Monday, September 17, 2012

Wherefore Art Though WC?

Mistress and Slave were thrown a curve ball today.... we arrived at the Colorado Springs airport to learn that our flight to DFW was canceled. They had generously rebooked us on a flight that would leave in the morning Tuesday.


But Slave went to work, despite some mendacity at American Airlines phone booking service, and found us an alternative flight out of Denver at 7 pm. It would get us to River City only about 15 minutes after our original scheduled arrival.

And even better, it gave us enough time to make a snap inspection of the UCTMW Mountain Zone HQ.

But when we reached out to our "head" of that office, he fell off the map. He knew we were in the area. Mistress even spoke with him on the way to Colorado Springs.  But despite our attempts to contact him and ask him to ferry us to Denver in the high priced company vehicle he's been tooling around in all these years.... Nada.  He disappeared into the internet ether.

Or did he? Could he have been surreptitiously checking his management team out all along as we waited for our flight? Check out this photo I took of a mysterious guy who seemed to be tailing us this afternoon, in a Bronco Jersey....


  1. Bill, Dir of Security UCTMWSeptember 18, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    I'd like to think it was the WC but since you re-booked on short notice it was probably those safeguards of our flying world, the TSA. This group AKA, Thieves Stealing America was surely after Mistress! With drones gutting our privacy and facial recognition software, they wanted that beautiful women for some enhanced pat downs! Glad your trip was uneventful.

  2. *grin*

    that doesn't look like the WC in *my* fantasies...just sayin'....I'm sure the REAL WC was off hiding office supplies somewhere. LIkely he has some little love shack hideaway in some rocky mountain gulch...where you will someday find cases of WB Mason paper, Bic pens, and Sharpies.


  3. Hey guys,

    I forgot my phone at the office yesterday and never got your message until today


    I would have loved to take you 2 nuts to DIA

    I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!

    I swear Murphy's law alway works


  4. Personally, I think he was taking a deposition from someone with nice breasts.



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