Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In Transit

Another morning at another airport.... it's a routine that Slave has been able to avoid over the last few years, but still filled with annoyance from the all too familiar dulling routine of the security line and all the rest.  It's no fun  sliding out of bed before 5 am when Mistress is there, all warm and cuddly.

Fortunately, we got in some "quality" time yesterday.... a little lolling in bed and slow and tasty wake up sex.  Then, at the end of the day, some worship before a bike ride. A nice dinner at home, then some drawn out love making before bed time.

It will have to keep me going until Mistress arrives to meet me in DC on Thursday evening, because the "no touching" rule is in effect until then.

Mistress does have some plans of her own this evening though, which she reminded me of as she teased my desperate cock last night with her warm and tender lips.

"Are you looking forward to the taste of your other cock Wednesday evening, Mistress?"

"Ummmmm...... I suppose I am Slave....."

She and J have some plans this evening.... he'll be coming over for the evening, helping to warm Mistress's bed in her Slave's absence.  A little change of pace from Mistress favorite relief pitcher is in order.

And Slave will stew in his solo hotel room tonight in our nation's capitol, looking forward to my own relief Thursday evening. 

Unless I can find a Secret Service party to glom onto ....


  1. I think I am finally caught up on all your goin's on you two wild things!

    Wow, miss a week of reading and one misses a LOT of good stuff.

    Speaking of stuff, makes me think of nilla has a q...(or twenty?!)

    Is J a Dom and Mistress his sub?

    Just curious as to how that dynamic is blooming...and of course it is none of my business...

    but inquiring minds and all that...



  2. Funny Mick!

    They are the party boys arent they?

  3. i'm kinda with 'Nilla ~ what is the dynamic there? i'm really glad it's working well for you, whatever the dynamic is.


  4. I giggled at the secret service party too - I totally see you at one of those - NOT.


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