiped here in my office, she composed a quick email to that effect, read it to me for my input, and sent it off. 

The herd is culled yet again.  But isn't that firm but honest response better than letting things drag out in ambiguity, dear readers?

Moving on, tonight is Mistress's dinner date with "Nic". She's meeting him at 6:30 pm at a downtown hotel, then walking a block or so for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant.

But one issue for Mistress was her selection of a skirt today that I sometimes call her "Tina Turner" outfit.  It's black, composed of overlapping flaps, that can show quite a bit of leg as Mistress's strides the halls or sits demurely at a meeting.  It looks particularly hot with her black, heeled boots. Erupt and gyrate into "Proud Mary" and there is lots to see!

"I threw this on this morning when I was half asleep, Slave.... do I look too slutty?"

Well, what is a devoted Slave to say?

"In the future, for business meetings, you might want to consider tights with that ensemble, Mistress, but I have a feeling your new friend Nic will be jaw droppingly enthralled by this look."

Mistress is a little more optimistic about tonight's meet up. She traded lots of texts and talked to Nic. But of course, you never know how things will go without that personal contact.

Will keep you updated.

Oh, and in case you were curious, Slave is back in his steel cage today.

"I could be late Slave.... and I've hidden the key."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mistress's Busy Upcoming Week

We had a relatively lazy day here Saturday at the UCTMW World HQ. After two consecutive weekends on the road, it was nice not to be overly scheduled.

Some slow and sensuous wake-up sex.

A business breakfast for Mistress while Slave mowed the lawn and did some other "field slave" duties.

A bike ride in the chilly fall air, the local leaves bright with color.

Then as Slave watched his alma mater win a close game against the chaste and sober lads of Mitt Romney's alma mater, Mistress took a nap and visited her mother, just up the street.

When she came home she announced we would be blowing off the party of a work colleague for even more lazing about. That gave us time fort some late afternoon nookie, in which Slave surprised Mistress by deploying her favorite power tool to kick things off. 

"Oh.... we've not used that in a while, Slave...."

After the fireworks subsided, and Slave had his second helping of the day, I  fetched my sated Mistress some gluten free pizza and we watched an HBO movie about the strange relationship of Alfred Hitchcock and Tipi Hedron.

All very indulgent.

But it's clear Mistress needed to rest up this weekend because her dance card has the potential for being very full in the upcoming week.

The two AM prospects at the top of her list - both out-of-towners - are both in town through Wednesday. She has dinner set up with "Ed" tonight, while Slave is at the Pussycats game with a nephew. And she has another dinner with "Nic" tomorrow evening.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether or not there will be personal chemistry with either. But what if there is? With both? That's when the scheduling could get a little dicey for the rest of the week.

Ed is the artist / scientist who seemed particularly intriguing at first. A world traveler. Accomplished painter.  Seemingly up Mistress's alley from an intellect POV. But he also seems a little shy and taciturn. Other than a few emails to set up their meet, there has been little contact over the last week. No "pump priming" from this guy, and Mistress does like communication to build anticipation.

Nic is a corporate type, who comes here a lot for business. He's Italian, with a bit of a Nicholas Cage look based on the photos he's shared. He's the guy with the prose that the WC deems a little squishy, but which Mistress admits has gotten her a little squirmy. (Plus he uses punctuation!)

And Nic has already wanted to confirm that Mistress can also be available later in the week. On the other hand, Ed seems the more prudent "take it slow" kind of guy.  Both of them will be staying in our rather compact downtown this week, adding a little cloak and dagger to the plot.

You can bet Slave will  be anxiously waiting to see how both of her dates go.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mistress's "Business" Lunch

In addition to several AM suitors, Mistress got an interesting proposition at lunch the other day that she described to me on her drive home.

There's a gentlemen who's been eager to lunch with her. He's the "think tank" type who has a long resume of publications. Indeed, it seems odd that he's here in River City at all. Somehow he ended up here following a wife who is now no longer his wife. Mistress lunched with him several weeks ago, and he was nagging her for another one. Thursday was the day.

The other odd thing: two Sundays ago, when we were driving back from visiting our daughter in Maryland, and Mistress was relaunching her AM screening process, the two of them got into an email exchange. He was asking if she had any female friends he might get involved with. She was playing along, asking about his "specifications".  It became clear as she read me their back and forth that what he was looking for was someone like Mistress, but "available".

Sadly, this is not a town where lots of sexy, smart, professional and "available" women are falling off trees. Mistress did not have any come to mind for this poor guy. But she had no reluctance to flirt back in their exchange.

