Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mistress Entertains her Lover at Home While Slave is Out of Town

Slave is hunkered down here in DC at a professional conference. It's one of those big convention hotels with maze like corridors,  and naturally there are lots of other meetings and events going on at the same time.

Last night as I returned from dinner I noticed that this morning there is something here called the "National Catholic Prayer Breakfast". Well, as you may have noticed from random remarks here over the months, Slave was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through College.

But this crowd apparently is not the sort of Catholic crowd I was raised around - at bingos, or in a big assed college football stadium. No, these folks are the ban birth control and abortion crowd, who have got louder and louder in recent years. (Also the variety that seems to shelter pedophiles, but then that's a whole other rant, isn't it?)

I noticed this sign for an obscure college I'd never heard of:

You can bet I won't be praying for these folks this morning as they try to deny contraception coverage to their female employees.

But, as you can see, Slave doesn't have the content for a proper sex blog here in my lonely hotel room.

On the other hand, I did get an update from Mistress on her evening at home with J.

She called me at around 11 pm, to report that J had just left and she was headed to bed. Because of a very early business meeting he was unable to spend the night.  But it sounded like things were hot enough to tide Mistress over until we get together here at the hotel this evening.

"We had some food, watched MadMen, then, well .... that's when the sex part began, Slave."

"Any details you want to share with our readers, Mistress?"

"Let's just say things started downstairs before they resumed upstairs, Slave...."

"Oh really?"

"We broke in the breakfast table, for one thing?"

"Hmmm..... you were actually on the table?"

"I was Slave .... on my back.... but he was standing."

"Wow.... now that's impressive...."

It will give me something to mull over the next time I eat my corn flakes there.  Fortunately, it's an old farm table, with thick sturdy legs. 

"I hope you got your fair share of cums last night, Mistress."

"Not to worry, Slave...."

Unfortunately for me, there was no waiver of the "no touch" rule.  Her Slave will be amply desperate for her tonight. I'm hoping her plane gets here on time so there will be some opportunity for a little sexual relief before we head to dinner.

Otherwise it could be a long night.

We did get a couple of questions yesterday from 'Nilla and AIsha asking if J can be categorized somewhere on the Dom - Sub continuum. While I will defer to Mistress for a more definitive answer, I think it's fair to say that their endeavors have been more conventional ( if rather athletic) than kinky,  Though it seems J has enjoyed it when Mistress has tied him to the bed in his love shack.

We'll just have to see how this develops.


  1. Hi Mick, I will be interested to see Nilla and Aisha's dom-sub continuum once it's further along.

    I must say that Molly's doms seem fairly switchy don't they?

    Sorry you are on your own, but absence does make the heart grow fonder!

    1. And abstinence makes the cock grow longer...

  2. Surely slave can go a day or two without aching for release ;)

    Glad Molly is enjoying her time without you.

    Mistress Aimee

  3. They can't be real Catholics if they don't believe in Bingo and the like. Unfortunately, they're out there though.

    Too bad the no touch rule was in effect. I suspect that kitchen table scene had to be tough on you. Have fun tonight.


  4. Your a better man than me Mick

    I would have touched:)

    I gather you didn't find and secret service parties...


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