Friday, July 6, 2012

Day at the Beach

Yesterday morning, after some gratifying wake-up sex, Mistress suggested that we skip our morning bike ride and go to "the beach. "

It's the spot we've talked about before, at the end of a dusty dirt road that takes us to the rim of the Rio Grande gorge, then about a 20 minute hike down what had been a primitive road for stage coaches traversing the river back in the 1880's or so across a long washed out toll bridge.

The hot springs at the bottom of the trail have been used by everyone from ancient native American tribes to Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in a scene in Easy Rider.

The nice part is the lovely quiet down there, particularly in the morning, before the families, hippies and dogs find there way down the trial. The sound of the slow moving river, particularly low in light of the lack of rain in the Rockies, is a wonderful tanquilizer.

It's so much nicer than listening to redneck yahoos on their Jet-skis and power boats as they are known to do on some New England lakes over the 4th of July.

We stayed until around 1 pm or so, when the afternoon "monsoon" storm clouds began to gather and thunder rumbled down the gorge. That left us with a good chunk of the afternoon to do what Mistress and Slave do best: lolling in bed, Mistress laying back to allow her Slave to worship her clean shaven folds at her leisure, then generously giving me the chance to fuck her with all the energy I could muster. And muster I did.

After being badgered by one of those Texas wives to share a late afternoon cocktail, Mistress relented and headed off with her at about 4:30 pm to a local cantina. In her absence, Slave did some work out on our patio, watching the storm clouds and lightening dance around our mountain, delivering some much needed rain.

The sad part is that we need to hit the road back to River City this afternoon. Too short a time here, and we'll be returning to a very full nest- we will be meeting our long lost surly teen at the River City airport Saturday evening, after a year of studies overseas.

So for 6 weeks or so, until they both head off to college in late August, Mistress and Slave may have some serious style cramping to deal with.  Mistress is already a little antsy about how to arrange for those uplifting encounters with her lover J. It could be a little tough, because this surly teen is much more curious about what her Mom is up to than her older "cute co-ed" sister.

We can already imagine her cross examination "So how do you know this guy?"

Ah well.... time for Slave to slink back to Mistress in our rustic hideaway bed chamber for a last morning of suitable worship.


  1. I've skimmed your blog for over a year. Finally started reading a little closer. I think I know the River City you are in!


    1. You would not be the first one who figured out our wherabouts, Master J.


  2. Answer to how you know this guy could go one of two ways I guess - truth or distraction. Of course, as parents, you can always say, "None of your business." But that would probably cause surliness, not end it. :)

    1. thanks, Kitty. In this case "none of your business" who just fire up the curiosity even more.


  3. Maybe Molly needs to take up golf. Business acquaintance usually works, but not always. A client of sorts? I'm sure you'll come up with a good cover story.

    FYI, no jet skis allowed on the lake where we have our family lake house. Snob zoning of sorts. So the yahoos had to settle on Winnipesaukee.


    1. nothing says the 4th of July like the smell of gasoline, the roar of barely muffled engines, and ubiquitous oil slicks on what might otherwise me a pastoral setting.

      I'm glad you've found a more exclusive lake, Suzanne.


  4. *snicker*
    Love the picture you chose to represent "redneck yahoos" on jet skis.

  5. Having an empty nest sure has its benefits. Of course, there's always the obligatory visits. Thank goodness we haven't experienced the boomerang effect yet.


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