"This guy could be a prospect, Mistress. He clearly wants you. He's single. Local."

"He probably does, Slave. He's smart, interesting. Very opinionated. But he's too..... short, and nebbishy...."

I wasn't so sure. But of course, Mistress is always right on such things, isn't she?

But somehow, the door was not quite shut all the way,   leading to Thursday's lunch date.

She called me on the drive home, after their lunch of about 90 minutes or so.

"I can't believe it, Slave.... he tried to kiss me in the parking lot.....in public".

I urged her to back up and tell me the whole story.

"Well, at some point he asked if I was sending him 'signals' Slave...."

"And you said....."

"Well, I explained a little bit about our 'arrangement', not the Slave part, but that I had 'permission' if I wanted to have alternative relationships, and maybe that's what he was picking up...."

"And he said....."

"That we should have some type of an affair.... that he found me very attractive."

"Where did you leave it Mistress?"

"I left it unresolved, Slave. I'm not sure I really like him .... he's short....and kind of Woody Allenish.  He said he'd have to talk about this with his analyst...."

"Yeah, very Woody Allen...."

"He said let's have drinks some night and see where it goes."

I got the impression that Mistress was mulling it over, not sure that she wanted to be Diane Keaton to this guy's Woody.

But waht about that kiss?

"He walked me to my car, and when I was opening the door, he sort of put his arm around my waist and tried to move in...."

"And you said...."

"Whoa.... not here, in public.... someone might see who knows me."

I guess if I were him I'd interpret that to mean.... "but in private, that's a different story."

We'll have to see where this subplot takes our heroine.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Priming the Pump

Over the last few days, Mistress has been trading some emails with one of the gentlemen she'll be meeting this coming week. Indeed, I've already made them a dinner reservation for Monday evening.
He clearly has in mind doing something other than watching the 3rd and final debate, and he's getting some brownie points with Molly through his purple prose.

Some folks respond more to the written word than others, I suppose.  And Mistress is one of them. I suppose I am too. Of course, she likes to tease her Slave with the patter going back and forth among them, both by email and text. And she's authorized me to share some of them here with you.  

This one was in her mailbox Wednesday morning, when we woke in San Francisco:
"Good morning, I hope you had a good dinner.  Drink a bit too much or simply crash from a long day?  I wanted to share a few more thoughts from our chat about erotica and things I find very erotic and stimulating....
...flirting in public and seductive glances
...a bare shoulder
...kissing along the back of your neck
...listening to your reaction and deep breathing
...heels and stockings...attractive legs can be breathtaking       
...the curve of a hip
...slowing exploring with my lips and tongue...arousing....while holding your hands

Just a few thoughts for now...good morning!"

And here's another one that arrived today, that she decided  was worth sharing:

Now in regards to your other thoughts below, let me share a bit more on my perspective, interests and desires...I like to think I know how to please as well and really do a pretty good job, if I do say so!  Obviously everyone is different so part of the allure of this is learning more about what you like....some by you telling me and some by me finding out myself as we go.  As much as I have the desire and nature to be in control, I am very much a pleaser.  Seeing, feeling and hearing you satisfied is very much a huge turn on for me....part of the control I guess but very fulfilling knowing what I do brings pleasure to you.  In the same light, the more I know about what you like the more I'm able to prolong and extend...my control is not only pleasing you, but doing what I enjoy also, even at the expense of denying or delaying what you ultimately want.  If I do it right, it's all about prolonging the excitement and arousal to the point that when you are pleased, you don't just cum, you explode for me.  And it involves heightening multiple senses.  Obviously this is an ongoing process and not something to achieve immediately, but with the right connection and chemistry, it's incredible.

This is also part of the interest in building excitement or the squirm factor.  I said I relish the opportunity to make you squirm which is very much learning to push the right buttons to set you off.  I think I may have found a few already!  I love the play and excitement involved with that.....whispers, touches, glances, breathing, kissing......long, passionate, warm, intense kissing.  Again, heightening the anticipation.  I know I'm doing a good job of it when I get to the point of reaching down and feeling your panties soaked.....and that sets me off.

As part of that control I do enjoy standing behind holding, exploring, caressing.  Part of it is your vulnerability to deal with whatever I do, part of it is my love for holding from behind.  I shared earlier I'm very much a leg/butt man and at some point I guarantee you will be bent over a chair or on your knees on the bed, head down and ass up, as I caress, kiss and nibble my way up the back of your legs and over your ass.  By the way, I do enjoy giving a good spanking, sometimes light and playful, sometimes very firmly, as part of arousing your senses and leading to other fun and naughty things. 

