Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dinner Out With the Three of Us

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we got our heads back on the ground today. Though Mistress had a breakfast meeting with her Boss, a little earlier than she would have preferred, we did have the opportunity for some slow and deliberate wake up sex.  After two days off that schedule, it was quite a relief to get back into a proper groove.

After that, Mistress was off to her breakfast meeting and Slave was taking his cute grandsons on a little outing.  I made sure to pick up a little treat for Mistress while I was out, to make amends for my Easter Sunday negligence.
 Yucky, I know. But she clearly has a soft spot for these suckers, which I think have a half life of about 30 years.

Later we both went to our gym for a little early afternoon workout, before reconvening in the Executive Suite.  After a much needed nap - there's been a serious sleep deficiency this week - Mistress and Slave had round two of the day. Again, nothing flashy, just some nice worship of those clean shaven folds, followed by Slave getting permission to fuck his loving Mistress to his heart's content.

By then it was almost time for Mistress's lover J to show here for our dinner out. But, quite cleverly I might add, Mistress arranged for J to show here more than two hours before it was time to leave for dinner.

Do you think she had something in mind?

While I was getting dressed to welcome our guest. Mistress seemed in no rush, sliding a short, silky, cream colored robe over her lush nakedness.

"Does this make me a slut, Slave?"

Who was I to suggest that.

"Of course not Mistress..... just a very welcoming Hostess."

As it turned out, Slave had several days worth of the NY Times to catch up with, and a few household chores to handle as Mistress entertained J upstairs in the time before we headed off to dinner.

We had selected a favorite spot of ours in a City neighborhood, and a place J had never been before. The joint was hopping with a trendy crowd, and we saw some friends we chatted with as we waited for our table.  While I think there could have been some initial discomfort at the  thought of this three way "date night", it turned out quite nicely. Mistress noted a mutual acquaintance ( a woman who's husband died a year or two ago) out with another couple, and said, "who knows, maybe there's an interesting dynamic there too!"

Somehow I didn't think so.

While most of our conversation was typical dinner table story telling, at some point Mistress asked the open ended question --- "well, is this a little strange, or what?"

And I suspect that J is still wrapping his head around it.  But I tried to put him at ease with a sports analogy.

"Not at all..... think of me as the starting pitcher..... but a good starter always needs a relief pitcher.... a closer.... to step in for him."

Jay understood the concept.

"Right, when that pitch count gets up.... well.... you don't want to wear out that 'arm'".

Mistress teased J about a statement she claims he made a few weeks back --- that, according to her, he suggested he could probably only meet her demanding standards "a couple times a week".  He said it was really "a few", certainly more than twice a week.  But regardless, we understood his POV.  He's like the starting pitcher with the overpowering fast ball, who needs some time between starts to get his "arm" back together.

On the other hand, Slave is conditioned more like that old knuckleballer, Joe Niekro. Maybe he did not have much "stuff" on the ball, but he could be on the mound most every night, into his late 40's.

And it seems Mistress is enjoying the varierty of styles from her "bullpen".

When we got home, at around 11 pm, we were all ready for bed.

Mistress had made it clear at dinner what the sleeping arrangements would be.

"You'll be sleeping with me, J, in the (sullen teen's) room," which is down the hall from the "Executive Suite"

And while J offerred to sleep solo downstairs, she would hear nothing of it.

Mistress did her bed time face washing rituals, back in that short robe, then kissed her Slave goodnight.  As always, she took my "temperature", making sure her Slave was comfortable with the concept.

"Of course, Mistress....."

I was the first riser this morning. Mistress must have heard me up, making coffee, and drifted down the stairs, completely naked, to give me a kiss.

"Hope we didn't wake you, Slave....", then she headed back to bed with J.

Come to think of it,  there were some ambient moaning sounds emerging from their room at around 6 am or so.  I suspect I'll hear about it later.


  1. Every team needs a good bullpen. You guys seem to be doing a great job of rounding out your roster!


    1. Interesting husband and I have toyed with the idea of having our own playthings. Right now, my head isn't at all ready to accept that. I don't mind watching him or hearing him...but the concept of him being alone with another woman while I am doing something else (say reading or cleaning house) is still pretty foreign. he seems to be fine with me taking a lover, as long as I take pictures and share the experience with him. I love reading about your experiences, however. Vicarious living, I suppose.

    2. Thanks for the comment LL. No this probably isn't for everyone. But it's an interesting adventure.


  2. Wow that is a lot of sex!

    But not enough apparently

    So maybe you do need to bring the other Jay or even Suzanne:) into the rotation

    Come to think of it maybe Suzanne would be a better pitcher for the team:) on a east coast swing

    The very impressed,



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