Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cruising for a Bruising?

Mistress and Slave cashed in on that fresh snow yesterday, spending several hours on the slopes in a fresh 15 inches of powder. You could tell from the crowd that showed up on such short notice that quite a few sick and personal days were being taken in these parts, and more than a few teenagers conned their parents into calling in to school with some lame excuse for their absence.

Of course, the skiing did not cut into the time dedicated to wake up and apres ski sex here in our mountain hideaway. 

But it was after the post-coital buzz faded, and the sun was beginning to pop out just in time for a dramatic sunset (you can see it lighting up the mountain in the picture above), that Mistress talked to J by phone, and reported on my "misbehavior".

She insists I must be subliminally seeking out a cropping on my bony ass, based on some comments I made at a dinner party with friends Monday evening. But I will let you, dear readers, be the Judges.

We were discussing the local ski patrol stalwart who  spends much of his year climbing and hiking. He holds the American record for summits of  Everest, and recently treked to the South Pole. As reported here a few weeks ago, Mistress has a damp spot for him, and I think you know where.

So when his name came up, it seemed only fair to mention that Mistress "has a free pass" for him if the opportunity ever presented itself. In fact, I added "Molly has a free pass with anyone who meets her fancy...."

This earned a few catcalls from our dinner group, though I assumed they were thinking old Mick was just blowing smoke.

After that, Mistress mentioned that she had sent the famous Climber a message on facebook, saying she was happy to meet him back in January in the ski patrol hut. (He sold her a T-shirt, as you may recall.)

"And he actually responded to me!!!"

This is where it could be argued that Slave crossed the line.

"I think she headed straight to our bedroom to masturbate over that little response."

Now this was said as an aside. I am pretty sure no one else but Mistress was paying attention to my mutterings.  But I got that "look" from her, that promised there was a punishment in my future.

I tried to make up for it later, mentioning  that I was always happy to kneel before my beautiful wife in a conversation we were having with another couple. Again, I doubt they understood that I was quite serious.

So what do you think, does Slave deserve to be punished over such innocent cheekiness?


  1. Yes too!


    The shocked,


  2. It seems hardly fair to be punished for stating what may very well be the truth...

  3. In similar circumstances, I would be. And, quite honestly, I have been. lol

  4. Oh yes... I'd say that deserves a good warming. Things can be thought, but shouldn't always be said. Especially as a slave... with a vulnerable backside.

  5. Nope. No way, that is just tellin' it like it is. No harm, no foul.


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