So.....now have a very long peek at some of me.  Can't wait to hear your response!

I think we can give this guy some credit for his literary foreplay, that seems to have left Mistress squirming a bit in anticipation of their dinner.

Which leaves us with the question she asked me last night on the trip home:

"So what happens after dinner Slave....I shouldn't have sex with him on the first date should I? He'd think I was a slut or something?

" Well that assumes he passes that personal chemistry test, and if he does, Can't you say .... no sex on the first night but do some "other things".... (I guess that sounds a little Clintonesque doesn't it?)

"Yeah, but once you're in that hotel room....."

"The flesh is weak, Mistress?"

"Could be.... maybe we should ask our readers what they think."

So let's hear from you, dear readers, should she or shouldn't she?  Let us know your strategic and tactical advice for Mistress's potential Monday night plight. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bears in Bondage?

Mistress and Slave spent another day in this beautiful city Tuesday, but we are heading back to River City later this morning.  She had some work to do yesterday, giving Slave sometime to gamble about the town, wandering through North Beach and lolling at a coffee shop over a latte and my email.

Obviously, it's an edgier city than where we live, and I had to shoot a few of the kinkier window displays, like this one -- but what's with the bears in bondage imagery?  I know 'Nilla loves bears, so maybe this can inspire something:

I did see some lovely lingerie windows, that might set Tammy and Suzanne all a flutter:

Or these outfits, which I texted to Mistress at her conference:

Last night, after some pre-dinner worship, Mistress directed me to run through her AM correspondence one more time before locking it down for the time being. What amazes is the persistence of some guys to spend their AM credits with repeated entreaties, often culminating in "so just send me a message back explaining why you aren't interested in me!"

"I think doing that would only encourage them to keep whining, Slave."

Suffice it to say that Mistress makes the call based on an algorhytmn that is highly complex, but involves factors such as height, relative weight, face (after they send a key to their "private showcase"), whether the "showcase" contains unrequested body parts. whether they start out complaining about their wives or lovers ( a no no), and obvious grammatical or spelling errors (i.e., claiming you are "colleged educated"). The bottom line: she knows one when she sees one.

She has set up two "dates" this coming week, with two out of towners who will be in River City for a few days. One is set for Sunday evening (Slave will be at the Pussycats game); another is Monday evening, and Slave has been directed to make a dinner arrangement at a local Italian restaurant.

The tricky part will be scheduling a second encounter if it seems appropriate for later in the week. the two are already bidding for her Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

"This could be tricky, Slave.... and they're staying at hotels only a few blocks from one another."

Of course, isn't it more likely that one or the another, and maybe both, will not "click" when the test for personal chemistry is applied?

"I'm sure you have the skills to figure this out Mistress. You are a highly accomplished multi-tasker."

Of course, there are a few "back-ups" on the list. Locals who want to set up time to meet for a coffee

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shelter From the Storm

Well it really wasn't a storm.

On our last morning at the beach that misty coastal fog had dropped down over the coastline, as it is wont to do through the year. But we wanted to get one last walk along the beach in before Heading into the City for a presentation Mistress will make later today at a trade association conference.

So after some invigorating wake-up sex in our little B & B room, we headed north along the beach, which ends in a warren of boulders and cliffs.

It had been several years  since we had been to this particular beach, but Mistress has an amazing memory, and recalled a summer visit years ago when the wind was blowing and we found a sheltered space between rocks to "hang out".

Maybe it was that re-awoken memory, or the talk about how one of her suitors is touting his oral sex talents, but it seemed that this deserted beach and the private spaces it made available should not be put to waste.

"Would you like a little surf-side worship, Mistress?"

She didn't put up much of an argument.

Soon her athletic shorts were dipping to her ankles.

And Slave was on his knees, pressing my lips to those delightful clean shaven folds. It was not long before Mistress was thrusting her hips at me, her fingers twisting into my fading gray locks, moaning with a little early morning delight to the background sounds of surf and a distant fog horn.

It was a good way for us to wind up that phase of our little holiday.

We spent the rest of the day back in the City, under a wonderful blue sky and warm temperatures. 

Oddly, along the beach and in the City yesterday we did see some things that reminded me of 'Nilla and her penchant for tentacle sex tales.

I mean look at this beach detritus, 'Nilla?

 But even more shocking is that the notion of questing tentacles with an oddly sexual twist has clearly gone mainstream, as this window off Union Square shows:

Mistress was a little surprised when I took this photo, so I explained the 'Nilla tentacle sex genre to her.

