Friday, April 27, 2012

Late Edition

Slave was a little off his game this morning. I had an early conference call, and needed to hit the road for a meeting in our oh-so-flat state capitol, about 2 hours up the highway.

So here's the choice: get up early, brew coffee and write a blog, or hunker down under the sheets with Mistress on an unseasonably chilly Friday morning as long as possible.

Obviously, you know the choice I made. And Mistress rewarded my sloth with some particularly hot wake-up sex, but only after I made sure her clean shaven folds were sufficiently attended to by my lips and tongue.

In fact she was so generous in her attentions, and her enthralling fragrance and the soft texture of her skin was so compelling that it almost made me feel bad that I had given her that "nostalgic" spanking last Sunday in our DC hotel room, turning her bottom all rosey, as depicted in this photo:

So as I sit here in this rather tedious meeting, discretely typing on my laptop in the back of the conference room where no one can tell that I am posting to a sex blog rather than studiously taking notes from yet another tedious power point presentation, I hope you will cut me some slack over my lack of attention to the morning's deadline.

I figure a  little "cheesecake" should ease your impatience when the morning edition of UCTMW does not arrive in your in-box on time.


  1. Bill, Dir of Security UCTMWApril 27, 2012 at 5:11 PM

    Power point will be the death of civilization as we know it. Since it's inception I think I have seen maybe four or five that didn't put me to sleep!

  2. I have to agree with Bill. Boring people create boring Power Point Presentations. Oh, for just a discrete moment with their delete button. No, wait, that type would have their PPP backed up on the jump drive waiting at the ready as it dangles from their key chain. The jump drive has replaced the pocket protector of days gone by as a symbol of those who delight in dullness.

    Totally understandable late post and totally impressed that you found a fruitful way to spend your time.


  3. I'm surprised that either one of you were even able to wake up this morning after all the sex you had the other day. That alone is impressive. Being able to go at it again and write a sex blog is truly remarkable.


  4. No one has mentioned the rosie cheeks,so I will.Nicely warmed in just the right spot.How can you Not spank that butt?


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