Thursday, April 12, 2012

HNT / Long Day in the Cage

Not much to report here from UCTMW World HQ.  Mistress has been out of town since last night. Slave has been working his ass off while she is away. And because I had a potentially "hazardous" politial event to go to tonight, Mistress made sure I had my cage on through the day.... and it was a long one.

"Better you be safe than me be sorry, Slave...."

"Yes, Mistress", was all I could say, and I texted her a photo with the cage in place this morning before I headed to work.

Now I'm finally home, preparing for another long work day tomorrow. Mistress is dining with an old friend on the road.  I'm surely looking forward to seeing her hack here in the World HQ tomorrow evening. And we have dinner out with J planned for Saturday evening.... so things to look forward to.

In the meantime, at least I can reflect on how life was at our Mountain hideaway just a few days ago....


  1. Mick,

    Jay's asleep and I'm certainly not going to wake him to see this photo. The first thing he'd look for is the "Virgin Islands."


  2. I like the strategic position of the ship.

  3. nice pic...sorry you two have to spend time apart...i suspect how uncomfortable it is to be caged all day...phew.

    and over all that?

    i know how very much you miss your beloved.



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