"You know, probing phallii filling every potential orifice at once, while binding your legs and arms at the same time as the "victim" of this cruel assault writhes in ecstasy?"

She looked at the window display again.

"Yeah... I could see the appeal of that."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Just Another Day at the Beach

Mistress and Slave got a full day of surf and sun on our Sunday. Preceded, of course, by some pre-dawn wake up sex. It seems our body clocks know when it's time to fuck, no matter the time zone. 

In lieu of switch day, Slave requested some cock riding from my beloved, and Mistress rode herself to a few groaning with ecstasy cums before, tired, she rolled over and let Slave have his way with her. But after a brief recuperative snooze, we slid into some hiking clothes, enjoyed breakfast at a locals' haunt, and then headed for the Point Reyes National Seashore, just up the coast.

The fog was clinging to the coast through the morning, and we got a good workout walking two miles or so along the wild coast line,  huge breakes crashing just a few feet off shore.

After our walk, we stopped by a little town we'd been to years ago, then headed back to the beach at Bolinas, where the sun was bright, the skies were blue and the surfers were in their wet suits.

We spread out a picnic lunch, and read a bit, with Mistress intermittently responding to text messages from one of her AM "prospects".

"he's asking about what I like Slave....."

"Oh really, and what does he like?"

"Sounds like he's into worship too.... "

Of course, Slave enjoys the competition. It will only make me raise my game.

By now, Mistress has culled the potential suitors down to two interesting fellows, both out of towners with frequent travels to River City. She has back to back dinner "dates" set up with them for early next week.

"What if you like both of them, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm..... I guess we'll have to sort that out later, Slave.

After the sun got low and the wind picked up, we abandoned the beach, and headed back to our funky B & B. 

It made sense to have a little more sex before dinner, didn't it? All that text message flirtation seemed to make both of us horny.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Surf's Up

Mistress and Slave were stunned by the weather here in this little beach town, just north of San Francisco. We were expecting fog and chill. Instead we got a lovely sunny day, great for laying on the beach, after a long beach walk this morning.

we are staying at a rather funky B & B, a small room off a little courtyard, in a place with a rather laid back management. So laid back that we had to find our own room last night when we "checked in". Fortunately, we must have found the right one!

Of course, still being on eastern time, we went to bed early last night (10 pm west coast time), and woke in what seemed like the middle of the night. Slave's pent up sexual demand seemed to coincide with some hunger for my work-a-day cock on Mistress's part. So there was some worship and fucking at around 4 am here, and then, again at around 8 am, before we headed out for that beach walk.

The internet service is a little spotty, but Slave found a way to get his alma mater on the I-phone, allowing me to sit on this gorgeous beach with Mistress, while hearing the lads beat the brainiacs from "The Farm" in overtime. Quite frankly, it ws better to listen too the dramatics on the radio, rather than suffer through it on TV.

In the meantime, Mistress was soaking up the sun, reading from her kindle, and exchanging text messages with one of her new AM "suitors", so I don;t think she minded her Slave's focus on the events transpiring back in Indiana.

Later, we drove down to Bolinas, a quintessential surfer / hippy town where we stumbled onto a combination harvest festival and rage, where we sipped some local wine and bought some picnic provisions for tomorrow. 

Summer is still happening out here, friends. So explain why we head back to River City on Wednesday? 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Heading West

Mick and Molly are winging westward for a few days along the northern California coast. We've left our offices behind. It will be a great to break away for the next few days. But because we were up late last night with friends, watching and then breaking down the great VP debate I was a little too lazy to post this morning.

I also need to catch you up on developments over the last few days.

Thursday, Slave was on punishment cage duty, despite the cold weather. I had engaged in some socializing which Mistress deemed, upon further review, beyond my proper role as her Slave.

It started our Wednesday morning. I got a text message from a woman who is a "facebook" friend to both of us. She shows up every now and then commenting on my cute little postings of family pictures or political commentary. But I don't really know her.

Mistress, on the other hand, has seen her bounce around at the periphery of her life over the years. She was friends with Mistress's former husband.

And, oddly, she apparently had an affair with my late brother back when they worked together. I suspect I may have met her in those days, but quite frankly have no specific recall.

Oh, and she had dated J before he "hooked up" with Mistress.

Yeah, it is a small town.

So this lady emails me. Says she works in our building and has a political question to ask me.

Could we meet at 4 pm for coffee at the shop on our lobby.

Sure, I say. A bit surprised.

I go down to the lobby. There she is, greeting me (though she's not someone I recognized).  A woman in her 40's. But the coffee shop is closed at 4 pm.

"Let's have a beer instead," she says.

I had some work to polish off, but why not?

We find a little sidewalk bar across the street, where the Playoff game is just starting. Order beers.

She talks in this rapid staccato. Never really stopping. Reminds me of my mother, who I swear is always afraid to stop talking for fear her son will say goodbye.

After about 30 minutes, my beer done, the Local lads already losing 1-0 in a game they will end up on the wrong side of, I make my farewell and head back to the office.

And before I picked Mistress up, I texted her saying "funny run-in with your friend Sara D."

Mistress's curiosity was peaked.  When she settled into the car, she had twenty questions for me on the what, when, where and why.

"I don't trust her Slave. She's very predatory.  There's no good reason for her to call you out of the blue."

It seemed pretty bland to me. At most she was pumping me for contacts for her business: sales in a construction trade.  Certainly not a come on.

But Mistress had her doubts.

"You're wearing your cage tomorrow, Slave.... and I want you to report any more contacts from that woman."

Of course, Mistress is always right.

And as it turned out, I got tickets for the last game of a once glorious season for the River City team.  With the cage on, Slave's pissing options were definitely limited. and the cold weather had me squirming all through nine desultory if drama packed innings.

Rest assured,  I avoided beers at the stadium to limit those trips to the crowded mens' rooms.

And the local team. Well they left their bats in San Francisco.

When I made it home after the game, Mistress mercifully unlocked me. And I returned the favor by devoting myself to her pleasure.

The only down side to our late night last night, and an early wake-up this morning, is that Slave has been on Abstinence since Thursday morning.

You can bet I'm looking forward to getting tucked into that Bed and Breakfast on Hwy 1 later tonight.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Culling the Herd

The last two evenings were nice, stay at homers in our empty nest. Last night we even squeezed in a bike ride. But as Slave preped dinner and watched our local baseball squad fritter a way two chances to move on in the play-offs, Mistress was wrapped up in the amusing game of culling down the babbling herd of Ashley Madison callers.

It certainly brought to mind the comparably high skill set of the long lost Riff Dog, and his blog about how to master the very Darwinian world of on-line match making for the married set.

My guess is that when that fetching photo of Mistress's legs popped up again on AM Sunday morning, alarms went off in the baser confines of male AM addicts throughout our River Valley.  By Monday AM, Mistress's inbox was full of a variety of messages, winks, "you have an admirer" notices, and keys to "private showcases" (i.e. photos, usually lame, too often taken in a bathroom mirror so you can see the camera in their hand).

Rest assured that Mistress can be rather ruthless in quickly discarding most of these pretenders, to build a much shorter list of potential contenders.

 She sticks to her height restriction ("at least 6' Slave, because tat means they are really 5'10"".)  Plus " I hate to be superficial, but some photos ... well, I know it when I see it.")

And there are certain communication standards that can get you sent to the "trash".

Like typing "chow" as a sign off, rather than the proper Italian spelling.

Or maybe pointing out that you don't love your wife, which somehow explains why you're coming on to mine.

Mistress has been a little more elastic when it comes to age though. Tuesday night, as my team booted away the game in the 10th, she was flirtatiously chatting via Ymail with a lawyer from south of here who was only 42.

"Would that make me a cougar, Slave...."

"I'd think so, Mistress.... but who's to complain? You could certainly hold your own with a 30 year old, though I'm not sure most 30 year olds would know what to do with you. It takes some experience and know  how."

And there seems to be a few who might make the cut who live out of town, but travel here regularly for business.

"That might be interesting, Slave.... with hotel rooms I wouldn't have to worry about whether someone ever cleans their bathrooms. "

It's obvious that some of these folks are clearly looking for "daytime nooky", that doesn't fit with Mistress's busy work schedule. One potential contender got cut last night when it became clear he only was available during business hours.

"He needs a bored housewife, Slave. Not me."

Last night, as I was grilling some flank steak, we made up a spread sheet to keep the current list of contenders straight, featuring columns for name, location, age, size and "amusing characteristics", such as profession, ethnicity, etc.  There's the "Italian", from out of town; the "Swimmer" (who apparently was one of 70 or so swimmers that accompanied Molly a few weeks ago on her Rover swim); The "artist"; and the "Lawyer/musician".

Mistress's dance card could be pretty full by the time we return late next week from a trip we are taking to California on Friday.